Configuring Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive

Adobe Document Cloud provides a web-based installer and related tools to deploy the Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive.

Supported browsers

The Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive is supported on all modern browsers such as Microsoft Edge, Chrome, Firefox, and Safari.


Beginning October 1, 2021, Acrobat tools will no longer support Internet Explorer and Microsoft Edge Legacy browsers.


The Document Cloud integration will not work if third-party cookies are blocked in the browser. Ensure that third-party cookies are unblocked for the browser you are using.

Deploy Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive

Follow the steps below to deploy Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive account.

  1. Go to Microsoft 365 Admin center and log in using your credentials.

  2. From the navigation menu on the left, go to Settings > Integrated apps, and then select Get apps.


  3. In the admin center AppSource window, search for Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365. From the search results, locate Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365 and click Get it now.


  4. In the dialog that appears, click Deploy.


  5. In the Deploy New App window, select Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365, and then click Next.

    Deploy Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365

  6. You can add the users you want the app to be deployed to. Select the desired option and click Next.

    Add users

  7. Acrobat app requests permissions before deployment. Click Accept permissions

    Accept permission requests

  8. A new app permissions window pops up. Enter your Microsoft login credentials if prompted, and then click Accept.

    Click Accept

  9. The Deploy New App window confirms the Permissions accepted. Click Next.

    Permissions accepted

  10. To Review and finish deployment, click Finish deployment.

  11. Click Done when the deployment is completed.

    Deployment completed confirmation

    You will see Adobe Acrobat for Microsoft 365 listed in the list of Integrated apps.

    Acrobat deployed and visible in the Integrated apps list

Manage your installation

The user management is currently not supported in Azure Active Directory, even though the Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive is visible in it.

Alternative method for deploying Adobe Acrobat on SharePoint and OneDrive

If Adobe Acrobat isn't visible after 24-48 hours, deploy it using this method.

Uninstall Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive

  1. Sign in to with your Microsoft admin account.

  2. In the left pane, click Azure Active Directory > Enterprise Applications.

  3. Click All Applications. From the list of deployed applications, click Adobe Document Cloud.

    Azure Active Directory admin center

  4. Click Properties, and then click Delete.



    Microsoft caching infrastructure delays the deletion of the app. It might take upto 24 to 36 hours for the Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive to be removed from your account. After 24 to 36 hours, log out and log in back to your OneDrive and SharePoint account. The Adobe Acrobat for SharePoint and OneDrive is removed.

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