Marking faces in photos in Elements Organizer
Elements Organizer identifies and groups similar-looking faces. Learn how to add a name to easily access photos of that person in the People view.

Elements Organizer identifies and groups similar looking faces. Just add a name to easily access all photos of that person in the People view.

The advanced face recognition technology of Elements Organizer helps you name and organize the people in your photos. To name the people and to view the photos organized by the people tagged in them, switch to the People view.


The People view includes two tabs, Named and UnNamed. The Named tag displays photos of all people whom you have named. The UnNamed tab displays photos of people whom you have not yet named.

About marking faces in photos

You can name the faces that appear in photos to help organize and identify photos based on the people that appear in those photos. For example, if your friend Dave appears in some of your photos, you can name Dave and then sort/view the photos featuring Dave.

In the People view, the different faces are organized by people stacks. People stack refers to a set that has all the photos of the person named in Elements Organizer. For example, if a person appears a total of thirty times in all your media files, the thirty photos are displayed together as a set. The following figure shows sample stacks for John and Sharon.


The face image displayed at the top of the stack is called the profile picture.

Marking faces in the UnNamed tab

As you import your media files, Elements Organizer analyzes the photos in your catalog and groups similar faces together. The time taken to analyze can vary depending on the file type and the catalog type. For example, analyzing a RAW file would take a bit longer than analyzing a JPEG file.

The UnNamed tab displays the profiles of all the people who have not yet been named. You can name these people right here in the UnNamed tab. You can also exclude faces from a stack, specify that a face should not be displayed in Elements Organizer, or merge stacks.


Once you name faces, the faces, along with the photographs in which they appear, are displayed in the Named tab. You can at any time come back to the UnNamed tab and name additional faces that you have not yet named.

Viewing the photos in a stack

A single click on a stack displays the faces in that stack.

Display faces in a stack

You can view photographs instead of faces by clicking Photos.

Displays photos

To switch back to viewing faces, click the Faces button.

Click a face to display the photo associated with the face.

Hover over a face to display the photo

Hiding or viewing small stacks

By default, Elements Organizer does not display stacks that contain only a small number of media files or in which all faces are unclear. To also view such stacks, clear the Hide Small Stacks checkbox.

Hide or view small stacks

Adding names

Click a stack to display all the photos in that stack. To name all the photos in that stack, click Add Name.

Add faces

Removing faces from a stack

You can name all faces in a stack at one go. However, before naming all the faces, you might want to review individual faces in the stack to confirm that the faces belong to the person intended. If some of the faces do not belong to the person, you can remove them. If you want to remove certain faces from the stack, you can do so in one of the following ways:

  • Using Not this person
  • Using Don’t show again


You can select multiple faces by keeping the Command (Mac OS) or Control (Windows) button, or the Shift button pressed while clicking these faces. 

Not this person

If the face belongs to some other person instead, click Not this person. The face is removed from the stack and is displayed as part of another stack in the UnNamed tab. You can then name the face as that of another person. 

Remove faces from a stack

You can also hover over a face and click the white icon that appears. The face will be removed from the stack. 

Remove a face by hovering

Don't show again

If you do not want the face to be displayed again in Elements Organizer, click Don't show again. The face will not be shown again for naming in Elements Organizer.

Use this option when you do not want to name this face at all.

Once you have prevented a face from being named using Don't show again, the only ways to name that face again are as follows:

  • Create a new catalog and import the photograph that contains the face.
  • Open the image that contains the face and name the face as explained in Mark missing faces in photos.
Don't show again


When you use Not this person, the face is removed from that stack but is still displayed in the UnNamed tab as part of another stack. You can assign the face to another person. 

However, when you use Don't show again, the face is not displayed again in Elements Organizer. 

Once you have removed the faces that do not belong to the person, click Add Names (located just below the stack).

All the faces in the stack are confirmed as belonging to the person you named, and are moved to the Named tab.

Migrating catalogs from a previous version of Elements Organizer to Elements Organizer 14

When you open a catalog created in a previous version, here is what happens:

  • All faces that you had tagged as people names in the previous version are moved to the Named tab as stacks.
  • Elements Organizer analyzes all faces that were not tagged and populates them as stacks in the UnNamed tab. You can easily tag these faces as explained in Marking Faces in the UnNamed tab.
  • All the people tags are added to the People tags category in Elements Organizer 14 as well. 

Viewing and organizing People stacks in the Named tab

Once you have identified faces in the photos and labeled the people, switch to the Named tab to organize the photos further.


If more than one picture of the same person is found, Elements Organizer automatically identifies the best image to use for the profile pages.


You can also manually select the picture for the profile.

  1. Move the cursor over the stack till you find the picture you want to use for the profile. 
  2. From the Content menu, select Assign as Profile Picture.

If there are more photos than can be displayed in the default view, click the > icon on the last photo or double-click on the face stack to go to the drill-down view where all the photographs in which these faces occur are displayed. You can then create a collage, a photo book, and so on from these photographs through the Create menu.

Viewing faces and photos in a stack

To view all faces or photographs associated with a person, single click on that person's stack in the Named tab.

Viewing faces in a stack

By default, faces are displayed. To view photos instead of faces, click Photos.

Viewing photos in a stack

To go back to viewing faces, click Faces.

Confirming faces

All the faces that you named in the UnNamed tab are displayed in the Confirmed Faces section. Additional faces that might be of the same person but have not yet been marked are displayed in the Is this "<person name>" section where <person name> is the name of the person for whom the confirmation is needed. 

To confirm that the faces belongs to the person identified, select the faces and click Confirm. You can select multiple faces by keeping the Command (Mac OS) or the Control (Windows) button, or the Shift button pressed while clicking.

Confirming faces

You can also select one or more faces individually and click the checkmark symbol to confirm. 

Click the checkmark symbol

Removing faces from a person's stack

If a face does not belong to the person, you can remove it in one of the two ways:

  • Using Not this Person
  • Using Don’t Show again

The process for using these options is the same as described in the Adding Names sections earlier in the document. 

Rename a face

If one or more faces belong to another person, you can rename the faces by clicking Rename.

The name you enter can be an existing name or a new name. 

Rename a face

Confirming new faces found

Elements Organizer analyzes faces as you import media files. Based on this analysis, Elements Organizer might find faces in your newly imported media files that belong to a person you have already named. In such cases, Elements Organizer displays a blue icon next to the person’s stack in the Named tab, indicating that new faces that might belong to this person have been added. Click on the stack to display all the faces, and then confirm the faces as described earlier in the Confirming Faces section.

Confirming new faces

Merging stacks

In some cases, you might want to merge two or more stacks (for example because they belong to the same person but have been identified as different). To merge stacks, do one of the following:

  • Drag a stack to another stack.
  • Select the desired stacks and select Merge People from the context menu.
Merge stacks
  • Select the desired stacks and from the Action panel, select Merge People.
Merge people Action panel


You can merge stacks in the UnNamed tab as well as in the Named tab.

Name missing faces in photos

There can be people in photos whose faces Elements Organizer was not able to identify in the initial workflows. For example, there may be some faces appearing in photos that were taken from a distance or had turned away faces, and so were not recognized as faces of people. 

You can name such missing faces by marking them.

  1. In the Media view, double-click the photo in which a missing face has to be marked. This opens the image in the Single Image (expanded) view.

  2. In the Action panel, click the Mark Face button.

    Mark missing faces - click Mark Face

    A rectangle is displayed on the screen to help you mark the face. Move the rectangle over the face that you want to mark, and then click the green check icon that appears next to the rectangle.

    Mark missing faces - click the checkmark

    The rectangle changes to a circle, indicating that you have marked a face.

    Click Add Name

  3. Enter the name and then press Enter or Return.


Automatic face recognition is supported only in photos. For videos and audio files, you need to label people manually using the Add a Person button. From the Context menu of the video or audio, click Add a Person and enter the name of the person. See the next section for details. 

Adding one or more names to a photograph or video

In addition to naming faces in photos, you can also add one or more names to a photo or a video. Use one of the following ways for this:

  • From the context menu of the photo or video, click Add a Person and enter the name of the person. Repeat this to add names of more people to the photo or video.
  • From the Tag panel, drag the name of the tag (person) to the photo or video.

When you add one or more names to a photo or video in this way, the names are displayed as a generic face icon in the Named tab of the People view. For example, if you added the names Nita and Walter to a photograph by clicking Add a Person or by dragging the tags to the photos, a generic face icon is displayed for these names in the Named tab. 

The reason a generic face icon is displayed is that one photograph or video can be associated with several faces when you add names in this way. Therefore, the tag is applied on the media file as a whole and not on a particular face. 

Creating and viewing People groups

You can further improve identifying faces in photos by organizing them by groups. A group displays photo stacks of people tagged for that group.
For example, you can create a group named Work and tag photos of people from your professional contacts. 
  1. Click the Groups icon at the bottom right corner of the screen.

    Click Group icon
  2. In the Groups pane, you can add and organize groups. Click the add button (+) to create a new people group. Three groups—Colleagues, Family, and Friends—are available by default.

    Click the add button
    Group name display
  3. Enter the name of the group. 

  4. Select a group from the drop-down list Group, to add this group as a child or sub-group to that group. Do not select anything from the Group list to create a new group. Enter the name of the group.

  5. Click OK.

Adding people to a group by dragging and dropping 

You can add faces to a group in any of the following ways:

  • Select one or more stacks and drag them to the name of the group in the right pane.
  • Select one or more stacks and then drag the group name over one of the stacks.

Switching off or resetting face analysis

You can switch off face analysis in Elements Organizer, or reset face analysis using Edit > Preferences > Media-Analysis (Windows) or Elements Organizer > Preferences > Media-Analysis (Mac OS)

Switch off or reset face analysis

Switching off face analysis

Elements Organizer automatically recognizes similar faces and groups them in stacks. 

To switch off automatic face recognition, deselect Run Face Recognition Automatically.

Resetting face analysis

Resetting face analysis instructs Elements Organizer to reanalyze all faces in a catalog. When you reset face analysis, all existing people stacks in the Named tab are deleted. Elements Organizer analyzes the faces in the current catalog once again and displays similar looking faces as stacks in the UnNamed tab, where you can name them. 

To reset face analysis, click Reset Face Analysis