Function | Description |
Canonicalize | Canonicalization is the process of reducing an encoded string down to its simplest form. |
Decrypt | Decrypts a string that is encrypted with the Encrypt function. |
DecodeForHTML | Decodes an HTML encoded string. |
DecodeFromURL | Decodes an encoded HTML URL string. |
EncodeForCSS | Encodes the input string for use in CSS. |
EncodeForDN | Encodes the input string for safe output in LDAP Distinguished Names. |
EncodeForHTML | Encodes the input string for safe output in the body of an HTML tag. |
EncodeForHTMLAttribute | Encodes the input string for safe output in the attribute value of an HTML tag. |
EncodeForJavaScript | Encodes the input string for use in JavaScript. |
EncodeForLDAP | Encodes the input string for safe output in LDAP queries. |
EncodeForURL | Encodes the input string for use in URLs. |
EncodeForXML | Encodes the input string for use in an XML. |
EncodeForXMLAttribute | Encodes a string that can be used as an XML attribute. |
EncodeForXPath | Returns an encoded string for using with XPath. |
DecryptBinary | Decrypts encrypted binary data with the specified key, value, algorithm, salt, and iterations. |
Encrypt | Encrypts a string. |
EncryptBinary | Encrypts binary data using a specific algorithm and encoding method. |
GeneratePBKDFKey | Generates a Password-Based Key-Derivation Function (PBKDF) key. |
GenerateSecretKey | Generates a secure random key value for use in the encrypt and decrypt functions. |
GenerateSCryptHash |
It is a salted password hashing mechanism that takes an input and hashes it into a fixed size output. |
GenerateBCryptHash | It is a password-hashing cryptographic function that takes an input and hashes it into a fixed size output. |
GetAuthUser | Gets the name of an authenticated user. |
GetTempDirectory | Gets the path of the directory that CFML uses for temporary files. |
GetTempFile | Creates a temporary file in a directory whose name starts with (at most) the first three characters of prefix. |
GetUserRoles | Retrieves the list of roles for the current user. |
GetSafeHTML | Sanitizes the given input string based on the the rules specified in an antisamy policy file. |
Hash | Converts a string into a fixed length hexadecimal string. |
Hmac | Creates a keyed-hash message authentication code (HMAC), which can be used to verify authenticity and integrity of a message by two parties that share the key. |
IsUserInAnyRole | Determines whether an authenticated user belongs to any role in a list of roles. |
IsUserInRole | Determines whether an authenticated user belongs to the specified role. |
IsUserLoggedIn | Determines whether a user is logged in. |
isSafeHTML | This function validates for allowed HTML according to the rules specified in the antisamy policy file. |
SessionInvalidate | Clears session scope and makes the current session identifiers no longer valid. |
SessionRotate | Creates a new session (using new session ids) and copies session scope into this new session, then invalidates the old session. |
VerifyClient | Verifies whether a request is from a valid client. |
VerifyBCryptHash | This function accepts a plain text and hashed value and compares the text with the hashed value. |
VerifySCryptHash | This function accepts a plain text and hashed value and compares the text with the hashed value. |