You've got a large set of pictures from an office offsite and you wanted to change the color theme of the pictures. Maybe make all the pictures black and white. Or you want to change the color theme of all the identity card pictures to a color theme that matches your company's logo. You could do this in a image editing software, of course. But if you've got a lot of pictures, this might turn out very time consuing and extremely tedious.
To change the color theme of a large number of pictures, now use the Apply Presets automation service and get this done in an easy-to-use workflow. You're not required to install any software or software license. This is a free service. Just use your browser to apply presets on a large number of pictures in one go.
And remember, this workflow doesn't progress just one direction. If you want to change settings or options at any time, you've always got the option to go back to any point in the workflow.
That's it. The preset is applied to all your files. And they're available in Your Work on