Resolved issues

The following is a list of issues resolved in RoboHelp (2015 release) and subsequent patch releases.

Check the RoboHelp forum for solutions, workarounds, or any late-breaking information.

Issues resolved

  1. In iOS v10, the table of contents in the responsive HTML5 output does not load in Safari and Chrome browsers.
    (Ref - 4194826)
  2. Even when the Show TOC, index, glossary, and filter options are set to false, they get generated in the responsive HTML5 output.
    (Ref - 1282)
  3. If a dynamic filter is applied on a topic and that filter is set to hidden, the topic remains visible in the TOC and index.
    (Ref - 1284)

Issues resolved

  1. Responsive HTML5 output is not optimized for Google search, which makes the output unsearchable.
    (Ref - 4190911)
  2. If a topic containing bookmarks has conditional build tags applied on it, the bookmark does not navigate to the correct location in the generated output.
    (Ref - 4179525)

Feature enhancements

Host Responsive HTML5 content on Adobe RoboHelp Server 10

You can publish Responsive HTML5 output from RoboHelp (2015 release) update 3 and host it directly on RoboHelp Server 10. Your content is rendered seamlessly on multitude of devices, including mobile devices. With the support for dynamic content filters in HTML5, your end users can easily access personalized content.

Issues resolved

  1. At times, an ‘Application Stack Overflow’ error message appears while importing a .hlp file.
    (Ref - 4102284)
  2. Applying more than 20 Conditional Build tags to individual topic or books in the TOC causes RoboHelp to freeze or crash.
    (Ref - 4104457)
  3. Cosmetic issue noticed in the tooltip of the Character Formatting button.
    (Ref - 4105378)
  4. On relaunching the Help window, the dimensions set earlier are not retained.
    (Ref - 4107829)
  5. A few extra .fpj files are getting generated in the Preview folder of the published output.
    (Ref - 4114869)
  6. While generating Printed Documentation output, RoboHelp ignores any outdated attributes used in the CSS file.
    (Ref - 4101341)
  7. Context-sensitive help for bookmarks does not work in WebHelp output.
    (Ref - 4111630)
  8. Detailed log information is missing from the log files for a failed Mobile App publish project.
    (Ref - 4112831)
  9. Multiple issues noticed in RoboHelp Server - table of contents not loading beyond a certain level, index and search not loading in Chrome and Firefox, and missing alphabetized order of the topics linked to the index keyword.
    (Ref - 4118550)
  10. The browse sequence links open up in new tab (with an error code) instead of the same tab.
    (Ref - 4124478, 4129352)
  11. RoboHelp Server Web Admin page does not open in RoboHelp if Responsive HTML5 is set as the primary output.
    (Ref - 4125967)
  12. External hyperlinks do not open in the Mobile App output.
    (Ref - 4122048)

Feature enhancements

Support for Office 2016

RoboHelp now supports Office 2016.

Support for XML sitemap in the Responsive HTML5 output

A sitemap helps search engines to index your web pages and make your website SEO-friendly. FrameMaker now gives you an option to create the XML sitemap file for your Responsive HTML5 outputs. In the absence of this feature, you would either use a third-party tool to create a sitemap or manually create one.

The sitemap generation process is seamless as you simply select an option in the Responsive HTML5 output settings to generate the sitemap for your book or ditamap. The sitemap contains the references of your web pages, the base URL of your website where you would host the published output, and the frequency at which you intend to update your pages. As it is an XML file based on the standardized XML sitemap protocol, you can easily change the sitemap file as and when needed.

Issues resolved

  1. If a project has a linked FrameMaker or Word document is opened in any previous version of RoboHelp then in version 12.0.0 and then in 12.0.1, the project seems to have been corrupted and the Word document container displays as a folder.
    (Ref - 4072602)
  2. If a user searches for a text and then enters a replace string, the searched text does not get replaced. The user would first need to do a Replace All after which individual replace works.
    (Ref - 4064874)
  3. For a FrameMaker .book, the paginated topics do not appear in the TOC even if the "Add Paginated Topics to TOC" option is ON and the "Merge Topics with no Content" option is OFF.
    (Ref - 4063245)
  4. In a Responsive HTML5 output, the "Loading icon" does not go away even after the output has completed loaded.
    (Ref - 4062082)
  5. In a Responsive HTML5 output, if the metadata contains special characters, the special characters are lost in the final output.
    (Ref - 4058046)
  6. WebHelp output does not render correctly on MS Edge browser. For example, if a user performs a search in the output and then returns to the TOC, the TOC disappears.
    (Ref - 4051256)
  7. On iOS and Android devices, operations like page navigation and page refresh are extremely slow if the Index and Glossary files are large.
    (Ref - 4051248)
  8. RoboHelp to become MSXML version agnostic.
    (Ref - 4051220)
  9. If a user applies an image style to an image, the image style overrides the styles of the enclosing paragraph.
    (Ref - 4049866)
  10. For the Save as Book option, the ditamap gets converted to book and in this process the parent topics titles are converted to folders. The folders in turn become very long as topic title text (or contain special chars) is being used to create them.
    (Ref - 4039438)
  11. When using a batch generate to create a WebHelp output and using conditional build tags, the tagged content is excluded from the output even when the respective tags are not excluded in the build expression.
    (Ref - 4020126)
  12. Empty topics are generated on the pagination of FrameMaker documents. User should be provided with the option to not generate empty topics.
    (Ref - 4020126)
  13. Fortify issue(s) with Responsive output(s).
    (Ref - 3983976)
  14. In the Style mapping > Table tab, user cannot provide percentage values for table height and width. If a user provides a percentage value, an error message indicates "Valid values include measurements in px, pt, pc, cm, em, mm, in."
    (Ref - 3757834)
  15. WebHelp/Responsive output will show title, created using macros, in browser window.
    (Ref - 3670135)

Feature enhancements

Windows 10 support

RoboHelp 2015 is supported Windows 10 operating system.

Embed online video in RoboHelp project

This feature allows you to insert online videos within the topic using source URL in the embed code and publish it in the SSL outputs such as Responsive HTML5, Multiscreen HTML5, WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, and Adobe AIR. For YouTube, Vimeo, and Dailymotion videos, you can also provide the http URL instead of the source URL to embed the video into the topic.

Playback settings for multimedia

RoboHelp has an option to configure multimedia player settings for the local and online videos embedded in your project. There are options available to control the display, playback, and sound settings in the output depending on the type of multimedia.

Create intermediate AIR Help application (without a digital signature) that can be signed later

While generating Adobe AIR SSL output in RoboHelp, it is now possible to create an unsigned (without digital certificate) Adobe AIR Help application that can be signed later.

Layout icons optimized for high-resolution Retina display

The icons in Responsive HTML5 layouts have been optimized for high-resolution Retina display. The icons in Azure and Charcoal gray layouts will appear sharp and clear on iOS devices.

Farsi publishing support

RoboHelp now also supports Farsi output language for Responsive HTML5, Mobile App, WebHelp, eBook, WebHelp Pro, Adobe AIR, and Microsoft HTML Help layouts.

Issues resolved

  1. When importing Word, HTML, CHM, or HTML documents, RoboHelp allows non-ASCII characters in topic names that are auto created based on the headings in imported document. The non-ASCII characters are now converted to ASCII characters to prevent any errors when hosting the output on web servers.
    (Ref - 4020077)
  2. If RoboHelp 2015 is installed as part of the Technical Communication Suite, it hangs when opening a project from the Starter.
    (Ref - 4016633)
  3. Images added in the header and footer section of RoboHelp master pages are missing imprinted documentation output, when published for the first time at the folder location: C:\Users\\ .
    (Ref - 4010040)
  4. Index Sub-keywords entries are not indented in the WebHelp output generated by RoboHelp.
    (Ref - 4000820)
  5. TOC of child project (in case of merged projects) is empty in Responsive HTML5 output generated by RoboHelp, if the child project’s filename (.xpj) contains spaces or Unicode characters.
    (Ref - 3991148)
  6. When uploading RoboHelp mobile app output (.apk file), Android Play store gives a warning that .apk file is not compatible for 7-inch and 10-inch tablet devices.
    (Ref - 3986958)
  7. Keyboard does not close after pressing Enter key, when viewing Responsive HTML5 Help on some mobile devices.
    (Ref - 3985736)
  8. Not able to exit PDF viewing pane when viewing Responsive HTML5 Help on Microsoft IE 11, which contains a hyperlink to PDF that opens in the same frame as help content.
    (Ref - 3983681)
  9. Long search text overlaps with the magnifying glass image in the search field, when viewing Responsive HTML5 Help in mobile mode.
    (Ref - 3983371)
  10. When viewing glossary item definition (in mobile app output) on an iOS device, the user is unable to navigate back to the help content as full screen is occupied with its context. The glossary definition link now opens in a pop-up allowing the user to navigate back to the help content.
    (Ref - 3974809)
  11. RoboHelp throws error when generating online help for the first time for a project using RHCL command-line interface.
    (Ref - 3938420, 3855558)
  12. RoboHelp throws ‘Out of memory’ exception when creating a new multilevel list style that has the same name as the user sequence in an existing or a new style sheet.
    (Ref - 3926988)
  13. Chapter name variable used in the master page is displayed erroneously in RoboHelp printed documentation, if a non-English version of Microsoft Word is installed.
    (Ref - 3850260)
  14. In RoboHelp, master page CSS is not applied to the generated output.
    (Ref - 3690862)
  15. On an iOS device, if a user scrolls across topics and then clicks a DHTML element, the navigation immediately goes to the start of the current page. Or if a user scrolls to a second-level topic in the TOC and then opens another, scrolling stops and the browser hangs.
    To resolve this issue, you need to apply the latest RoboHelp patch. For your RoboHelp projects, you will need to wrap the entire master page contents (that is within the body opening and closing tags) in a div with class rh_body and apply the master to all topics before publishing Responsive HTML5 output.
    (Ref - 3981445)

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