Adobe Package Downloader

Steps to download Creative Cloud packages for macOS computers using the Adobe Package Downloader.

When creating packages for macOS users in Admin Console, click and run the Adobe Package Downloader to complete package download and save the package to a location of your choice.

Choose a macOS platform

Download packages

After you create a package on the Admin Console, the following message indicates that the Adobe Package Downloader is successfully downloaded to your computer.

Adobe Package Downloader successfully downloaded

Follow these steps to use the Adobe Package Downloader to download the macOS package.

 In Finder, or in internet browser downloads, double-click the Adobe Package Downloader (.dmg) file.

Adobe Package Downloader in Finder

The Adobe Package Downloader launches. 

 To get started, double-click the icon.

Start downloading package

 In the Download screen, you can choose to either download the package to the default location (Downloads folder) or an alternative location. Then click Continue.

Download package options

 Your download will then begin and show it's progress. You can click Learn More for further details about creating and managing  packages in the Admin Console.

Download progress

 After the package is downloaded successfully,
click Open in Finder to go to the package location on your computer.

Open downloaded package in Finder

 Finally, choose one of the following methods to deploy the package to your end-user computers:


A package is available on the Adobe Admin Console for a maximum of 3 days after you create the package. If you run the Adobe Package Downloader after the package has expired, you will get the following error.

Package expired error

Once the package has expired you will need to recreate a new package in Admin Console and follow the above workflow again.

Install downloaded package

By double-clicking package file

  1. Since the downloaded file is a .zip archive, you'll first need to extract the content of the file.

    The extracted folder contains the following file:

    • <Package name>_Install.pkg 
    • <Package name>_Uninstall.pkg 
  2. To install the package, double-click <Package name>_Install.pkg.

  3. Click Install.

    Install package

Using the terminal

  1. On the client machine, open the terminal.

  2. Run the following command:

    sudo installer -pkg <path of Package>/Build/<Package name>_Install.pkg -target /
    sudo installer -pkg <path of Package>/Build/<Package name>_Install.pkg -target /
    sudo installer -pkg <path of Package>/Build/<Package name>_Install.pkg -target /

Uninstall downloaded package

By double-clicking package file

  1. Since the file that you download from the Admin Console is a .zip archive. You'll first need to extract the .zip.

    The extracted contents contains a Build folder that contains two files:

    • <Package name>_Install.pkg
    • <Package name>_Uninstall.pkg
  2. Double-click <Package name>_Uninstall.pkg.

  3. Click Install.

    Bundled-style Installer

Using the terminal

  1. In the terminal, navigate to the folder containing the downloaded package and run the following command:

    sudo installer -pkg <path of packageName_Uninstall.pkg > -target /
    sudo installer -pkg <path of packageName_Uninstall.pkg > -target /
    sudo installer -pkg <path of packageName_Uninstall.pkg > -target /

Issues downloading package

If you experience issues using the Package Downloader, you can find the logs at the following locations:

  • ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/ACC/AdobeDownload/DLM.log
  • ~/Library/Logs/CreativeCloud/ACC/AdobeDownload/HDInstaller.log

Error codes and solutions

Error Code




Download error. Unable to reach Adobe servers.

  1. Check your internet connection and firewall settings
  2. Relaunch the Adobe Package Downloader and try downloading the package again. See detailed steps above.

For more details, see How to fix connection errors.


Download was not completed.

Your download could not be completed, because we could not create a new directory on your device. Check if you have anti-virus software blocking this download on your device.


No network available (user is offline)

  1. Check your internet connection and firewall settings
  2. Relaunch the Adobe Package Downloader and try downloading the package again. See detailed steps above.
For more details, see How to fix connection errors.


Server not responding.

  1. Check your internet connection and firewall settings
  2. Relaunch the Adobe Package Downloader and try downloading the package again. See detailed steps above.

For more details, see How to fix connection errors.


Insufficient disk space. Please clear space and try again

Your download could not be completed at this time. Clear files from your device, then try again.


Error writing to the download file location.

Your download could not be completed due to your permissions settings on the destination folder. Check the permissions settings on your device and try again.


Proxy authentication is required

For details, see How to fix connection errors.


Invalid URL (for HTTP Error 404)

  1. In the Admin Console, download the Adobe Package Downloader again.
  2. Relaunch the Adobe Package Downloader and try downloading the package again. See detailed steps above.

For more details, see How to fix connection errors.

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