How to disable the security warning dialog before postscript to PDF file conversion

Steps to disable the security warning dialog before postscript to PDF file conversion.

With April 2019 release of Acrobat, if you convert ps, eps or prn files to PDFs using Acrobat or Acrobat Distiller, you see a security warning dialog asking if you trust the source of the file and want to convert it.

Security warning message

Impacted versions





Acrobat 2017

2017. 011.30138

Acrobat 2015 Classic

2015. 006.30493

Preference to disable the security warning dialog in Acrobat

Available in: Acrobat, Acrobat 2017, Acrobat 2015 (Classic)


If you don't see this preference, update your Acrobat to the latest version. To automatically update from Acrobat, choose Help > Check for updates. Follow the steps in the Updater window to download and install the latest updates.

  1. In Acrobat, go to Edit > Preferences (Windows), or Acrobat > Preferences (Mac)

  2. In the left pane, select Convert to PDF. In the Converting To PDF section, select PostScript/EPS and click Edit Settings.


    If you don't see this preference, update your Acrobat to the latest version. To automatically update from Acrobat, choose Help > Check for updates. Follow the steps in the Updater window to download and install the latest updates.

    Postscript to PDF conversion preference

  3. In the Adobe PDF Settings dialog, deselect the option Always Show File Trust Dialog Before Conversion and click OK.

    Uncheck to disable the security dialog

  4. Click OK.

Preference to disable the security warning dialog in Distiller

Available in: Acrobat, Acrobat 2017, Acrobat 2015 (Classic)


If you don't see this preference, update your Acrobat to the latest version. To automatically update from Acrobat, choose Help > Check for updates. Follow the steps in the Updater window to download and install the latest updates.

  1. Open Adobe Acrobat Distiller.

  2. Go to File > Preferences (Windows), or Distiller > Preferences (Mac).

  3. In the Security section of the Preferences dialog, select the option Trust All Files Opened Via Acrobat Distiller.


    If you don't see this preference, update your Acrobat to the latest version. To automatically update from Acrobat, choose Help > Check for updates. Follow the steps in the Updater window to download and install the latest updates.

    Select to trust all files opened via Acrobat Distiller

  4. Click OK.

Configure the plist file to disable the security warning for Acrobat and Acrobat Distiller on macOS

To disable the security warning dialog on Mac, update the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro. plist  file as mentioned below:

  1. Quit Acrobat application if it's already running.

  2. Navigate to the folder /Library/Application Support/Adobe/(product name)/(version)/Preferences.

    For example, the path for Acrobat is /Library/Application Support/Adobe/Acrobat/DC/Preferences.

  3. Open the FeatureLockDown.plist file in any editor.

  4. Create the following entry in the FeatureLockDown file:

    Key: EnableTrustedConversion

    Lock Path: FeatureLockdown

    Type: Boolean

    Default  Value: 0


    The security warning dialog is not displayed when the default value of the key is  0.

    To enable the security warning dialog, set the value of the key to 1.

  5. Save the FeatureLockDown.plist file.

To disable the security warning dialog on Mac, update the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro. plist  file as mentioned below:

  1. Quit Acrobat application if it's already running.

  2. Navigate to the folder /Library/Preferences.

  3. Open the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist file in any editor.

  4. Create the following entry in the file:

    Key: EnableTrustedConversion

    Type: Boolean

    Default  Value: YES

    Set EnableTrustedConversion to YES in com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist file

  5. Save the com.adobe.Acrobat.Pro.plist file.

Registry fix to disable the security warning dialog for Acrobat and Acrobat Distiller on Windows

To disable the security warning dialog, create a registry key (Windows) as mentioned below.

  1. Quit Acrobat application if it's already running.

  2. Open the registry editor -  go to Run (Windows menu + R), type regedit.exe in the Open field and click OK.

  3. In the registry editor, based on your installed version of the product, go the version-specific location listed below, and create the key FeatureState at the location; the key may not be present by default.

    For Acrobat (Continuous):

    • Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\(Wow6432Node)\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\DC\FeatureState

    For Acrobat (Classic - Acrobat 2017):

    • Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\(Wow6432Node)\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2017\FeatureState

    For Acrobat (Classic - Acrobat 2015):

    • Location: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\(Wow6432Node)\Adobe\Adobe Acrobat\2015\FeatureState
  4. Under FeatureState, create a key of type DWORD and name it BlockDistillerConversion. Change its value to 0 (zero).


    When the value of BlockDistillerConversion is:

    • 0: The Security warning dialog is disabled in Acrobat
    • 1: The Security warning dialog is enabled in Acrobat
  5. Close the registry editor.

  1. Quit Acrobat Distiller application if it's already running.

  2. Open the registry editor -  go to Run (Windows menu + R), type regedit.exe in the Open field and click OK.

  3. In the registry editor, go to the location listed below, and create the binary key bEnableTrustedConversion. Change its value to 1. For Acrobat Distiller:

    For Acrobat (Continuous):

    • Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\DC\Preferences

    For Acrobat (Classic - Acrobat 2017):

    • Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\2017\Preferences

    For Acrobat (Classic - Acrobat 2015):

    • Location: HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Acrobat Distiller\2015\Preferences

    When the value of bEnableTrustedConversion is:

    • 0: The security warning dialog is enabled in Acrobat
    • 1: The security warning dialog is disabled in Acrobat
  4. Close the registry editor.

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