Enable AIR SDK in Animate

How to get started with AIR workflows

Starting version 20.0.2, AIR SDK is no longer shipped with Animate to optimize download and installation experience.
You can get started by downloading the latest version of AIR SDK and add it using Manage Adobe AIR SDK.

Follow the below steps to enable the latest version of AIR SDK.

  1. Download AIR SDK from Harman.

  2. Extract the downloaded file.

  3. In Animate, select Help> Manage Adobe AIR SDK... menu and click the Add New SDK button.

    Add new button
    Add new SDK

  4. Browse, select the extracted AIR SDK folder, and click OK.

Adobe support for AIR will be discontinued post December 2020 and ongoing support will be managed by HARMAN and communicated by them directly.  To know more, see The Future of Adobe AIR. You can get the archived version at Archived Adobe AIR SDK versions.

Now you are set to create AIR  for Desktop, AIR for iOS, and AIR for Android using newly installed AIR SDK version.

To learn more about Adobe AIR, how to create, preview and publish, refer:

For more details regarding the terms and conditions, pricing of Harman AIR SDK, click https://airsdk.harman.com/.

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