Control color saturation in your photos.

What you'll need

Note: Stock assets provided are for practice purposes only. See terms.

What you learned

Know the properties of color you can adjust with Hue/Saturation

A Hue/Saturation adjustment layer lets you change one or more properties of color in a photo. The Hue slider changes actual color; the Saturation slider adjusts the intensity of color; and the Lightness slider makes colors lighter or darker.

Change color globally

Change the hue, saturation and/or lightness of all the colors in a photo using the Hue/Saturation sliders.

Change a specific color

Adjust the hue, saturation and/or lightness of a particular color by choosing that color from a dropdown menu before dragging the Hue/Saturation adjustment sliders. This changes the selected color throughout your photo.

Change a specific color on-canvas

With the On-Image Adjustment tool activated, you can work directly on the canvas to change the saturation or hue of a particular color wherever that color appears in your photo.

Now you know how to change multiple properties of color in your photos!

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