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Users can self-configure their auto delegation
A registered user's account can be configured to automatically delegate any agreement sent to their email address. This delegation happens automatically, and without challenge or notifications to the sender.
Fill and Sign and Structured Self Sign agreements (which only include the sender as the signer) are not delegated via the auto-delegation setting.
In order to set the "Auto Delegation", perform the below steps:
Hover the mouse on the name shown on top right hand side and click My Profile
Under Personal Preferences, click the Auto Delegation option
Enter the email address of user to whom all the future documents would be automatically delegated
Click Save
Admins can configure auto delegation for Users:
A Group or Account Admin can also set the Auto Delgation for any (non-admin) users under their authority.
Log into the Adobe Sign account as an Admin
Click the Group or Account tab
Click Users
Single click the User you want to edit to expose the User actions
Click Edit User
Enter the email address of the person you want the agreement requests to be delegated to
Click Save