- ColdFusion server profiles
- Install ColdFusion
- Configure your system
ColdFusion licensing and activation
- About Named User Licensing and Feature Restricted Licensing in ColdFusion
- Glossary of terms in ColdFusion licensing and activation
- Named User License (NUL) in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Isolated in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Online in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Offline in ColdFusion
- Troubleshoot ColdFusion licensing errors
- ColdFusion Licensing and Activation in ColdFusion (2023 release) and earlier
- Install ColdFusion configuration
- Install integrated technologies
- New JVM arguments in 2023 and 2021 updates of ColdFusion
- New JVM arguments in ColdFusion (2025 release)
- CFSetup configuration tool
- Command Line Interface (CLI)
- Central Config Server (CCS) in ColdFusion
- Administer ColdFusion
- Use the ColdFusion administrator
- Data Source Management for ColdFusion
- Connect to web servers
- Deploy ColdFusion applications
- Administer ColdFusion security
- Use multiple server instances
- ColdFusion Administrator API Reference
- Install and configure ColdFusion User Guide
Install ColdFusion
- ColdFusion server profiles
- Install ColdFusion
- Configure your system
ColdFusion licensing and activation
- About Named User Licensing and Feature Restricted Licensing in ColdFusion
- Glossary of terms in ColdFusion licensing and activation
- Named User License (NUL) in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Isolated in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Online in ColdFusion
- Feature Restricted Licensing (FRL)- Offline in ColdFusion
- Troubleshoot ColdFusion licensing errors
- ColdFusion Licensing and Activation in ColdFusion (2023 release) and earlier
- Install ColdFusion configuration
- Install integrated technologies
ColdFusion Administrator API Reference
About the Administrator APIs
Apart from modifying Administrator settings from the ColdFusion Administrator portal, you can also change the settings using the Admin APIs.
ColdFusion provides the APIs that are located in the location (<CF Directory>\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi).
Using the CFCs shown below, you can modify the Administrator settings and properties.
Access Manager CFC
Provides functions to check whether the current user has the access rights required for invoking functions.
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\accessmanager.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
methods: |
public boolean canAccessPage ( required string page )
Indicates whether or not the current user can access the specified page.
Output: suppressed
page: string, required, page to be accessed by the user.
public checkAdminRoles ( requiredRoles="", boolean checkAllRoles="true" )
Checks whether the current user is in the list of required administrative roles, else throws an error.
Output: suppressed
requiredRoles: any, optional, requiredRoles - List of required roles.
checkAllRoles: boolean, optional, checkAllRoles
public checkRootAdminUser ( )
Checks whether the current user is the root admin user, else throws an error.
Output: suppressed
Administrator CFC
The Administrator CFC provides methods for basic Administrator functionalities, such as, login, logout, Migration Wizard, and Setup Wizard.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\administrator.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
methods: |
checkValidUpdate*, createStruct*, getAdminProperty, getBuildNumber, getMigrateCFPrev2Flag*, getMigrateCFPrev3Flag*, getMigrateCFPrevFlag*, getMigrationFlag*, getMXMigrationFlag*, getSalt, getSecureProfileFlag*, getSetupEnableRDS*, getSetupOdbc*, getSetupSampleApps*, getSetupWizardFlag*, getUpdateCount, getUpdates, login, logout, setAdminProperty, setMigrateCFPrev2Flag*, setMigrateCFPrev3Flag*, setMigrateCFPrevFlag*, setMigrationFlag*, setMXMigrationFlag*, setSecureProfileFlag*, setSetupEnableRDS*, |
inherited methods: |
* - private method
private Struct checkValidUpdate ( required struct item, required string version, required any updates )
- item: struct, required, item
- version: string, required, version
- updates: any, required, updates
private createStruct ( any item )
item: any, optional, item
public boolean getAdminProperty ( required propertyName )
Returns Migration Wizard or Setup Wizard status.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Migration or setup flag to be returned. Valid Properties are:
- migrationFlag
- MXMigrationFlag
- SetupWizardFlag
- SecureProfileFlag
- migrateCF10
- migrateCF9
- setupSampleApps
- setupOdbc
- setupEnableRds
remote string getBuildNumber ( )
Returns the build number.
private getMigrateCFPrev2Flag ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private getMigrateCFPrev3Flag ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private getMigrateCFPrevFlag ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private getMigrationFlag ( )
Indicates whether the ColdFusion Migration Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private getMXMigrationFlag ( )
Indicates whether the ColdFusion MX to ColdFusion 8 Migration Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
remote any getSalt ( )
Get salt from server for Administrator login.
private getSecureProfileFlag ( )
Indicates whether the Secure profile should be enabled or not when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private boolean getSetupEnableRDS ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private boolean getSetupOdbc ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private boolean getSetupSampleApps ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
private getSetupWizardFlag ( )
Indicates whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
remote Struct getUpdateCount ( )
Returns number of updates available for the server.
public Array getUpdates ( boolean filter, boolean throwOnError )
Returns List of Available Updates For ColdFusion Server
Output: suppressed
filter: boolean, optional, filter - Flag to specify whether to filter out any updates not relevant for current server
throwOnError: boolean, optional, throwOnError - Flag to specify whether to throw exception on error
remote boolean login ( required adminPassword, adminUserId="[runtime expression]", rdsPasswordAllowed="false", isHashed="false" )
Authenticates the user for the length of the request. Required before accessing other methods of the Administrator API. Returns true if login successful.
Output: suppressed
adminPassword: any, required, adminPassword - ColdFusion Administrator password.
adminUserId: any, optional, adminUserId - ColdFusion Administrator User Id
rdsPasswordAllowed: any, optional, rdsPasswordAllowed - Allow the user to login and access the adminapi with the RDS password.
isHashed: any, optional, isHashed - Set it to true if the password sent is already hashed once.
remote void logout ( )
Logout from the Administrator API.
public void setAdminProperty ( required propertyName, required propertyValue )
Sets Migration Wizard or Setup Wizard status.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Migration or setup flag to be set. Valid properties are:
- migrationFlag
- MXMigrationFlag
- SetupWizardFlag
- SecureProfileFlag
- migrateCF10
- migrateCF9
- setupSampleApps
- setupOdbc
- setupEnableRds
propertyValue: any, required, propertyValue - Value for the migration or setup flag. Specify yes or no.
private void setMigrateCFPrev2Flag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setMigrateCFPrev3Flag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setMigrateCFPrevFlag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setMigrationFlag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the ColdFusion 5 to ColdFusion Migration Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setMXMigrationFlag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the ColdFusion MX to ColdFusion 8 Migration Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setSecureProfileFlag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Secure profile should be enabled or not when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setSetupEnableRDS ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setSetupOdbc ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setSetupSampleApps ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
private void setSetupWizardFlag ( required boolean flag )
Specifies whether the Setup Wizard should run when starting the ColdFusion Administrator for the first/next time.
Output: suppressed
flag: boolean, required, flag - Yes or No.
Base CFC
Base object for other Admin API CFCs.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\base.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
methods: |
public dump ( required value, expand="true" )
Used to debug variables inside of cfscript.
Output: enabled
value: any, required, value - ColdFusion variable or scope to display.
expand: any, optional, expand - Expand views, yes or no (Internet Explorer and Mozilla only).
package string getEdition ( )
Returns the edition:
- Developer
- Evaluation
- Enterprise
- Professional
Output: suppressed
package string getInstallType ( )
Returns the install type.
Output: suppressed
public isAdminUser ( requiredRoles="" )
Check to see if user is authenticated.
Output: suppressed
requiredRoles: any, optional, requiredRoles - List of required roles.
public logaudit ( required msg, isapplication="no" )
Used for log auditing information for admin api.
Output: suppressed
msg: any, required, msg - message to log.
isapplication: any, optional, isapplication - if message is application level.
private tfformat ( required val )
Indicates whether a passed value is of data type Boolean.
Output: suppressed
val : any, required, val - Value to be checked.
private throw ( message="", type="Exception" )
Used to throw errors in a cfscript block.
Output: suppressed
message: any, optional, message - A message that describes the error.
type: any, optional, type
Collections CFC
Manages collections migration from verity to solr.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\collections.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
methods: |
inherited methods: |
public disableTermHighlighting ( required solrCollectionName )
Output: suppressed
solrCollectionName: any, required, solrCollectionName - Name of Solr Collection to disable term highlighting for entire document.
public enableTermHighlighting ( required solrCollectionName )
Enable term highlighting for the entire document for a Solr collection.
Output: suppressed
solrCollectionName: any, required, solrCollectionName - Name of Solr Collection to enable term highlighting for entire document.
public any getSolrserver ( )
Gets the solr client for solr server.
Output: suppressed
public boolean isTermHighlightingEnabled ( required solrCollectionName )
Return true if term highlighting for entire document is enabled for a Solr collection.
Output: suppressed
solrCollectionName: any, required, solrCollectionName - Name of Solr Collection.
public reloadCollection ( required solrCollectionName )
Reload a Solr collection.
Output: suppressed
solrCollectionName: any, required, solrCollectionName - Name of Solr Collection to be reloaded.
Datasource CFC
Add, modify, and delete ColdFusion data sources.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\datasource.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
methods: |
checkAllowedFileExtensions, deleteDatasource, formatJdbcURL*, getAccessDefaultsFromRegistry*, getCFSettingDefaults*, getDatasourceDefaults*, getDatasources, getDriverDefaults*, getDriverDetails, getNewDSNDefaults*, getODBCDatasources, getSlsAgentServiceName*, getSlsServerPath*, getSlsServerServiceName*, getURLDefaults*, installOdbcService, removeOdbcService, setDB2, setDerbyClient, setDerbyEmbedded, setInformix, setJNDI, setMSAccess, setMSAccessUnicode, setMSSQL, setMySQL5, setMySQL_DD, setODBCSocket, setOracle, setOther, setPostGreSQL, setSlsServerServiceName*, setSybase, sl54Add*, sl54Del*, sl54displ*, sl54mlog*, sl54mod*, ODBC Services, verifyDsn |
inherited methods: |
public any checkAllowedFileExtensions ( required string ext )
Checks if an extension is allowed or not.
Output: suppressed
ext : string, required, ext
public void deleteDatasource ( required dsnname )
Deletes the specified data source.
Output: suppressed
dsnname: any, required, dsnname - The name of the data source to be deleted.
private formatJdbcURL ( required driver, host, port, dsn, database, datasource, args, informixServer, selectMethod, SID, MaxPooledStatements, isnewdb, qTimeout, applicationintent )
Formats the JDBC URL.
Output: suppressed
driver: any, required, driver - JDBC driver.
host: any, optional, host - Machine to connect to.
port: any, optional, port - Port number on which the server is listening.
dsn: any, optional, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
database: any, optional, database - Name of database to access.
datasource: any, optional, datasource - Actual name of data source.
args: any, optional, args - Semicolon-separated list of arguments.
informixServer: any, optional, informixServer - Informix server name.
selectMethod: any, optional, selectMethod - Name of method for SELECT statement.
SID: any, optional, SID - Database system ID name.
MaxPooledStatements: any, optional, MaxPooledStatements - Maximum number of database statements to pool.
isnewdb: any, optional, isnewdb
qTimeout: any, optional, qTimeout - Query timeout value for all the statements created by the connection.
applicationintent: any, optional, applicationintent - Query timeout value for all the statements created by the connection.
private getAccessDefaultsFromRegistry ( required scope, required dsn )
Retrieves Microsoft Access default values from Windows registry.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Arguments scope to receive default values.
dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
private getCFSettingDefaults ( required scope )
Gets the cfsetting defaults to the arguments scope that is passed.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Scope - any structure (user-defined, form, URL, etc.)
private getDatasourceDefaults ( required scope, required dsn )
Gets the DSN defaults to the arguments scope that is passed in.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Scope - any structure (user-defined, form, URL, etc.)
dsn: any, required, dsn - Data source name.
public any getDatasources ( dsnname )
Returns a structure containing all data sources or a specified data source.
Output: suppressed
dsnname: any, optional, dsnname - The name of the data source for which a structure is returned.
private getDriverDefaults ( required scope )
Gets the driver defaults to the arguments scope that is passed in.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Scope - any structure (user-defined, form, URL, etc.)
public struct getDriverDetails ( String driverName="" )
Returns a structure containing all drivers
Output: suppressed
driverName: String, optional, driverName - Name of the driver, if this is passed details of only that driver is returned
private getNewDSNDefaults ( required scope )
Gets the data source defaults to the arguments scope that is passed in.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Scope - Any structure (user-defined, form, URL, etc.)
private String getSlsAgentServiceName ( )
Returns the name of the ODBC server agent.
Output: suppressed
private String getSlsServerPath ( )
Returns the path/filename of the ODBC Sequelink INI file.
Output: suppressed
private String getSlsServerServiceName ( )
Returns the ODBC Server service name.
Output: suppressed
private getURLDefaults ( required scope, driver="", required delims )
Returns URL default values.
Output: suppressed
scope: any, required, scope - Arguments scope to receive URL default values.
driver: any, optional, driver - Driver name,
delims : any, required, delims - Delimiters.
public void installOdbcService ( )
Installs ODBC service.
Output: suppressed
public void removeOdbcService ( )
Removes ODBC service.
Output: suppressed
public void setDB2 ( required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="50000", string driver="DB2", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string initargs="", string args="", numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, string vendor="db2", string type="ddtek", string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, boolean delete, boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a DB2 data source. Refer to the ColdFusion documentation or ColdFusion Administrator online Help for a list of supported DB2 versions.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion data source name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Name of database on the server.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion data source name (use if you are renaming this data source).
port: string, optional, port - Port used to access the database server. The default is 50000.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - Fully qualified JDBC driver class name.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Data source description.
initargs: string, optional, initargs - Initialization connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=arg1value;arg2=arg2value).
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=arg1value;arg2=arg2value).
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Limit the number of data source connections to the value specified in the maxconnections argument.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - The maximum number of data source connections; used if you specify True for the enablemaxconnections argument.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for the data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Disable connections to data sources.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements
alter : boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
vendor: string, optional, vendor - Always DB2.
type: string, optional, type - Always ddtek .
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection .
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setDerbyClient ( required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string driver="Apache Derby Client", string class="org.apache.derby.jdbc.ClientDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", string port="1527", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies an Apache Derby Client data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections: boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections: numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc: boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
port: string, optional, port
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser: boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setDerbyEmbedded ( required string name, required string database, string originaldsn="", string driver="Apache Derby Embedded", string class="org.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, boolean isnewdb="false", numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, numeric maxpooledstatements, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies an Apache Derby Embedded data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
database: string, required, database - Fully qualified path to the folder containing the Derby database.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
isnewdb : boolean, optional, isnewdb - Indicates whether the database needs to be created
timeout : numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
maxpooledstatements : numeric, optional, maxpooledstatements - Maximum number of pooled statements.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection .
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setInformix ( string vendor="informix", string type="ddtek", required string name, required string host, required string database, required string InformixServer, string originaldsn="", string port="1526", string driver="Informix", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies an Informix data source.
Output: suppressed
vendor: string, optional, vendor - Always Informix.
type: string, optional, type - Always ddtek .
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion data source name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Name of database on the server.
InformixServer: string, required, InformixServer - Name of the Informix server that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion data source name (use if you are renaming this data source).
port: string, optional, port - Port used to access the database server. The default is 1526.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC driver class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Data source description.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Limit the number of data source connections to the value specified in the maxconnections argument.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - The maximum number of data source connections; used if you specify True for the enablemaxconnections argument.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for the data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Disable connections to data sources.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setJNDI ( required string name, required string jndiname, string driver="jndi", string type="j2ee", string originaldsn="", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string jndienv="", numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete )
Creates a ColdFusion datasource that points to an already exsiting JNDI datasource
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
jndiname : string, required, jndiname - URL of the JNDI datasource
driver : string, optional, driver
type : string, optional, type - J2EE datasource
originalds n: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Description of this data source connection.
jndienv : string, optional, jndienv - JNDI environment settings
buffer : numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
public void setMSAccess ( required string name, required string databasefile, string originaldsn="", string driver="MSAccess", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string port="20004", string username="System", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, string systemDatabaseFile, boolean UseTrustedConnection="true", string defaultusername="", numeric maxBufferSize, numeric pageTimeout="600", boolean TimeStampAsString="no", numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", string defaultpassword="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a Microsoft Access data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion data source name.
databasefile: string, required, databasefile - Fully qualified path to the file containing the Access MDB file.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion data source name (use if you are renaming this data source).
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - Fully qualified JDBC driver class name.
port: string, optional, port - Port used to access the database server. The default is 20004.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword: boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query.xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Data source description.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=arg1value;arg2=arg2value).
systemDatabaseFile: string, optional, systemDatabaseFile - For secure access to the database file, specify the fully qualified path name of the database that contains database security information. The system database is usually located in winnt\system32\system.mdw.
UseTrustedConnection: boolean, optional, UseTrustedConnection - If selected, causes ODBC driver to use the credentials specified in the ODBC connection or the network login id.
defaultusername: string, optional, defaultusername - The user name that the driver uses to connect to the data source if an application requests a connection without supplying a user name.
maxBufferSize: numeric, optional, maxBufferSize - The total number of bytes that ColdFusion uses to cache application pages. Enter a value to optimize ColdFusion performance.
pageTimeout: numeric, optional, pageTimeout - The number of milliseconds before a request for a ColdFusion page times out. The default is 600. If you observe excessive network activity when using this driver, increase the page timeout value.
TimeStampAsString: boolean, optional, TimeStampAsString - Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then re-uses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime). Specify True or False.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections: boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Limit the number of data source connections to the value specified in the maxconnections argument.
maxconnections: numeric, optional, maxconnections - The maximum number of data source connections; used if you specify True for the enablemaxconnections argument.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for the data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Disable connections to data sources.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc: boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
defaultpassword: string, optional, defaultpassword - The password that the driver uses to connect to the data source if an application requests a connection without supplying a user name.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser: boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setMSAccessUnicode ( required string name, required string databasefile, string originaldsn="", string driver="MSAccessJet", string class="com.inzoom.jdbcado.Driver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric pageTimeout="600", numeric maxBufferSize, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a Microsoft Access Unicode data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
databasefile : string, required, databasefile - database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Data source description.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
pageTimeout: numeric, optional, pageTimeout - The number of milliseconds before a request for a ColdFusion page times out. The default is 600. If you observe excessive network activity when using this driver, increase the page timeout value.
maxBufferSize: numeric, optional, maxBufferSize - The total number of bytes that ColdFusion uses to cache application pages. Enter a value to optimize ColdFusion performance.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection .
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setMSSQL ( string vendor="sqlserver", string type="ddtek", required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="1433", string driver="MSSQLServer", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, boolean sendStringParametersAsUnicode, required string selectmethod="cursor", numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, string applicationintent="readwrite", boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a Microsoft SQL Server data source.
Output: suppressed
vendor: string, optional, vendor - Always Microsoft.
type: string, optional, type - Always ddtek .
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 1433)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description for this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
sendStringParametersAsUnicode: boolean, optional, sendStringParametersAsUnicode - Enable Unicode for data sources configured for non-Latin characters
selectmethod: string, required, selectmethod - Select Method (direct or cursor)
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections: boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections: numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc: boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
applicationintent: string, optional, applicationintent - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser: boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setMySQL5 ( required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="3306", string driver="MySQL5", string class="com.mysql.jdbc.Driver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a MySQL 4 or MySQL 5 data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 3306)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setMySQL_DD ( required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="3306", string driver="MySQL_DD", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, numeric maxpooledstatements, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a MySQL 5 datasource using drivers provided by DataDirect.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 3306)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
maxpooledstatements : numeric, optional, maxpooledstatements - Maximum number of pooled statements.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setODBCSocket ( required string name, required string datasource, string useTrustedConnection, string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string host="localhost", string originaldsn="", string port="20004", string driver="ODBCSocket", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string description="", string args, boolean TimeStampAsString="no", numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies an ODBC socket data source.
Output: enabled
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
datasource : string, required, datasource - name of ODBC datasource , defined in the server control panel.
useTrustedConnection: string, optional, useTrustedConnection - If selected, causes ODBC driver to use the credentials specified in the ODBC connection or the network login id.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
host: string, optional, host - Database server host name or IP address.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 20004)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
TimeStampAsString: boolean, optional, TimeStampAsString - Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then re-uses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime). Specify True or False.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection .
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection .
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setOracle ( string vendor="oracle", string type="ddtek", required string name, required string host, required string sid, string originaldsn="", string port="1521", string driver="Oracle", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean supportLinks, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies an Oracle data source.
Output: suppressed
vendor: string, optional, vendor - Always Oracle.
type: string, optional, type - Always ddtek .
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
sid: string, required, sid - The Oracle System Identifier that refers to the instance of the Oracle database software running on the server. ORCL is the default.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 1521)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
supportLinks: boolean, optional, supportLinks - Enables Oracle Linked Servers support
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setOther ( required string name, required string url, required string class, string driver, string originaldsn="", string port="1433", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, required string selectmethod="cursor", numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling="false", boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a user-defined data source
Output: enabled
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
url: string, required, url - The JDBC Connection URL for this data source.
class: string, required, class - JDBC class file.
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - port that is used to access the database server. (default 1433)
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword: boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query.xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
selectmethod: string, required, selectmethod - Select Method (direct or cursor).
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections: boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections: numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc: boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser: boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
public void setPostGreSQL ( required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="5432", string driver="PostgreSQL", string class="org.postgresql.Driver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a PostGreSQL data source.
Output: suppressed
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 5432)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo - datasource . xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - A description for this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections: boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections: numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc: boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser: boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
private String setSlsServerServiceName ( required serviceName )
Adds a new SequeLink service name
Output: suppressed
serviceName: any, required, serviceName - SequeLink service name
public void setSybase ( string vendor="sybase", string type="ddtek", required string name, required string host, required string database, string originaldsn="", string port="5000", string driver="Sybase", string class="macromedia.jdbc.MacromediaDriver", string username="", string password="", boolean encryptpassword="true", string description="", string args, string selectmethod="direct", numeric MaxPooledStatements, numeric timeout, numeric interval, numeric login_timeout, numeric buffer, numeric blob_buffer, boolean enablemaxconnections, numeric maxconnections, boolean pooling, boolean disable, boolean disable_clob, boolean disable_blob, boolean disable_autogenkeys, boolean select, boolean create, boolean grant, boolean insert, boolean drop, boolean revoke, boolean update, boolean alter, boolean storedproc, boolean delete, string validationQuery="", numeric qTimeout, boolean useSpyLog, string spyLogFile, boolean validateConnection, boolean clientHostName, boolean clientuser, boolean applicationName, string applicationNamePrefix )
Creates or modifies a Sybase data source.
Output: suppressed
vendor: string, optional, vendor - Always Sybase.
type: string, optional, type - Always ddtek .
name: string, required, name - ColdFusion datasource name.
host: string, required, host - Database server host name or IP address.
database: string, required, database - Database name that corresponds to the data source.
originaldsn: string, optional, originaldsn - Original ColdFusion datasource name, if you are renaming this dsn.
port: string, optional, port - Port that is used to access the database server. (default 5000)
driver: string, optional, driver - JDBC driver.
class: string, optional, class - JDBC class file.
username: string, optional, username - Database username.
password: string, optional, password - Database password.
encryptpassword : boolean, optional, encryptpassword - Indicates whether to encrypt the password when storing it in the neo-query. xml file:
- True - Encrypt the password before storing it.
- False - Store the password in clear text.
description: string, optional, description - Description of this data source connection.
args: string, optional, args - Connection string arguments, formatted (arg1=argvalue;arg2=argvalue).
selectmethod: string, optional, selectmethod - Select Method (direct or cursor).
MaxPooledStatements: numeric, optional, MaxPooledStatements - The maximum number of pooled statements.
timeout: numeric, optional, timeout - The number of seconds that ColdFusion maintains an unused connection before destroying it.
interval: numeric, optional, interval - The time (in seconds) that the server waits between cycles to check for expired data source connections to close.
login_timeout: numeric, optional, login_timeout - The number of seconds before ColdFusion times out the data source connection login attempt.
buffer: numeric, optional, buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_clob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
blob_buffer: numeric, optional, blob_buffer - The default buffer size, used if disable_blob is not specified or True. Default is 64000 bytes.
enablemaxconnections : boolean, optional, enablemaxconnections - Enables the maxconnections setting.
maxconnections : numeric, optional, maxconnections - Limit connections to this maximum amount.
pooling: boolean, optional, pooling - Enable server connection pooling for your data source.
disable: boolean, optional, disable - Suspends all client connections to the data source.
disable_clob: boolean, optional, disable_clob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any CLOB/Text columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the buffer argument.
disable_blob: boolean, optional, disable_blob - Specify False to return the entire contents of any BLOB/Image columns in the database. If you specify False, ColdFusion retrieves up to the amount specified in the blob_buffer setting.
disable_autogenkeys: boolean, optional, disable_autogenkeys - Specify true to disable retrieval of autogenerated keys
select: boolean, optional, select - Allow SQL SELECT statements.
create: boolean, optional, create - Allow SQL CREATE statements.
grant: boolean, optional, grant - Allow SQL GRANT statements.
insert: boolean, optional, insert - Allow SQL INSERT statements.
drop: boolean, optional, drop - Allow SQL DROP statements.
revoke: boolean, optional, revoke - Allow SQL REVOKE statements.
update: boolean, optional, update - Allow SQL UPDATE statements.
alter: boolean, optional, alter - Allow SQL ALTER statements.
storedproc : boolean, optional, storedproc - Allow SQL stored procedure calls.
delete: boolean, optional, delete - Allow SQL DELETE statements.
validationQuery: string, optional, validationQuery - Validation Query used by Coldfusion for validating the connection state when removing connections from the connection pool.
qTimeout: numeric, optional, qTimeout - Sets the default query timeout for statements created by a connection. Default is 0 which means that the query doesnt timeout.
useSpyLog: boolean, optional, useSpyLog - Specify true to log the activity with this datasource
spyLogFile: string, optional, spyLogFile - Sets the log file for this datasource
validateConnection: boolean, optional, validateConnection - Should the connection be validated before using from pool. If JDBC 4.0 is being used, isValid() api will be called else Validation Query if specified will be called.
clientHostName: boolean, optional, clientHostName - If client host name client info should be set before using connection.
clientuser : boolean, optional, clientuser - If client user name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationName: boolean, optional, applicationName - If application name client info should be set before using connection.
applicationNamePrefix: string, optional, applicationNamePrefix - Prefix to use for application name, if application name is checked.
private sl54Add ( required dsn, required odbcdsn, connectString, boolean TimeStampAsString="no" )
Adds a datasource to the SequeLink configuration.
Available only for users in one of the roles: admi n
Output: suppressed
dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
odbcdsn: any, required, odbcdsn - Name of the ODBC data source that ColdFusion is to connect to.
connectString: any, optional, connectString - Passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.
TimeStampAsString: boolean, optional, TimeStampAsString - Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then re-uses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime). Specify True or False.
private sl54Del ( required dsn )
Removes a data source from the SequeLink configuration.
Available only for users in one of the roles: admin
Output: suppressed
dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
private sl54displ ( required dsn )
Available only for users in one of the roles: admin
Output: suppressed
dsn: any, required, dsn
private sl54mlog ( required odbcdsn, logonmethod="OSIntegrated" )
Modifies the DBMS logon for the data source to SequeLink configuration.
Available only for users in one of the roles: admin
Output: suppressed
odbcdsn: any, required, odbcdsn - Name of the ODBC data source that ColdFusion is to connect to.
logonmethod : any, optional, logonmethod - When anonymous: OSIntegrated; when not anonymous DBMSLOGON( userid , password)
private sl54mod ( required dsn, required odbcdsn, connectString, boolean TimeStampAsString="no" )
Modifies an ODBC data source connection string in the SequeLink configuration.
Available only for users in one of the roles: admin
Output: suppressed
dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
odbcdsn: any, required, odbcdsn - Name of the ODBC data source that ColdFusion is to connect to.
connectString: any, optional, connectString - Passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source.
TimeStampAsString: boolean, optional, TimeStampAsString - Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then re-uses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime). Specify True or False.
ODBC Services
startOdbcService |
public startOdbcService ( ) Starts ODBC service. Output: suppressed |
stopOdbcService |
public void stopOdbcService ( ) Stops ODBC service. Output: suppressed |
updateODBCServerDSN* |
private updateODBCServerDSN ( required dsn, required odbcdsn, required connectstring, required TimeStampAsString, required LOGONMETHOD ) Updates an ODBC server data source name. Output: suppressed Parameters: dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source. odbcdsn: any, required, odbcdsn - The ODBC data source name to which ColdFusion is to connect. connectstring : any, required, connectstring - Passes database-specific parameters, such as login credentials, to the data source. TimeStampAsString: any, required, TimeStampAsString - Enable this setting if your application retrieves Date/Time data and then re-uses it in SQL statements without applying formatting (using functions such as DateFormat, TimeFormat, and CreateODBCDateTime). Specify True or False. LOGONMETHOD: any, required, LOGONMETHOD - Internal method called to the register the database. |
upgradeOdbcService* |
private upgradeOdbcService ( odbcserver="[runtime expression]", odbcagent="[runtime expression]" ) Upgrade ODBC service. Output: suppressed Parameters: odbcserver : any, optional, odbcserver - Name of ODBC server service. odbcagent : any, optional, odbcagent - Name of ODBC agent service. |
public Any verifyDsn ( required dsn, boolean returnMsgOnError="false" )
Verifies a given data source name.
Output: suppressed
dsn: any, required, dsn - Name that ColdFusion uses to connect to the data source.
returnMsgOnError: boolean, optional, returnMsgOnError - The function returns the error message on any error if this parameter is true
Debugging CFC
Manages debug settings.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\debugging.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
inherited methods: |
public void addDebugEvent ( required string type, required string message, string priority="information", numeric startTime, numeric endTime, numeric total )
Adds a debug event to the debugging output. For an example of debugging events, refer to WEB-INF/debug/classic.cfm.
Output: suppressed
type: string, required, type - Debugging event to add:
- SqlQuery
- ObjectQuery
- StoredProcedure
- Trace
- CFTimer
- LockWarning
- Exception
message: string, required, message - Text to display along with the debug event.
priority: string, optional, priority - Info, Warning, or Error.
startTime: numeric, optional, startTime - Start time, if appropriate for your debug event (Tip: now().getTime() returns the numeric calue of the date time).
endTime: numeric, optional, endTime - End time, if appropriate for your debug event (Tip: now().getTime() returns the numeric calue of the date time).
total: numeric, optional, total - Number of milliseconds, if appropriate for your debug event.
public void deleteIP ( required string debugip )
Removes an IP address from the debugging list.
Output: suppressed
debugip: string, required, debugip - IP address to remove.
void disableLogging ( required string logFileName )
Enable specific logging
Output: suppressed
logFileName: string, required, logFileName
void disableRemoteInspection ( )
Disables Remote inspection flag
Output: suppressed
void disableWeinreAdvanceSettings ( )
Returns if remote inspection is running
Output: suppressed
void enableLogging ( required string logFileName )
Enable specific logging
Output: suppressed
logFileName: string, required, logFileName
void enableWeinreAdvanceSettings ( )
Returns if remote inspection is running
Output: suppressed
public getCurrentIP ( )
Returns the IP address of the client.
Output: suppressed
public any getDebugProperty ( required propertyName )
Returns a specified debug property. To use this method, pass the desired property in the propertyName attribute.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Retrieves a debug property. Valid Properties are:
- enableDebug
- enableRobustExceptions
- enableAJAXDebugging
- enablePerfMon
- enableCFStat
- debugTemplate
- templateExecutionTime
- templateHighlightMinimum
- templateModel
- showExecutionTime
- showGeneralInfo
- showDatabaseInfo
- showExceptionInfo
- showTrace
- showTimer
- showVariables
- showApplicationVariables
- showCGIVariables
- showClientVariables
- showCookieVariables
- showFlashFormCompileErrors
- showFormVariables
- showRequestVariables
- showSessionVariables
- showServerVariables
- showURLVariables
public query getDebugRecordset ( )
Returns debugger record set.
Output: suppressed
public getIPList ( adminPassword="", adminPassword2="" )
Returns a list of IP addresses for which debugging is enabled.
Output: suppressed
adminPassword: any, optional, adminPassword
adminPassword2: any, optional, adminPassword2
numeric getLineDebuggerPort ( )
Returns JVM debug port
Output: suppressed
string getLocalInspectionURL ( )
Returns the inspection url of weinre server
Output: suppressed
getLocalIpAddressesList ( )
Returns all the ip addresses of this machine
Output: suppressed
string getLocalWeinreIPAddress ( )
Returns the ipaddress on which the weinre server is running
Output: suppressed
string getLocalWeinreServerDeathTimeOut ( )
Returns the Local Weinre Server Death Timeout
Output: suppressed
string getLocalWeinreServerPort ( )
Returns the port on which the weinre server is running
Output: suppressed
string getLocalWeinreServerReadTimeOut ( )
Returns the Local Weinre Server Read Timeout
Output: suppressed
public any getLogProperty ( required propertyName )
Returns a specified logging property. To use this method, pass the desired property in the propertyName attribute.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Retrieves a logging property. Valid Properties are:
- pattern
- LogDirectory
- MaxFileSize
- MaxArchives
- LogScheduledTask
- LogCorbaCalls
- LogRequestTimeLimit
- logMailSeverity
- logMailSentMessages
public void setIP ( required string debugip )
Sets a list of one or more IP addresses for which debugging is enabled.
Output: suppressed
debugip : string, required, debugip - List of IP addresses.
void setLineDebuggerEnabled ( boolean enabled="true" )
Enables or disables line debugger
Output: suppressed
enabled: boolean, optional, enabled
void setLineDebuggerPort ( required numeric portNumber )
Sets JVM debug port
Output: suppressed
portNumber: numeric, required, portNumber
void setLocalWeinreIpAddress ( required string ipAddress )
sets the local weinre ip address
Output: suppressed
ipAddress : string, required, ipAddress
void setLocalWeinreServerDeathTimeOut ( required string deathTimeout )
sets the local weinre death timeout
Output: suppressed
deathTimeout: string, required, deathTimeout
void setLocalWeinreServerPort ( required string port )
sets the local weinre port address
Output: suppressed
port: string, required, port
void setLocalWeinreServerReadTimeOut ( required string readTimeOut )
sets the local weinre read timeout
Output: suppressed
readTimeOut: string, required, readTimeOut
public void setLogProperty ( required propertyName, required propertyValue )
Sets a specified logging property. To use this method, pass the property in the propertyName attribute and the associated value in the propertyValue attribute.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Property to set. Valid Properties are:
- pattern
- LogDirectory
- MaxFileSize
- MaxArchives
- LogScheduledTask
- LogCorbaCalls
- LogRequestTimeLimit
- logMailSeverity
- logMailSentMessages
propertyValue: any, required, propertyValue - Value for propertyName.
void setMaxDebuggingSessions ( required numeric maxSessions )
Sets maximum simultaneous debugging sessions
Output: suppressed
maxSessions: numeric, required, maxSessions
void setRemoteInspectionEnabled ( )
Enables remote inspection flag
Output: suppressed
void setWeinreServerlocation ( required string weinreUrl )
Sets the weinre server url used in case of remote inspection
Output: suppressed
weinreUrl : string, required, weinreUrl
void setWeinreServerType ( required string inspectionType )
Sets the inspection type to local or remote
Output: suppressed
inspectionType: string, required, inspectionType
void startLineDebugger ( )
Starts CF line debugger
Output: suppressed
void startLocalWeinreServer ( )
starts the local weinre server if installed by coldfusion
Output: suppressed
void startLocalWeinreServerOnFreePort ( )
starts the local weinre server if installed by coldfusion
Output: suppressed
void stopLineDebugger ( )
Stops CF line debugger
Output: suppressed
void stopLocalWeinreServer ( )
stops the local weinre server if running
Output: suppressed
void store ( )
Output: suppressed
void storeRemoteInspectionUI ( )
Output: suppressed
private boolean validateIP ( required debugip )
Ensures that a string contains a valid IP address.
Output: suppressed
debugip : any, required, debugip - String to test.
Document CFC
Manages CFDocument settings.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\document.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
inherited methods: |
Event Gateway CFC
Add, modify, delete, and manage event gateways.
hierarchy: |
WEB-INF.cftags.component |
path: |
C:\ColdFusion2016\cfusion\wwwroot\CFIDE\adminapi\eventgateway.cfc |
serializable: |
Yes |
properties: |
inherited methods: |
public void addServiceManager ( required name, required hostname, required numeric port, required numeric weight, required boolean ishttps )
Add and register the Service Manager
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
hostname: any, required, hostname - hostname of the Service Manager
port: numeric, required, port - hostname of the Service Manager
weight: numeric, required, weight - hostname of the Service Manager
ishttps : boolean, required, ishttps - hostname of the Service Manager
public void disableServiceManager ( required name )
Disables and unregisters the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
public void editServiceManager ( required name, required hostname, required numeric port, required numeric weight, required boolean ishttps )
Edit and re-register the Service Manager
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
hostname: any, required, hostname - hostname of the Service Manager
port: numeric, required, port - hostname of the Service Manager
weight: numeric, required, weight - hostname of the Service Manager
ishttps : boolean, required, ishttps - hostname of the Service Manager
public void enableServiceManager ( required name )
Enables and registers the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
public any getAllServiceManager ( )
Return the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
public any getServiceManager ( required name )
Return the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
public void removeServiceManager ( required name )
Removes and unconfigures the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
public any verifyServiceManager ( required name )
Verifies the Service Manager for given name
Output: suppressed
name: any, required, name - name of the Service Manager
public void deleteGatewayInstance ( required gatewayid )
Delete an instance of a gateway.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid: any, required, gatewayid - ID of the gateway instance
public void deleteGatewayType ( required type )
Removes an event gateway type.
Output: suppressed
type: any, required, type - gateway type
public any getGatewayEvents ( required gatewayID, required propertyName )
Return value of specified gateway event counters, these are reset on server start.
Output: suppressed
gatewayID : any, required, gatewayID - Name of the the gateway .
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Valid Properties are:
- EventsIn
public any getGatewayInstances ( gatewayid )
Returns instances of all gateways or of a specified gateway instance.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid: any, optional, gatewayid - Specifies the ID of a gateway instance.
public boolean getGatewayInstanceStatus ( required gatewayid )
Return status (started/stopped) for a gateway instance.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid : any, required, gatewayid - Name of the gateway instance.
public any getGatewayProperty ( required propertyName )
Return value of specified gateway property.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Valid Properties are:
- ThreadPoolSize
public any getGatewayServiceStatus ( )
Returns gateway service status.
Output: suppressed
public any getGatewayTypes ( type )
Returns known types of event gateways.
Output: suppressed
type: any, optional, type - Specifies a gateway type.
public boolean getSMSTestServerStatus ( )
Returns status (started/stopped) of SMS Test Server.
Output: suppressed
public any ResetGatewayEvents ( required gatewayID, required propertyName )
Reset the internal event counters for a specific gateway.
Output: suppressed
gatewayID: any, required, gatewayID - Name of the the gateway.
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Valid Properties are:
- EventsIn
public void restartGatewayInstance ( required gatewayid )
Restart an instance of an event gateway.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid: any, required, gatewayid - Name of the gateway instance.
public void setGatewayInstance ( required gatewayid, required type, required array cfcPaths, required configurationpath, required mode )
Adds a gateway instance.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid: any, required, gatewayid - A name for the gateway instance.
type: any, required, type - Gateway type, such as SMS, SocketGateway, etc.
cfcPaths: array, required, cfcPaths - Absolute path to listener CFC for incoming messages.
configurationpath: any, required, configurationpath - Configuration file for the gateway instance.
mode: any, required, mode - Gateway startup status:
- auto
- manual
- disabled
public void setGatewayProperty ( required propertyName, required propertyValue )
Set a value for a specified gateway property.
Output: suppressed
propertyName: any, required, propertyName - Valid Properties are:
- ThreadPoolSize
- MaxQueueSize
propertyValue: any, required, propertyValue - Value for the specified property.
public void setGatewayServiceStatus ( required enableGatewayService )
Enables/Disables ColdFusion Event Gateway Services
Output: suppressed
enableGatewayService: any, required, enableGatewayService - Specifies whether ColdFusion Event Gateway Services are enabled.
public void setGatewayType ( required type, required description, required class, timeout="30", killOnTimeout="true" )
Adds an event gateway type.
Output: suppressed
type: any, required, type - gateway type
description: any, required, description - description of gateway type
class: any, required, class - name of Java class for gateway type
timeout: any, optional, timeout - timeout value
killOnTimeout: any, optional, killOnTimeout - Yes or No
public void startGatewayInstance ( required gatewayid )
Start an instance of an event gateway.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid : any, required, gatewayid - Name of the gateway instance.
public void startGatewayService ( )
Enables event gateway service.
Output: suppressed
public void startSMSTestServer ( )
Starts SMS Test Server.
Output: suppressed
public void stopGatewayInstance ( required gatewayid )
Stop an instance of an event gateway.
Output: suppressed
gatewayid : any, required, gatewayid - Name of the gateway instance.
public void stopGatewayService ( )
Stops event gateway service.
Output: suppressed
public void stopSMSTestServer ( )
Stops SMS Test Server.
Output: suppressed