Export AAF files

Export AAF files from Premiere Pro.

Advanced Authoring Format (AAF) is a multimedia file format that allows you to exchange digital media and metadata between platforms, systems, and applications. Authoring applications that support AAF, such as Avid Media Composer, read, and write the data in AAF files as much as they support the format.

Before you export

Consider the following:

  • The AAF files exported by Premiere Pro are compatible with the Avid Media Composer and Avid Pro Tools. These AAF files have not been tested with other AAF importers.
  • Transitions are placed so they appear only between two clips, not next to the beginning or end of a clip. Each clip must be at least the same length as the transition.

  • If a clip has a transition at both the In and Out points, the clip must be at least the same length as both transitions combined.

  • When naming clips and sequences in Premiere Pro, do not use special characters, accented characters, or characters that affect the parsing of an XML file. Also, do not use characters like  /, >, <, ®, and ü.

  • AAF files exported from Premiere Pro and imported into Avid Media Composer do not automatically relink to the source footage. To relink the footage, use the Batch Import option in Avid Media Composer.


Merged clips are not supported when exporting an AAF file.

Export an AAF

  1. Choose File > Export > AAF.

  2. In the AAF Export Settings dialog box, choose the settings you need, then click OK. Browse to a location for the AAF file, and type a filename. Click Save.

    AAF Export settings
    AAF Export settings

    Callout Title Description
    A Mixdown video This option renders the video tracks into a single clip included next to the AAF. The video file is an MXF using the DNxHD or DNxHR codec. If not selected, the AAF links to each of the existing video files as separate clips.
    B Use tape sources when present Writes Tape Name metadata (if a clip has it) into the AAF so that other applications can relink using Tape Name. If unchecked or missing Tape Name, the AAF refers to the File Name.
    C Breakout to Mono - Enable When checked, Premiere Pro renders new audio media rather than link to the existing audio. Use this option when sending to a dedicated audio application. The AAF and resulting audio media are all in mono with any stereo clips being put on mono tracks labelled Left and Right. If this option is left unchecked, no new audio is rendered and the AAF links to the existing audio files while maintaining the original channelization.
    D Render audio clip effects This option renders any audio effects into the newly-created AAF audio files to ensure they are heard in the destination application.
    E Include clip copies without effects This option is only available if Render audio clip effects is checked, and it includes a copy of the audio file with no effects applied so the destination application has both the rendered audio effects and a clean copy of the audio. The copy without effects exists on a new separate track.
    F Sample Rate The sample rate of the newly created audio files.
    G Bits per Sample The bit depth of the newly created audio files.
    H Files

    Choose Embed Audio to write the newly created audio files into the AAF export resulting in a single, self-contained AAF.

    Choose Separate Audio to render the newly created audio files into a folder next to the AAF. Using Separate Audio can include more detailed audio metadata. Subsequent exports using Separate Audio can reuse the exported audio files if they have not changed in the timeline.

    I Preserve media directory name This option is only available if Separate Audio is used. Select this option to ensure that the newly created media files are placed into a folder structure similar to the folder structure of the original media.
    J Format The audio format of the newly created audio files. Choose “Broadcast Wave” to include iXML audio metadata.
    K Render Choose Copy Complete Audio Files to make sure the resulting AAF includes the entirety of any audio files used. 
    Choose Trim Audio Files to write new audio files that are only as long as the portions used in the sequence.
    L Handle Frames This option is only available if Trim Audio Files is selected. Select this option to render additional audio at the beginning and end of the clips, measured in frames.

Recommended settings

 Exporting to Avid Media Composer?

Select Use tape sources when present. Leave all other options unchecked. This action creates an AAF that links to the original media and does not create any new media files. Audio channelization is also preserved.

 Exporting to Avid Pro Tools?

Select the following options:

  • Select Enable Breakout to Mono.
  • [Optional]: Select Files depending on your workflow or on request from your audio mixer. If metadata preservation is important for later relinking in the audio application, select Separate Audio.
  • [Optional]: Select Format based on workflow or on request from your audio mixer. Note that the Broadcast Wave option preserves iXML metadata.
  • [Optional]: Select Render and Handle Frames based on your workflow or on request from your audio mixer.

Importing AAF Files from Avid Media Composer

Learn the simple workflow for exporting projects from Avid Media Composer and importing them into Premiere Pro.

Watch this: Switch from Avid Media Composer

Read this: Importing AAF project files from Avid Media Composer

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