Adobe Stock Integration

Learn how to use Adobe Stock photos to expand your creative possibilities.

Try a new background or create an inspiring Quote Graphic with access to thousands of beautiful stock photos from right inside Photoshop Elements.

Adobe Photoshop Elements deeplink

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Access free Adobe Stock photos to expand your creative possibilities.

Access Adobe Stock photos from the File menu

You can now access Adobe Stock photos from the File menu in both Quick and Advanced mode. Follow these steps to use Adobe Stock photo in your projects:

  1. Select File menu > Search on Adobe Stock in Quick or Advanced mode.

     Search on Adobe Stock option is available in File menu.
    Select Search on Adobe Stock to add a stock image.

  2. Explore a variety of categories in the Adobe Stock dialog box to find the photo you're looking for. You can also use the search bar to search for specific photos using keywords.


    Select the thumbnail to preview the selected photo. 

  3. Select the License for free button to download the photo and license it for free.

    License for free button is shown on Adobe Stock pop-up menu.
    Select an Adobe Stock photo to use for a project.


    Adobe Stock Photos will be added as layers on top of your current photo.

In Guided Mode

Follow these steps to use Adobe Stock photo in your projects:

  1. Select File > Open to open the desired photo.

  2. Select Guided > Special Edits > Replace Background.

    Several actions are displayed under Special Edits in Guided Mode.
    Select Replace Background to apply Adobe Stock to your project.

  3. Select the primary subject by selecting the Select Subject button.

    "Select Subject" button is selected in the Replace Background panel.
    Select the subject from the Replace Background panel.

  4. Select   to use a photo from Adobe Stock.

    Step 2 showcases how to select a new background from Adobe Stock.
    Select Adobe Stock to choose a photo for your project.

  5. Explore a variety of categories in the Adobe Stock dialog box to find the photo you're looking for. You can also use the search bar to search for specific photos using keywords.


    Select the thumbnail to preview the selected photo. 

  6. Select License for free button to download the photo and license it for free.

In Advanced Mode

Follow these steps to use Adobe Stock photo in your projects:

  1. Select File > Open to open the desired photo. Select Advanced mode. 

  2. Open the Graphics panel > Select Adobe Stock.

    Replace the stock image as background as a layer by selecting the Adobe Stock in Graphics panel.
    Select Adobe Stock photo as a background in your project.

  3. Explore a variety of categories in the Adobe Stock dialog box to find the photo you're looking for. You can also use the search bar to search for specific photos using keywords.


    Select the thumbnail to preview the selected photo. 

  4. Select License for free button to download the photo and license it for free.

  5. Select Layers to view the Adobe Stock photo, which is applied as a background layer.

Quote Graphic

Follow these steps to use Adobe Stock photo in your projects:

  1. Select Create > Quote Graphic.

     Quote Graphic menu is displayed in the Create panel.
    Change the background photo of the Quote Graphic with Adobe Stock photo.

  2. You can either choose a photo of your own by selecting the Start with a photo or choose from the custom templates.

  3. Select Adobe Stock from the Backgrounds panel.

  4. Explore a variety of categories in the Adobe Stock dialog box to find the photo you're looking for. You can also use the search bar to search for specific photos using keywords.


    Select the thumbnail to preview the selected photo. 

  5. Select License for free button to download the photo and license it for free.

  6. Your default background for the chosen photo will be replaced by the Adobe Stock photo. 

Access licensed images from Adobe Stock website

Follow these steps to use licensed images from the Adobe Stock website:

  1. Sign in to Adobe Stock website.

  2. Select User Profile icon > License History.

    Access your licensed Stock image in License History.
    Access your licensed Stock image in License History.

  3. You can view and download all your licensed assets. 

    Easily view and download licensed assets on Licensed History screen.
    Access all your licensed Adobe Stock assets.


    Read more about Adobe Stock privacy policy.

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