Errors 'Activation limit reached' and 'serial number in maximum use'

Learn what to do if you get the error messages 'Activation limit reached' or 'The serial number is in use by the maximum allowed computers' when trying to sign into Adobe apps.

Errors 'Activation limit reached' or 'The serial number is already in use by the maximum allowed computers'

After installing Adobe desktop applications, you may occasionally encounter the error 'Activation limit reached' or 'The serial number is in use by the maximum allowed computers' when activating the software. 

Your Adobe license allows you to use Adobe apps on only one computer at a time and sign in or activate your account on up to two computers. You may get these error messages if you try to activate your apps on more than two computers. Additionally, you might receive these errors when your computer's licensing or activation data becomes corrupted or damaged.

Activate your software on a third computer

If you want to sign in to (activate) Adobe apps on a third computer, first ensure that you have signed out of (deactivated) the previously activated computer. If you face any issues when trying to deactivate your app, learn how to troubleshoot activation limit reached or sign-in failed errors for non-subscription apps.

Update your operating system

Your computer must be able to contact Adobe servers to successfully complete the deactivation or activation process. To maintain the security and resilience of Adobe servers, we require that computers apply and implement critical security updates before contacting us. So, keep your operating system current so that it works seamlessly with Adobe apps.

Run the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner tool

If you're using an updated operating system and haven't activated your Adobe apps (such as Photoshop Elements, InDesign CS6, and Acrobat 11) on more than two computers, you can fix any software errors by running the Adobe Creative Cloud Cleaner tool.

Activate your apps offline

If you can't update the computer and running the Creative Cloud Cleaner tool didn't fix the issue, you should try offline activation of Adobe Photoshop Elements and Adobe Premiere Elements. To trigger the offline activation, you need to temporarily turn off all network connections to the computer. You will also need a modern device (computer, smartphone, tablet) to contact our servers and complete the offline activation process. Most Adobe desktop software, including retail versions of Creative Suite and Acrobat, require online activation.

Reset hosts file

If your Adobe software license doesn't include offline activation, you might be unable to reach Adobe servers.

To allow your computer to contact Adobe servers, run the Limited Access Repair tool for Windows and macOS. Adobe engineers designed this tool to automatically remove any Adobe-related entries from the computer's host files. These entries are unnecessary and can prevent the computer from contacting Adobe servers successfully.

If the host file is clean of Adobe-related entries, then fix connectivity issues for Adobe apps for additional solutions and confirm that the installed security software is up-to-date and using the manufacturer's recommended settings.

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