New features summary | October 2022 release of Acrobat


Adobe Acrobat Pro with online services is the complete PDF solution for working with your most important documents across desktop, web, and mobile devices. Update your Acrobat desktop and mobile apps, or sign in to Acrobat online to experience the new features and improvements.

Acrobat desktop app

October 2022 release

The following new features are introduced in this release. Click > to learn more about the feature.

Adobe has removed the DC term from its Acrobat and Acrobat Reader products. The change is reflected in Acrobat and Acrobat Reader installer dialogs, updater user interface, About Acrobat/Acrobat Reader window, splash screens, title bars, and other areas within the application. With this rebranding, we aim to simplify our product line-up and differentiate our subscription product offerings.

Acrobat Home onboarding

When you launch Acrobat, a Welcome to Acrobat card is shown. Scroll the card to check additional details and operations you can perform on your PDF. Select the Take the tour button to explore the Acrobat workspace and know the details.


Currently, the new onboarding experience is being rolled out as an experiment and available for Acrobat (64-bit) English locale only with no third-party plug-ins installed. The feature may not be available to all users.

Take the Acrobat tour

In the onboarding tour, Acrobat shows a pulsating bubble next to a tool and displays a dialog box explaining the feature with a video illustration.

Acrobat Home onboarding tour

Acrobat viewer onboarding

When you open a PDF in Acrobat to view it, Acrobat displays visual prompts educating you on how to access all tools in the Discover panel, explore menu options (Windows only), Search for text or tools, Print and Share document. The discover panel on the left-hand pane shows a list of recommended tools you can use.

Viewer onboarding tour


Contextual tool onboarding

Similarly, when you use a tool for the first time, Acrobat displays contextual dialog educating you about the usage of the tool. For example, upon opening the Edit tool for the first time, Acrobat displays a contextual dialog with a gif illustration of a PDF page rotating, cropping, and then extracting, along with brief information underneath.

Contextual onboarding tour
Edit tool contextual onboarding tour

Restart the onboarding tour

Acrobat onboarding tour can be launched at any time by selecting the Help menu icon (? ) at the top right corner and choosing Take tour as appropriate depending on whether you are at Acrobat Home, Acrobat Viewer with PDF Open, or using any other Acrobat tool.

Restart the onboarding tour

The Create PDF tool is modernized to provide a cleaner interface with better space utilization and alignment. It includes the following changes:

  • Better spacing and alignment of widgets.
  • Modern left list and separator.
  • Radio button card widgets for the Multiple files and Screenshot sections.
  • Revamped a few widgets based on useability; for example, the options like Browse and select a file are now converted to buttons. The dropdown selection has a visible boundary and more.

Currently, the new experience is being rolled out as an experiment and available for Acrobat (64-bit) English locale only with no third-party plug-ins installed. The feature may not be available to all users.

Create a PDF old view
Old view

New Create a PDF view
Modern view

Access shared files when offline

Acrobat now stores a copy of shared files in the cache so you can access them without an internet connection. Comments on reviews are also synchronized and accessible offline.

Add comments on files shared via Outlook Send & Track plugin

Acrobat now supports commenting on files shared via Outlook Send & Track plugin.

Acrobat plugin in Microsoft Outlook now prompts you to use the Request E-Signatures feature of Acrobat if you compose a mail to send a PDF document across. The prompt appears if the following conditions are true:

  • The number of recipients is less than twenty-five.
  • The PDF attachment has specific terms in the name indicating that the user needs to request signatures on it.
  • In the draft email, the subject line contains certain keywords that indicate the user's intent to sign.

This feature is rolled out as an experiment and is not available to all users.

Variant 1

Sign prompt while sending mail

Variant 2

Sign prompt while sending mail

If you select Try Now, you're redirected to Acrobat, and the Request E-Signatures tool is launched.

Request signatures tool

Many enhancements are done in Acrobat to create a responsive layout for different app window sizes, resolutions, pixel densities, and orientations - small, regular, or large thereby offering an optimal display of content. Acrobat automatically sizes its flow of UI elements and layout panels to respond to the visual space available on the device.

The Export PDF tool is now added to PDF page thumbnails for ease of access.


This feature is rolled out as an experiment and is not available to all users.

Variant 1: The rotate anti-clockwise option is replaced with the export PDF tool in page thumbnails

Export PDF tool in page thumbnails

Variant 2: You can use the Export PDF tool from the options menu or right click context menu of the page thumbnails

Export PDF tool from the options menu
Export PDF tool from the options menu

Export PDF tool from the right-click context menu
Export PDF tool from the right-click context menu

The new macOS Ventura provides increased visibility on the concurrently running background application processes. There is a high probability that a user might unknowingly disable important Acrobat processes. Acrobat now displays the following message notifying users to turn on the Acrobat processes.

For more information, see Fix issues for Acrobat Refresh Manager | macOS Ventura.

Acrobat dialog on macOS Ventura

New feedback widget

Acrobat prompts you to provide feedback if you discard the changes after using the Add Custom Page tool from Organize Pages, Combine Files or PDF viewer. Your feedback helps us to understand the intended workflow. To provide feedback, select Give Feedback, and then fill the feedback form.

Feedback form for Adobe Express

Branding changes

The Add Custom Page tool icon has been updated to align with Adobe Express branding.

Add custom page icon change

If you have purchased the sign integration with Acrobat plan, all your agreements are visible in Acrobat. Else the Sign > Agreements option in the left pane is renamed to Agreements > Adobe Acrobat Sign and takes you to the Adobe Sign web page when selected.

Sign tool renamed

Microsoft Purview Information Protection (MPIP) is a Microsoft rights management solution that enables rights-based access to assets, including PDF documents. Adobe Acrobat Pro/Standard and Reader desktop apps support consistent viewing of PDFs protected by Microsoft Purview Information Protection. In addition, for organizations standardizing on MPIP, we have launched the native experience in this release to apply and edit Information Protection sensitivity labels and policies to your PDFs within Acrobat. 

For more information, see Microsoft Purview Information Protection support in Acrobat.

Acrobat Reader mobile app

July, August, and September 2022 release

iPhone and iPad

With this release, we will be shipping the first mobile integration for the Sign manage agreements experience to Sign entitled non-enterprise users. 

  • The agreements tab in the Home view lists all the agreements the users have sent or are waiting on them to sign or approve.
  • This includes the capability to send reminders to recipients, cancel agreements, track status as senders and link out to signing as a recipient.

Selecting text in the PDF now offers the Edit Text option in the context menu.

  • Shared files can now be accessed offline.
  • Performance improvements and improved content search.
  • Improved client latency for context board loading, asset lookup, and browsing and opening of files.
  • Privacy and security enhancements: When you share files for collaboration, Acrobat notifies you that your name and email information is being shared.
  • Several bug fixes impacting sharing and review workflows.
  • Liquid Mode is now extended to cover other device locales.
  • Acrobat iOS now supports links found in emails generated by the DocGen web service. When the user clicks a link from an email, the app will launch and open the document in Liquid Mode.

  • Improved stability, bug fixes, and updates 

Dark mode support for paywalls and sign-in screens.

  • Upgrade to Intune 14.6.0.

  • App stability and critical bug fixes.



You can now have quick access to the Open file tool from the Floating Action Button context menu. Learn how to Open files.


You can now make quick edits in a PDF using the Context menu. You can long-press a section to open the context menu and take any of the following actions: Copy, highlight, strikethrough, underline, read aloud, or edit the text. For details, see Edit PDFs.

You can access the Read-aloud feature from the file context menu to listen to the text in the language of your choice. Learn how to use the Read aloud text feature.

Acrobat app now allows you to access Adobe Scans files and open any file in the Acrobat Reader app. Learn how to Open Adobe Scan files.

The current release of Acrobat Reader app comes with improved input dialogs to increase the app’s accessibility and usability.

Adobe Acrobat Premium or Acrobat Pro subscribers can now use Export PDF feature to convert PDF pages to images. Learn how to convert PDFs to images using Export PDF to other formats.

Acrobat Reader app now leverages Google’s One Tap login capability to allow you to quickly sign in to your Acrobat account. See how to use a one-tap Sign in.

You can now directly invite other users to review a shared document using Acrobat’s advanced @mention feature. See how to Add people to a shared file.

Acrobat online services

August, September 2022 release

New feedback widget

Acrobat prompts you to provide feedback if you discard the changes after using the Add Custom Page tool. Your feedback helps us to understand the intended workflow. Select Give Feedback and then fill out the feedback form to provide feedback.

Branding changes

The Add Custom Page tool icon has been updated to align with Adobe Express branding.

Add custom page icon change

You can now trim page content, adjust margins, or resize pages using the new Crop Pages tool in Acrobat online.

You can easily store and access files from your Google Drive storage account when you’re working in Acrobat online. Once added, you can see your Google Drive files in the Home as well as the Recents list. 

To add your Google Drive account in Acrobat online, select Documents, and then select Add an Account > Sign in with Google.

Add your Google Drive account

Support for Read Aloud and High Contrast has been added for Modern Viewer.

Performance improvements and improved content search.

You can now rotate pages in the modern viewer of Edge extension.

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