Create and manage document templates


Library templates allow users to create reusable, interactive documents.  These documents can be as simple as one signature field (like a non-disclosure agreement), or highly complex forms (like tax/on-boarding documents).

Anywhere you use the same file to define an agreement, you can create a template that speeds delivery of the document to the signer, ensures consistency in the final signed contract, and passively ensures your team is always using the current document version.

Templates can be defined in two ways: Form Field Layers and Documents.

  • Form Field Layers are just the fields that are applied to the uploaded file. Ideal for companies that dynamically build contracts with custom content, but in a standardized format. Just upload the file, and apply the field layer to place all fields in a few mouse clicks.
  • Documents include the base file in addition to the fields. Boilerplate documents that don't have dynamic content work best here, like tax forms, applications, and non-disclosure agreements.

The user that creates the template is the owner of the object.

Only the owner can edit the template, or adjust the Permission level unless the template is shared to their Group or Organization.

  • If the template is shared with the Organization, then Account level admins have the authority to edit the template in the Shared Libraries section of their admin menu
  • If the template is shared with the Group, then the admins for that Group have the authority to edit the template in the Shared Libraries section of the admin menu.
    • Account-level admins also have access to all documents shared to groups

Ownership of a template cannot be transferred to another user.

Create a library template

  1. To create a library template, click the Home tab, then select Create a reusable template

    Add template from the home page

  2. The Create Library Template configuration page loads.

    Enter the name of your template into the Template Name field.

    If you do not explicitly enter a name for the template, the field will adopt the name of the first document added.

  3. Drag and drop your files into the Files section, or click the Add Files link at the upper-right corner of the Files field to browse your system.

    Multiple files can be attached to build one larger template if desired.

  4. Configure the Template Type:

    • Reusable document - This option saves the full document, content and form fields
    • Reusable form field layer - This options saves just the form field layer to be applied to a different document (different content with the same layout)
    • Both - Both types of templates will be available

    At any time you can change the type of template by editing the template properties.

  5. Configure Who can use this template

    This setting will grant access to the template based on the uploading user:

    • Only me - This option will only make the template available to the uploading user.
    • Any user in my group - Setting the template at the group level will create a logical association between the template and the group the uploading user is currently part of. All members of the group will have access to the template.
      • Moving the user that uploaded the template to another group will not break this template - group association.
      • The template is made available to edit for the account-level admin and the group-level admin of the user's group in the Shared Libraries menu.
      • Accounts that have Users in Multiple Groups enabled will have a dropdown field to select the group the template should be related to.
    Select thee group for the template

    • Any user in my organization - Every user in the account will have access to use the template.
      • The template is made available to edit for the account-level admin in the Shared Libraries menu

    The owning user of a template can always delete the template.

    The owning user and the group/account admins can edit the template.

    Other users can manipulate the template after it has been applied to an Agreement by selecting Preview & Add Signature Fields during the send process.  This edits the properties of the template for the discrete agreement, and does not change the root template.

  6. Click Preview & Add Fields to send the template to the authoring environment 

    Configure a template

  7. The Drag and Drop authoring environment opens. Drag fields from the right rail onto your document in the desired places.


    All fields placed are assigned to the first recipient by default. You can change who the placed fields are assigned to by accessing the Recipients drop-down list and changing the selected recipient.

  8. When you're done adding fields, click Save.

Change the name of a library template

Changing the name of a template is easy and only takes a couple steps. Rename your old templates to keep up with revisions or denote defunct templates you want to hold on to.

  1. Navigate to your template by selecting the Manage tab

  2. Select the Templates filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the template you want to select it, and then click the Edit Template link in the right rail to open the template in the drag-and-drop authoring environment

    Click the edit link for the template

  4. Expand the Template Properties section:

    • Click in the Template Name field
    • Enter the desired name
    Click the edit link for the template

  5. Click Save when done

Change the template type of a library template

The template type defines if your template includes the base document, or consists of only fields.

  1. Navigate to your template by selecting the Manage tab

  2. Select the Templates filter in the left rail

  3. Single-click the template you want to select it, and then click the Edit Template link in the right rail to open the template in the drag-and-drop authoring environment

    Click the edit link for the template

  4. Expand the Template Properties section:

    In the Template Type section, you can define the type of template:

    • Reusable form field layer - Contains only the fields (as a layer) which can be applied to an uploaded document.
    • Reusable document - Contains a document of some nature, with the field layer applied.
      • It is acceptable to place no fields.
    Click the edit link for the template

  5. Click Save when done

Change the permission level of a library template

The permission level of the template determines what other users in your account can access and use this template.

  1. Navigate to your template by selecting the Manage tab.

  2. Select the Templates filter in the left rail.

  3. Single-click the template you want to select it, and then click the Edit Template link in the right rail to open the template in the drag-and-drop authoring environment.

    Click the edit link for the template

  4. Configure Who can use this template

    This setting will grant access to the template based on the uploading user:

    • Only me - This option will only make the template available to the uploading user.
    • Any user in my group - Setting the template at the group level will create a logical association between the template and the group the uploading user is currently part of. All members of the group will have access to the template.
      • Moving the user that uploaded the template to another group will not break this template - group association.
      • The template is made available to edit for the account-level admin and the group-level admin of the user's group in the Shared Libraries menu.
      • Changing the Group relationship of the template will remove it from access for for the previous gorup, but will not impact agreements that have already been sent using the template.
    • Any user in my organization - Every user in the account will have access to use the template.
      • The template is made available to edit for the account-level admin in the Shared Libraries menu
    Click the edit link for the template

  5. Click Save when done

  • If your template has many fields, save often! Clicking Save takes you back to the Manage page, but that's better than losing your work!
  • Intelligently naming the fields on your document could help you in the long run. If you plan on exporting the data your signers entered, naming the fields can keep this information organized and makes it far more readable.

Admin authority to edit shared library templates

Administrators have the authority to edit any library template that has been shared (via template permissions) with their respective group or account.

  • Only library templates are included.  Web forms are not.
  • Only library templates that are shared via the template permissions are included.  
  • Group-level administrators may edit all library templates that have been shared to their group by members of their group.
  • Account-level administrators may edit all library templates that have been shared to their group or the organization.
    • Account-level admins see the shared templates from all groups.

An admin can access the shared library list by navigating to: Account > Shared Libraries

Navigate to the Shared Libraries menu item

The page content includes:

  • Name of the template - The formal name of the library template as listed on the manage page.
  • Type - Type of template. Either Library Document, Form Field Layer Template, or Both Document and Form Field Template.
  • Owner - The original creator of the template. The formal name and email of the user are provided.
  • Shared with - This reflects the template permission setting. The value is either the Account or the Group (with the group name appended).
  • Last Modified - The date that the template was last saved to the system.


To edit a template:

  • Double-click the template.
    • Or single click and select the Edit action.
Edit the template


The Adobe Acrobat Sign authoring environment opens to allow you to edit the template properties, type, name, and field placement/assignments.

  • Make any changes you require and click Save when done.


Admins have the authority to change the template permissions.

Changing the template permissions has the potential to remove the template from the Shared Libraries listing, thus removing it from the authority scope of the admin.

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