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Troubleshooting Migration issues

  1. Captivate Prime User Guide
  2. Introduction
    1. New features summary
    2. Release Notes
    3. System requirements | Adobe Captivate Prime
    4. Captivate Prime compliance to GDPR
    5. Accessibility in Captivate Prime
    6. Support for custom domain
  3. Get Started
    1. Getting started as Administrator
    2. Getting started as an Author
    3. Getting started as a Learner
    4. Getting started for Managers
    5. Getting started as an instructor in Captivate Prime
  4. Administrator
    1. User log in
    2. Add users and create user groups
    3. Add classroom locations
    4. Create course modules, instances, and learning programs
    5. Captivate Prime Content Catalog
    6. Content marketplace
    7. Reports
    8. Learning Paths
    9. Learning plans
    10. Manage Captivate Prime orders and billing
    11. Job Aids
    12. Certifications
    13. Catalogs
    14. Add users in bulk
    15. Peer accounts
    16. Create and modify skills and levels
    17. AI-based recommendation of courses
    18. Gamification
    19. Customize learner homepage
    20. Badges
    21. Color themes
    22. Learner transcripts
    23. Waitlist & attendance management
    24. Fluidic player
    25. Announcements
    26. Email templates
    27. Adobe Connect integration
    28. Settings
    29. Notifications
    30. iPad & Android tablet users
    31. Getting started as Administrator
    32. Purge users
    33. Tags
    34. Captivate Prime integration with Slack
    35. Captivate Prime Content Catalog
    36. Custom roles
    37. Catalog labels
    38. xAPI in Captivate Prime
    39. Monitoring and moderating Social Learning as an admin
    40. Enable full control of shared catalog
    41. Map skill with skill domains
  5. Integration Admin
    1. Migration manual
    2. Captivate Prime Connectors
    3. Integrate Captivate Prime with AEM
    4. Install Salesforce package in Captivate Prime
    5. Install Microsoft Teams connector
    6. Application developer manual
    7. Captivate Prime App for Salesforce
    8. Settings
    9. Manage custom roles via CSV files
  6. Authors
    1. User login
    2. Content library
    3. Creating, modify, and publish courses
    4. Catalogs
    5. Job Aids
    6. Adobe Connect integration
    7. Add learning objects in different locales
    8. User notifications
    9. Email templates
    10. How to choose course modules?
    11. Preview as learner
    12. Settings
    13. xAPI in Captivate Prime
  7. Instructor
    1. Modules
    2. Managing learners for your session
  8. Learner
    1. Log in
    2. Profile Settings
    3. Catalogs
    4. Courses
    5. Fluidic player
    6. Learning Programs
    7. Certifications
    8. Job Aids
    9. Badges
    10. Skills & Levels
    11. Gamification
    12. User notifications
    13. Announcements
    14. Waitlist & attendance management
    15. Captivate Prime app for Salesforce
    16. Adobe Connect integration
    17. Learner App for mobiles and tablets
    18. Social Learning in Captivate Prime
    19. Adobe Captivate Prime desktop application
    20. Learner home page
    21. Share to Social Learning
    22. System requirements | Adobe Captivate Prime desktop application
  9. Manager
    1. User log in
    2. Manager dashboard
    3. Reports
    4. Learning Objects
    5. User notifications
    6. Learner transcripts
    7. Settings
    8. iPad & Android tablet users
  10. Frequently Asked Questions
    1. Frequently Asked Questions for Administrators
    2. Frequently Asked Questions for Authors
    3. Frequently Asked Questions for Instructors
    4. Frequently Asked Questions for Managers
  11. Knowledge Base
    1. Unable to log in to Captivate Prime
    2. Learning Summary does not display current data
    3. Unable to upload a CSV
    4. Generate a HAR file
    5. L1 feedback auto popup does not appear
    6. Unable to view certain courses under catalog while creating a Certification
    7. Unable to view certain course under catalog while creating a Learning Program
    8. Issues in retiring a Learning Program
    9. Unable to assign a badge
    10. Session expires in Captivate Prime
    11. Unable to search a course
    12. Troubleshoot migration issues
    13. Troubleshoot Captivate Prime app issues
    14. Users get auto deleted in Captivate Prime
    15. Publishing issues in the EU domain
    16. Unable to register as external user
    17. Okta Active Directory integration with Adobe Captivate Prime
    18. Unable to view learners in a course
    19. Unable to view calendar
    20. Module is not marked complete after completing a course
    21. Unable to achieve a skill after completing a course
    22. Radio buttons are missing
    23. Unable to view file submissions in Captivate Prime

This document contains basic troubleshooting tips to solve some of the typical problems that you may encounter while migrating data and content from existing LMS to Captivate Prime.

Generic migration issues

Unable to log in to FTP folder or content folder

Ensure that your accounts have been created in the FTP and Box services. When you create a migration project, you request to set up these two services. As soon as you create the services, you receive emails from Exavault and Box to reset or set up the passwords. If you do not remember the passwords, you can reset them by visiting the Exavault and Box websites. 

Jobs are not reflected even after clicking Refresh button

  • Ensure that the CSV files are uploaded to the correct folder in Exavault FTP. The path structure should be as follows:

            Account>Project>Sprint location

  • Ensure that the file names of CSV files are as per the CSV specification names:
    • course.csv
    • course_instance.csv
    • course_module.csv
    • enrollment.csv
    • module.csv
    • module_version.csv
    • user_course_grade.csv 

Failures are shown for jobs with error records

  1. Download the error logs by clicking Download error records link
  2. Correct the original CSVs based on the reported errors, and
  3. Re-run the Sprint with the modified CSVs.

Best practice is to run modified CSVs in a new Sprint when the number of changes are less as compared to the total number of records.

Unable to log in to Captivate Prime application even after stopping the Sprint migration

It may take 10-15 mins to unlock an account once a Sprint run is stopped or completed. Try to access the application after 15 minutes.

Some of the migration jobs display 'In Progress' status even after 'Stop' is triggered.

It may take 10-15 minutes to stop executing all the jobs once it is in 'In Progress' state. Please re-check the status after 10 mins. 

Unable to create a Sprint as the button is disabled

Ensure that the current Sprint is marked as complete, before creating a Sprint. Click Mark Sprint Complete at the top of the page to complete a Sprint migration. 

Unable to mark a Migration Project as complete as the button is disabled

Ensure that the current Sprint is marked as complete, before marking the migration project completion. Click Mark Sprint Complete at the top of the page to complete a Sprint migration. 

CSV issues

module_version.csv file migration is failing and content is not migrated yet

Ensure that the content is available in Content folder (Box account under the specified migration project, sprint path). Also, ensure that you have selected the option Yes for Will you be migrating content for this Sprint? question in the Sprint creating page. 

If you forget to select Yes, and proceed further in this sprint, then you have to wait till you complete this sprint. Create another sprint and ensure to click Yes. 

enrollment.csv or user_course_grade.csv records fail with an error message 'Not a valid PrimeId'

Ensure that the email id provided as part of userId, assignedByUserID fields belong to valid Captivate Prime users. If not, please add the user, create a new Sprint with Sync Users option selected. In case  the user is not part of the organization, add the user as a deleted user in Prime by using Add users CSV specification. A sample CSV specification to add deleted users is provided below for your reference. 


Refer to CSV specifications and sample CSVs section in Migration manual to download complete set of CSV specifications and sample CSV files. 

Courses appear blank or incorrect modules play for a migrated course

Ensure that the moduleOrderInCourse key value for a Course starts with 0 and is in continuous order. The order in terms of  courseModuleType should be PRETEST, TESTOUT, CONTENT.

Also, make sure that two versions of Activity, Classroom, and VC are not linked with the existing Course.

Receiving a message as 'Module is already linked with an existing course'

Captivate Prime does not allow linking Activity/VC/Classroom module to more than one course. Ensure that the module is not linked with any other courses.

All the courses show the latest version of Activity/VC/Classroom modules even though the courses are linked with different module versions

Versioning of Activity, Classroom, and Virtual classroom modules is not supported in Captivate Prime. If you provide versions through moduleVersion.csv file, it updates the existing file instead of creating a new verison. 

Desired duration does not appear for a migrated Activity/VC/Classroom module

Desired duration is not a valid entry for Activity/VC/Classroom module.

Hyperlink URL doesn’t open up in Captivate Prime

Ensure that that the provided links are pre-fixed with ‘http://' or 'https://'

moduleVersion migration fails with ‘File not found’ errors

Ensure that the referred file is present in the content folder and it is migrated successfully.

moduleVersion migration fails with an error message as ‘An Internal Error has occurred - for Module : x and moduleVersion : y’

Re-run the Sprint to resolve the issue.

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