Enable the Power Automate integration

Enablement and Configuration Options


The enablement of Power Automate is limited to enterprise-licensed accounts.

Configuration scope:

To enable the integration, navigate to Account Settings > Workflow Integration

  1. Log in to Acrobat Sign as an account-level admin.

  2. Navigate to Account Settings > Workflow Integration.

  3. Select Enable Power Automate Workflows.

    Enable the integration

  4. Sign in to your Microsoft account with your Azure Active Directory user.

    Sign in to your Microsoft account

  5. Accept the permission request to establish the connection between Acrobat Sign and Power Automate.

    The Microsoft permissions required to create the connection

    Accept the permission request to establish the connection between Acrobat Sign and Power Automate.

  6. A separate window opens with a Get Started button. Do not manually close this window, or the installation process will be aborted.

    Select the Get Started button to accept the terms and conditions and allow the integration to access your tenant details.

    Select the Get Started button

    The Enable button converts to a message that says the enablement process can take a few minutes.


    Wait for Microsoft to connect

    Once the integration is successfully connected, an Enabled tag appears at the top of the page.

    The Microsoft organization number and email address for the enabling user are provided to the left of the Enabled tag.

    Enabled landing page

Configure access to Power Automate for the users

Once the integration is enabled, the option to run process flows in Power Automate is enabled for all users, and the ability to build flows is limited to the administrators of your Acrobat Sign account.

Administrators can configure the settings at the account or group level, with group-level settings overriding the inherited account settings.

There are three controls:

  • Enable Power Automate workflows within Acrobat Sign - This setting is enabled by default, allowing all users to discover the feature and run the Power Automate flows that are shared with them (or they create).
    • Disabling this option removes all access to discover, create, and run Power Automate flows for group administrators and non-admin users. Account-level administrators retain access to create and run workflows (as long as the integration is still connected to Microsoft).
    • Group-level administrators retain the authority to enable the option at the group level, thereby gaining access to create and run workflows.
    • Disabling this option removes the in-context access points for the Power Automate Template Gallery on the Manage page for non-admin users. Account and Group admins will always see the access links.
  • Allow users to create Power Automate workflows - This setting governs what authority level is required for creating new workflows in Acrobat Sign. By default, only administrators are granted creation authority. Enabling this option allows non-admin users to create their own workflows.
  • Allow users to enable this feature - When enabled, the Workflows tab is exposed for non-admin users, allowing them to enable Power Automate for their primary group. 

To access the controls, navigate to Account Settings > Global Settings > Power Automate Workflows

Navigate to Power Automate settings


Before users can execute Power Automate flows, they must log in to Acrobat Sign, select the Workflows tab, and authenticate to their Microsoft account.

  • The challenge to authenticate triggers as soon as the user opens the Workflows tab.
  • This user authentication is persistent, and users should not have to reauthenticate after the first time.

Disabling the integration

Disabling the integration immediately suspends the entitlements provided through Acrobat Sign and disables the user interface in the Acrobat Sign environment. Entitlement acquired directly from Microsoft is not impacted.

  • All workflows will stop unless the customer has purchased an entitlement directly from Microsoft.
  • The Microsoft environment retains all flows that were created. Re-enabling the integration will make the existing flows visible via the integration.
  • The Microsoft environment retains the consumption data of the Acrobat Sign entitlement. Re-enabling the integration recovers that entitlement and does not reset the entitlement volume.

To disable the integration, navigate to Account Settings > Workflow Integration and select the Disable Power Automate Workflows link.

Disable link on the Workflow tab.

Known Issues

  • Localization is limited to US English only.
  • Third-party cookies must be enabled in the user's browser settings.
  • Latency when loading the Power Automate embedded page.
  • Intermittent page load issues during the Workflow Delete and Share experiences.
  • Flows created in the embedded experience will appear under the Solutions section rather than the My flows section in the Power Automate portal.
  • Flows created directly in Power Automate under My Flows section do not appear in the Acrobat Sign integration.

Troubleshooting enablement errors:

The problem that triggers this error: The user does not have Azure Active Directory (AAD) account.

How to fix the problem: Setup an AAD account using the instructions in Get Started link.

Active Directory error

The problem that triggers this error: A transient system error occurred while activating the integration.

How to fix the problem: Try again.

Processing error

The problem that triggers this error: The tenant corresponding to the Microsoft user account entered is already activated for use with another Acrobat Sign account. A single tenant cannot be mapped to more than one Acrobat Sign account.  

How to fix the problem: Work with your Microsoft tenant administrator to identify the Acrobat Sign account mapped to the tenant.  

User conflict error

The problem that triggers this error: The user attempting to enable the service is not part of the Microsoft tenant that the Admin has enabled the feature for.

How to fix the problem: Logout from all Microsoft sessions and try again with another Microsoft tenant/user.

The problem that triggers this error: The user is attempting to enable OAuth with a different username thazn was used previously.

How to fix the problem: Logout from all Microsoft sessions and try again with the Microsoft tenant/user that initially configured the service.

The problem that triggers this error: The tenant that the administrator is linking to (via OAuth) is not a School or Work account.

How to fix the problem: Determine if you have a Work or School account with Microsoft, and ensure you are authenticating to that tenant.

The problem that triggers this error: A pop-up blocker in you browser is denying the pop-up inputs form Microsoft.

How to fix the problem: Turn off pop-up blockers for the site in your browser.


The problem that triggers this error: A refresh token for the integration is either expired or has been revoked by the administartor.

How to fix the problem: Refresh the OAuth connection (automatically triggered).

The problem that triggers this error: This is a generic OAuth error triggered outside of the Acrobat Sign environment.

How to fix the problem: Retry the action.

The problem that triggers this error: This is a generic error triggered by the provisioning organization outside of the Acrobat Sign environment.

How to fix the problem: Retry the action.

The problem that triggers this error: This is a generic error message triggered when granting a license to the user flow outside of the Acrobat Sign environment.

How to fix the problem: Retry the action.

The problem that triggers this error: The user has not accepted the Microsoft Terms and Conditions.

How to fix the problem: Accept the Terms and Conditions. (The page to accept the terms and conditions will appear automatically.)

The problem that triggers this error: This is a generic error message triggered when nythinga fails with a miscellaneous error outside of the Acrobat Sign environment.

How to fix the problem: Retry the action.

The problem that triggers this error: Generic error when deprovisioning the integration fails.

How to fix the problem: Retry the action.

The problem that triggers this error: The administrator has not consented to the Microsoft Terms and Conditions and is attempting to connect via OAuth.

How to fix the problem: Accept the Terms and Conditions. (The page to accept the terms and conditions will appear automatically.)

Troubleshooting page load issues:

The problem that triggers this error: The user has disabled third-party cookies in their browser configuration.

How to fix the problem: Allow third-party cookies in the browser configuration.

Problem that triggers this error: The flow has been created without an Acrobat Sign connector.

How to fix the problem: All flows must have an Acrobat Sign connector before being saved.

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