Insert, replace, or change the formatting of the copy, photos, audio, video, graphics, and watermarks in your PDF.

Edit PDF icon next to computer screen illustration with several comment boxes and arrows pointing to different elements in the sample document onscreen

Document modifications are a reality of life. No matter how confident we are in the final product, there is always a chance that there will be last minute edits or additions. Acrobat puts the power in your hands to modify content directly within the PDF or use your favorite program to update an existing image. Edit text or add images with the confidence that your document format will remain consistent.

Edit images in your PDF

Using the Tools > Edit PDF panel, you can modify any image within your PDF document. Acrobat provides you multiple ways to control your content. You can right-click on an image or multimedia to use the Edit PDF tools to directly control rotation, alignment, cropping, or other properties. Acrobat even enables you to edit content directly using image editing software, like Photoshop.

Sample photo of buildings with Objects transformation tools such as flip and rotate, plus options for editing in an external program

Edit, rotate, flip, crop, and align images and graphics

Acrobat’s image editing tools provide solutions for editing and arranging graphics within your PDF documents using familiar tools that are available in other document-editing programs. You can access the editing tools by clicking Edit PDF on the right panel, selecting an image or graphic, and using the format panel on the right to adjust your image to your needs.

  • Edit using: Edit your image in your favorite editing software 
  • Rotate: Rotate your image clockwise or counterclockwise to fit your layout
  • Flip: Flip your image horizontally or vertically 
  • Crop: Adjust or remove image cropping
  • Align: Align elements in your document 
  • Arrange: Gives you familiar Bring to Front or Send to Back layer control
Add Watermark dialog box showing a preview of a sample document and settings for watermark source, appearance and position.

Watermark your work

Adding a watermark to your documents can provide copyright protection, as well as branding opportunities. There is a full range of options to create a watermark from a separate file or custom text, with advanced options to let you set print and display options. You can access the watermark tools by clicking Edit PDF on the right panel, choosing Watermark from the top menu, and choosing to Add, Update, or Remove the watermark with the following options:

  • Rotation: Rotate your watermark (negative values rotate counter-clockwise)
  • Opacity: Set the transparency of your watermark
  • Scale: Set the watermark size on the page
  • Location: Let your watermark appear behind or on top of the page
  • Exact Positioning: Set a specific distance from the center or page borders
Mock documents and Text format tools for changing fonts, text styles, paragraph alignment, kerning and leading

Formatting text inside your PDF document

When timing is critical and you need to control the text or paragraph appearance without having to switch back to your source file, Acrobat has you covered. Use familiar controls to manage your content directly within Adobe Acrobat.

  1. Choose Edit PDF from the Tools panel.  
  2. Highlight any existing content.
  3. Select the font from the dropdown menu in the Format panel on the right. Modify the style, size, weight, position, and color.
  4. Select any of the styling controls to edit the text appearance bold, italic, underline, superscript and subscript.
  5. You can also add or edit bullets and numbered lists. 

Adjust any of the following properties:

  • Paragraph Alignment: Left, Center, Right, Justify
  • Line Spacing: The space between lines of text
  • Paragraph Spacing After: The space after each paragraph
  • Horizontal Scaling: The horizontal properties of the text
  • Character Spacing: The space between letters

Tip: Check the Restrict Editing box in the Edit PDF tools panel to keep others from editing your document. Simply enter a password and confirm. But remember to keep your password safe because there isn’t a password recovery option.

Acrobat allows you edit on the go without having to worry about last-minute changes. The editing tools provide all the functionality you need to update your document.

Adobe Stock Contributors
25 أغسطس 2022

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