Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Outlook Add-in: User Guide


The Adobe Acrobat Sign for Outlook add-in allows you to configure a new agreement from within an email client. You can send agreements with new emails, or reply to an existing email by importing the recipient list and automatically attaching any files from the source email.

Install Adobe Acrobat Sign from the Microsoft AppSource and refer the following topics to learn how to:

  • Enable Adobe Acrobat Sign add-in on your Outlook account – All users can perform this one-time process without elevated system permissions.
  • Establish the authenticated connection between Outlook and Acrobat Sign – Once the add-in is enabled, you must authenticate to both environments to create a trust relationship.
  • Use Adobe Acrobat Sign add-in – It explains the features and uses of the Adobe Acrobat Sign.

Microsoft 365 admins can centrally install the add-in at the tenant level, and control access at the user level if desired. This permits access to both Word and PowerPoint to all users in the tenant.


During authentication and use of the add-in, Outlook 365 will prompt an authorization panel when attempting to open a new window. When this happens, select Allow.


Ensure that your system meets the following requirements.



Supported products

Exchange Online

Windows OS

  • Windows 10 earlier than version 1903 must install Microsoft Webview
  • Windows 10 version 1903+
  • Windows 11

Microsoft Office supported versions

On Windows

  • Office 2016 (build 16.0.4390.1000+)
  • Office 2019 (build 16.0.12527.20720+)
  • Office 2021 (build 16.0.14326.204454+)
  • Office for Windows, subscription (version 1602, Build 6741.0000+)

On macOS

  • Office for Mac (v15.34+)

On web

  • Office Online (365), using current versions of Chrome, Firefox, Safari, or Edge
  • Office Online Server (version 1608, Build 7601.6800+)

Basic Microsoft requirements to use Office

  • Private/Incognito browser sessions are not supported.
  • Mobile browsers and mobile apps are not supported.

Edge Browsers

For the add-in to work seamlessly in Edge browsers, you must trust the following sites in your browser security configuration:

  • (If using a Live account)
  • https://*

If using a third-party identity management system, you need to add that URL as well.

Mac High Sierra OS

High Sierra users may encounter an issue while trying to access the add-in from the Outlook desktop app (version 16.11 up) that throws a generic error message from Adobe Acrobat Sign stating that the cookies are not enabled. To resolve the issue:

  1. Open the add-in Settings and select Sign Out.
  2. Select Get Started to re-authenticate to the service.

If re-authenticating fails to correct the problem, contact customer support.

Enable Adobe Acrobat Sign for Outlook add-in

You can install the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Outlook add-in on both the web and desktop versions of Outlook. Installing it in one environment automatically enables it in the other. 

To install the add-in:

  1. Open the Microsoft Outlook application on the web or desktop.

  2. From the Home tab, select the More apps icon from the left panel and then select Add Apps.


    If you don’t see the Store button in your ribbon, your Office admin may have restricted access. Contact your admin or IT team to enable access or deploy the add-in organization-wide.

  3. In the top left search box, type Acrobat Sign and then press enter.

  4. Select Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 from the search results. 

    Microsoft Outllook add-in page displays the 'Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365' add-in option.

  5. On the page that opens, select Add.

    Once added, a blue checkmark and "Added" confirm the add-in is available. You’ll then see a new Adobe Acrobat Sign section in the Home tab ribbon.


Installing the add-in at the tenant level allows admins to enable it by default, ensuring seamless access for all users. Learn how to install the Adobe Acrobat Sign add-in for Microsoft Teams and Microsoft 365 at the tenant level

Establish the authenticated relationship

Once the add-in is enabled within the email client, you must create a relationship between your Microsoft account and your Adobe Acrobat Sign account. This ensures that only you are sending agreements through your Adobe Acrobat Sign user.


Once you have established this relationship, you do not need to authenticate again to either system. The authenticated relationship is persistent unless explicitly deleted by signing out of the add-in.

  1. Select New Email.

    Ensure the application has the Acrobat Sign add-in. 

  2. From the Home menu, locate Adobe Acrobat Sign panel and then select Send for Signature.

    It opens the add-in panel on the right side of the window.

  3. From the panel, select Get Started.

    The Get Free Trial link opens a new window to the Adobe Acrobat Sign 30-day free trial registration page. If you don’t already have an Adobe Acrobat Sign account, sign up for the free trial before you continue.  Accounts in the Acrobat Sign for Government environment do not have access to free trials.

    Connect Adobe Acrobat Sign
    Connect Microsoft Word to Adobe Acrobat Sign.

  4. If prompted to authenticate into Microsoft 365 environment, select the user you intend to use. The user you are already authenticated as appears at the top of the list.

  5. When prompted to grant access to the add-in, select Accept.

    A new window opens to capture the authentication for Adobe Acrobat Sign.

  6. Authenticate using your Adobe Acrobat Sign credentials and then on the 'Confirm access for..' dialog, select Allow Access.

    Once the Adobe Acrobat Sign authentication is successful, the add-in panel on the right changes to show the add-in splash page.

  7. Select Got It to open the configuration panel.

    The trusted relationship is in place and remains functional until you sign out of the add-in.

    Disabling/uninstalling the add-in does not delete the trusted relationship. 

Use Adobe Acrobat Sign for Outlook add-in

Once the trust relationship with Adobe Acrobat Sign is established, you can send agreements directly from your email client.

For handling emails, Outlook has the following two modes:

Modify add-in settings

You can change the settings of the add-in as per your requirements. To do so, from the bottom of the add-in panel, select the gear icon next to Adobe Document Cloud. It opens a dialog with the following Settings options:

  • Upgrade (trial accounts only): It opens a new window to the Adobe Acrobat Sign Upgrade process where you can purchase access to Adobe Acrobat Sign on a monthly subscription.
  • Sign Out: The relationship between your Outlook and Adobe Acrobat Sign user accounts is “remembered” by the add-in so you don’t have to authenticate every time you use the add-in. To send agreements from multiple Adobe Acrobat Sign accounts, you must sign out from your current user account and then establish a new relationship using the new Adobe Acrobat Sign user account.
  • Help: It is a link to the Adobe Acrobat Sign for Microsoft Outlook Add-in: User Guide and any additional built content related to the add-in.
  • About: It prompts a small pop-up that gives information about the add-in that you are using.
  • Privacy Policy: It is a link to the Adobe privacy policy.
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