When you make changes to and save a template, all the documents based on the template are updated. You can also manually update a template-based document or the entire site if necessary.
To edit a template for a Contribute site, you must use Dreamweaver; you cannot edit templates in Contribute.
Use the Templates category of the Assets panel to manage existing templates, including renaming template files and deleting template files.
You can perform the following template management tasks using the Assets panel:
Dreamweaver checks template syntax when you save a template but it’s a good idea to manually check the template syntax while you’re editing a template.
You can open a template file directly for editing, or you can open a template-based document, then open the attached template for editing.
When you make a change to a template, Dreamweaver prompts you to update the documents based on the template.
You can also manually update the documents for template changes if necessary.
The template description appears in the New Document dialog box when you’re creating a page from an existing template.
When you make a change to a template, Dreamweaver prompts you to update the documents based on the template, but you can manually update the current document or the entire site if necessary. Manually updating template-based documents is the same as reapplying the template.
To update all the files in the selected site to their corresponding templates, select Entire Site, then select the site name from the adjacent pop‑up menu.
To update files for a specific template, select Files That Use, then select the template name from the adjacent pop‑up menu.
Update documents in templates
Contribute users can’t make changes to a Dreamweaver template. You can, however, use Dreamweaver to change a template for a Contribute site
Keep these factors in mind when updating templates in a Contribute site:
Contribute retrieves new and changed templates from the site only when Contribute starts up and when a Contribute user changes their connection information. If you make changes to a template while a Contribute user is editing a file based on that template, the user won’t see the changes to the template until they restart Contribute.
If you remove an editable region from a template, a Contribute user editing a page based on that template might be confused about what to do with the content that was in that editable region.
Open the Contribute template in Dreamweaver, edit it, and then save it. For instructions, see Open a template for editing.