Version X3
Make a new build tag named "tag1"
Click the "Project" tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the "Conditional Build Tags" folder
Enter tag1 in the Conditional Build Tag field
Click OK
Make a new build tag named "tag2"
Click the Project tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the Conditional Build Tags folder
Enter tag2 in the Conditional Build Tag field
Click OK
Add tag1 to each topic that is to be excluded from the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics not to be included from the search (to select multiple topics, hold down the Control key)
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag1"
Click OK
Add tag2 to each topic that is to be included in the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics to be included in the search (to select multiple topics, hold down the Control key)
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag2"
Click OK
Click File
Generate Primary Layout (This should be set to WebHelp)
Define the Conditional Build Expression to exclude topics that are not wanted in the search
Click the Define button
This will bring up the Define Conditional Build Tag Expression dialog -
Click the Advanced button
Click the Not button
Select 'TAG1' from the drop-down list of Available Conditional Build Tags
Click the Add Tag button
Click OK
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
Open Windows Explorer
Browse to your WebHelp output folder
Copy the following files from the WebHelp directory subfolders to another location for safe-keeping
In the whdata and whxdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.These files are used for the JavaApplet and DHTML versions of WebHelp
In the whgdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.This file is used for the 508 compliant and Pure HTML versions of WebHelp
In RoboHTML, click File
Select Generate Primary Layout
Remove the Build Expression
Click the Define button
This will bring up the Define Conditional Build Tag Expression dialog -
Click the Advanced button (If greyed out, skip this step)
Click the Clear button
Click OK
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
In Windows Explorer, copy the following files into the correct folders in the WebHelp directory
In the whdata and whxdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
whfwdata0.xml -
In the whgdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Run the WebHelp system. Only those topics included with tag 2 will be included in the search
Version 2002
Make a new build tag named "tag1"
Click the Project tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the Build Tags folder
Select New Buildtag
Enter tag1 in the Build Tag field
Click Ok
Make a new build tag named "tag2"
Click the Project tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the Build Tags folder
Select New Buildtag
Enter tag2 in the Build Tag field
Click OK
Add tag1 to each topic that is to be excluded from the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics not to be included from the search (to select multiple
topics, hold down the Control key) -
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag1"
Click OK
Add tag2 to each topic that is to be included in the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics to be included in the search (to select multiple topics,
hold down the Control key -
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag2"
Click OK
Click File
Select Generate
Choose Webhelp
Define the Build Expression to exclude topics that are not wanted in the search
Click the Define button
This will bring up the Define Build Tag Expression dialog -
Click the Not button
Select TAG1 from the drop-down list of Build Tags
Click the Add Tag button
Click OK
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
Open Windows Explorer
Browse to your WebHelp output folder
Copy the following files from the WebHelp directory subfolders to another location for safe-keeping
In the whdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.These files are used for the JavaApplet and DHML versions of WebHelp
In the whgdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.This file is used for the 508 compliant and Pure HTML versions of WebHelp
In RoboHTML, click File
Select Generate
Choose Webhelp3
Remove the Build Expression
Click the Define button
Click the Clear button
Click Ok
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
In Windows Explorer, copy the following files into the correct folders in the WebHelp directory
In the whdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.These files are used for the JavaApplet and DHML versions of WebHelp
In the whgdata folder within your WebHelp folder:
Примечание.This file is used for the 508 compliant and Pure HTML versions of WebHelp
Run the WebHelp system. Only those topics included with tag 2 will be included in the search
Versions 7, 2000, 9.x
The .hhs file controls the Full Text Search for the Java Applet version, always used by Netscape and used by IE if the Java Applet option is selected when generating WebHelp. Ftsbody.htm controls the DHTML search components the same way the .hhs controls the java version.
Make a new build tag named "tag1"
Click the Project tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the Build Tags folder
Select New Buildtag
Enter tag1 in the Build Tag fiel
Click Ok
Make a new build tag named "tag2"
Click the Project tab in RoboHTML
Right-click on the Build Tags folder
Select New Buildtag
Enter tag2 in the Build Tag field
Click Ok
Add tag1 to each topic that is to be excluded from the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics not to be included from the search (to select multiple topics, hold down the Control key)
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag1"
Click Ok
Add tag2 to each topic that is to be included in the search
Click the Topics tab in RoboHTML
Select the topics to be included in the search (to select multiple topics, hold down the Control key)
Click Edit
Select Properties
Select the Advanced tab
Check the box next to "tag2"
Click Ok
Click File
Select Generate
Choose Webhelp3
Define the Build Expression as TAG2
Click the Define button
Select TAG2 from the drop-down list of Build Tags
Click Add Tag
Click Ok
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
Open Windows Explorer
Browse to your WebHelp output folder
Copy the .hhs and the and ftsbody.htm files from the WebHelp directory to another location for safe-keeping
In RoboHTML, click File
Select Generate
Choose Webhelp3
Remove the Build Expression
Click the Define button
Click the Clear button
Click Ok
Select your WebHelp Options, and then click Finish
In Windows Explorer, copy the .hhs and the and ftsbody.htm (which were previously saved in set 9) into the WebHelp directory
Run the WebHelp system. Only those topics included with tag 2 will be included in the search