تاريخ آخر تحديث 16‏/10‏/2024

Learn how to get started with the Adobe Express Education account for students.

You can log into one of these accounts:

  • School or district account provided by your school's administrators
  • Classroom account provided by your United States-verified teacher

Log in with a school or district account

  1. Login screen for Adobe Express for Education account for students or teachers, where a student can log in using either school account or a class code||all-you-nned-to-know-for-students-express.jpg
    Log in to Adobe Express for Education student account.

  2. Select Log in with school account.

  3. Enter your school email and password.


You are logged in to Adobe Express for Education as a student with a school or district account.

Log in with a classroom account

Before you begin: Ensure you have received an email from your teacher containing a class code link or a unique class code to join. Your teacher can send you this information from their classroom manager within their teacher account.

  1. Open the email from your teacher and select the class code link.

  2. Enter the class code in the Classroom code field, and then select Next.

  3. Use your school's Google Workspace for Education account to sign up.

  4. If prompted, select Company or School Account to continue.


Note: Don’t select Adobe ID/Personal account.


You are logged in to Adobe Express for Education as a student using a class code.