You can customize Dreamweaver in a multiuser operating system such as Microsoft® Windows® XP, Windows Vista, or Mac OS® X. Dreamweaver prevents the customized configuration of any user from affecting the configurations of other users. The first time you run Dreamweaver in a multiuser operating system, Dreamweaver copies configuration files into a user Configuration folder. When you customize Dreamweaver by using dialog boxes and panels, the application modifies your user Configuration files instead of modifying the Dreamweaver Configuration files. To customize Dreamweaver in a multiuser environment, edit the appropriate user Configuration file, rather than the Dreamweaver Configuration files. To make changes that affect most users, edit a Dreamweaver Configuration file. However, users who already have corresponding user Configuration files do not see the change. To make changes that affect all users, create an extension and install it using the Extension Manager.
In older multiuser operating systems (Windows 98, Windows ME, and Mac OS 9.x), all users share a single set of Dreamweaver Configuration files.
The location of the Configuration folder of the user depends on the platform of the user.
Windows XP platforms use the following location:
hard disk:\Documents and Settings\username\Application Data\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\Configuration
It is possible that this folder is inside a hidden folder.
Windows Vista platforms use the following location:
hard disk:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CS5\Configuration
Mac OS X platforms use the following location:
hard disk:\Users/username/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver CS5/Configuration
To install extensions that all users can use in a multiuser operating system, you must be logged in as Administrator (Windows) or root (Mac OS X).
The first time you run Dreamweaver, it copies only some of the configuration files into your user Configuration folder. (The files that it copies are specified in the version.xml file in the Configuration folder.) When you customize Dreamweaver from within the application, Dreamweaver copies the configuration files into your user Configuration folder. For example, Dreamweaver copies the files when you modify one of the predesigned code snippets in the Snippets panel. The version of a file in your user Configuration folder always takes precedence over the version in the Dreamweaver Configuration folder. To customize a configuration file, it must be present in the user Configuration folder. If Dreamweaver has not copied the file already, copy and edit the file in the user Configuration folder.
When working in a multiuser operating system, if you do something within Dreamweaver that would delete a configuration file (for example, deleting a predesigned snippet from the Snippets panel), Dreamweaver creates a file in your user Configuration folder called mm_deleted_files.xml. When a file is listed in mm_deleted_files.xml, Dreamweaver behaves as if that file doesn’t exist.
The mm_deleted_files.xml file contains a structured list of items that specify configuration files that Dreamweaver is to ignore. These items are specified by XML tags, which you can edit in a text editor.
In the syntax descriptions of the mm_deleted_files.xml tags that follow, optional attributes are marked in the attribute lists with curly braces ({}); all attributes not marked with curly braces are required.
1 2 3 | <deleteditems> <!-- item tags here --> </deleteditems> |
The name attribute specifies the path to the configuration file, relative to the Configuration folder. In Windows, use a backslash (\) to separate parts of the path; on the Macintosh®, use a colon (:).
1 | <item name= "snippets\headers\5columnwith4links.csn" /> |
After you install Dreamweaver, if you later reinstall it or upgrade to a later version, Dreamweaver automatically makes backup copies of existing user configuration files, so that if you’ve customized those files, you can still access the changes you made. When you uninstall Dreamweaver from a multiuser system (which you can do only if you have administrative privileges), Dreamweaver can remove each user Configuration folder for you.