Features summary | After Effects (May 2023)

Properties panel for Text and Shape layers

Creating motion graphics is easier and faster with the Properties panel. Use this to quickly access the important properties of selected Text and Shape layers in the timeline without twirling open multiple layer hierarchies or opening a different panel. It improves the accessibility of layer properties that speed up your workflows.

Shape Properties and Shape Transforms

Access and work with the selected shape and its Shape Properties and Shape Transform without having to change the view of your timeline or toggle down properties.

Shape Properties and Shape Transforms for a selected Shape layer in the Properties Panel.
Shape Properties and Shape Transforms for a selected shape in the Properties panel.

Text, Paragraph, and Text Animation

Work with all the Text and Paragraph properties from your selected Text layer. Update your font, change your fill and stroke, set your paragraph alignment, and even add text animations, all without needing to switch between panels. 

Text, Paragraph, and Text Animation options in the Properties panel.
Text, Paragraph, and Text Animation options for a selected Text object in the Properties panel.

Layer Transform

Use the Properties panel to access and work with the selected layer transforms, including Anchor Point, Position, Scale, Rotation, and Opacity.

Layer Transform in the Properties Panel for a selected Shape layer.
Layer Transform in the Properties panel for a selected Shape layer.

Effect Manager

After Effects now attempts to identify effects potentially interfering with your project workflow and forcing the application to crash. You can use the Effect Manager notification on the next startup to keep it enabled and proceed as-is or disable the identified effects before proceeding with your work. This can save you a lot of time, as you won't have to continually deal with the issues caused by problematic effects.

You can also use the Manage Effects under the Effects menu to view a list of all your installed effects and disable any effects on the next startup.

Effect Manager lists all effects, including crash details.
Effect Manager lists all effects, including crash details.

Startup & Repair in Preferences

Use the Startup & Repair panel under Preferences to troubleshoot your set preferences in After Effects without changing or removing them or starting over from scratch. 

Start in Safe Mode

Launch After Effects once using only the default After Effects preferences and disabled third-party plugins. It helps you identify if any of your current set preferences are corrupt and need a reset.

Empty All Caches

Empty all After Effects cache folders. This action can resolve certain startup issues as well as clear up additional storage space. 

Reset All Preferences To Defaults

Reset all preferences to defaults permanently. 

Reveal Preferences in Finder

Navigate directly to the locally saved After Effects preferences file. 

Migrate Previous Version Preferences

Migrate all preferences from previous After Effects versions to the current one.

Startup & Repair option in the Preferences dialog.
Startup & Repair option in the Preferences dialog.

Improved file sorting in the Project panel

Sort filenames in the project panel using a more natural method that works better for names with numbers. 

A comparison of files sorting with names that have numbers on earlier versions and After Effects 23.4.
A comparison of files sorting with names that have numbers on earlier versions and After Effects 23.4.

3D Gizmo position snapping

You can now snap layers in 3D space while dragging the constrained X, Y, and Z position handles of the 3D Gizmo. This includes the XY, XZ, and YZ combo handles of the 3D position gizmo. 

With this new improvement for 3D workflows in After Effects, you can use snapping, both constrained and non-constrained while working with 3D model layers. 

Revamped Track Matte pick whip icon

The new Track Matte pick whip icon is designed for you to easily differentiate it from the Parent & Link one. The new icon combines the pick whip shape with a hint of transparency grid and is effortlessly identifiable while working on your workflows.

Track Matte pick whip icon designed to differentiate it from the Parent & Link one.
Track Matte pick whip icon designed to differentiate it from the Parent & Link one.

Support for new formats

After Effects now offers support for the footage shot on Sony VENICE 2 V2.00 and on iPhones in Cinematic mode.

Now in After Effects (Beta)

Light and Camera Extraction from 3D Models

You can extract cameras and lights from GLB and GLTF models in a composition. When you import a 3D scene with camera and light data, After Effects automatically creates new camera and light layers. If the cameras or lights are animated, keyframes will be created too.

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