Adobe Connect 9.5 Release Notes


Adobe Connect is a market-leading web conferencing solution that enables corporations and government agencies worldwide to improve collaboration, webinars, and eLearning through exceptionally rich interactions. This release delivers critical new enhancements and capabilities to address challenges faced by many organizations in conducting virtual meetings, webinars, and trainings. This release also resolves a number of issues and bugs.

For an overview of Adobe Connect, see


Release Date

Adobe Connect 9.5 will be rolled out in phases:

  • On-premise: Adobe Connect 9.5 installer for customer on-premise deployments (All supported Locales): Oct 19th, 2015
  • Hosted: Adobe Connect 9.5 service hosted by Adobe: Starting Oct 12th, 2015. Please check the migration schedule for your account here
  • Managed Services: Adobe managed customer specific cloud deployment of Adobe Connect: Update scheduled based on customer requirement. Please reach out to your Adobe Connect managed services representative to schedule your update

System requirements

For latest system requirements please visit the Adobe Connnect Tech Specs Page.

Important update information

Please review the following important information regarding the update.

New Adobe Connect Add-in

This update requires a new Adobe Connect Add-in (henceforth referred to as simply “Add-in”) for functionality specific to meeting hosts and presenters on Windows and Mac. You will be asked to install the new Add-in when:

  • You try to start/join a 9.5 meeting for the first time and
    • Have an older version of the Connect Add-in installed


  • You invoke screen sharing, application sharing, or share PowerPoint (PPTX format) files and
    • Do not have the Connect 9.5 Add-in installed OR
    • Do not have the latest version of the Connect Add-in installed

If you are in a locked-down IT environment, we recommend that you ensure that all of your end users have the new Adobe Connect Add-in and Adobe Flash Player (version 13.0 or later) installed. Please download the Adobe Connect 9.5 Add-ins from this page, or directly from the links here:

Add-in for Windows

Add-in for Mac

Minimum Adobe Flash Player version 13.0 for attending meeting

Adobe Connect 9.5 leverages advancements in Adobe Flash Player technology for improved audio, video and interactivity. The minimum version required to attend meetings is 13.0, but is recommended to always use the latest version of Flash Player which can be downloaded from here.

Key changes to the system requirements

We are adding support for the following:

Client systems:

  • Mac OS X 10.10
  • Windows 10
  • Microsoft Edge browser(Spartan)

For latest system requirements please visit the Adobe Connect Tech Specs page.

Adobe Connect server upgrade paths for on-premise deployments

From Adobe Connect 9.0.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.5


From Adobe Connect 9.1.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.5


From Adobe Connect 9.2.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.5


From Adobe Connect 9.3.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.5 


From Adobe Connect 9.4.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9.5


From Adobe Connect 8.x

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 9 -> then to 9.5


From Adobe Connect 7.5

Upgrade to Adobe Connect 8 -> then to 9 -> then to -> 9.5

What's New in Adobe Connect 9.5

Details about the new features and functionalities added as part of the Adobe Connect 9.5 can be found here:

Issues Resolved

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


Fixed issue where no audio was observed in the converted MP4 using 9.2 add-in


Fixed issue where Screen sharing was not broadcasting to participants after 20 minutes of sharing


Fixed issue where blank white page resulted when trying to access content link using SCORM wrapper


Fixed issue where users could not link Connect 9.3 account with AEM6.0 Webinar Integration Package


Fixed issue where user were unable to interact with meeting when network is lost and reconnected during screen share


Fixed issue where Disk usage was not showing an increase after user added a content in the content library


Fixed issue where duplicate users were observed on event participant list


Fixed issue where participants were unable to register as per the set "Event Registration Limit"


Fixed issue where CQ and system time zone representing the country differed in some cases


Fixed issue where event template page was broken with no side kick


Fixed issue where Add-in crashed when user tried to change the audio provider in the meeting itself on win 8.1


Fixed issue where new user account email had blank link for account administrator email


Fixed issue where pods option was available in the meeting room even if layout option was locked in the meeting template


Fixed issue where incorrect time zone was set for Moscow/Russia


Fixed issue where Connect Add-in crashed while making Recording Offline


Fixed issue where for a few accounts, duplicate emails were being sent for event confirmation


Fixed issue where users saw a Flash Player exception on reconnecting after user had once enabled and disabled the presenter only area


Fixed issue where a user added as a meeting Host through ‘edit participants’ but not added to any group, could not access all meeting reports


Fixed issue where users were unable to convert the event predefined fields under registration questions to the language in which the event is created


Fixed potential XSS vulnerability on html Url


Fixed issue where Event Managers could change Event User Policy


Fixed issue where Captivate feature "Scalable HTML Content" did not work with Adobe Connect when published in SWF


Fixed issue where meeting failover didn’t work for few users


Fixed issue where offline FLVs were running too fast


Fixed issue where Burst Pack Reports did not show correct data for meeting usage


Fixed issue where chat history cleared out but left html tags at the top


Fixed issue where on moving to another meeting using same audio profile ghost users were seen in the attendee pod from the previous meeting


Fixed issue where on a few occasions, text in quiz options  were missing for participants while using sync


Fixed issue where only one folder was visible under Seminar license folder


Fixed issue where a presentation published from Presenter version <= 7.0.6 took long to load during recording playback


Fixed issue where a user is able to upload invalid file type for Speaker Image without getting an Error message


Fixed issue where event catalog page threw an error "Error communicating with Adobe Connect Server" due to Unicode Characters being used on Event info/Details Info/Speaker Info section


Fixed issue where date format was incorrect in training graph for non EN locales


Fixed issue where Pods were still maximized after reset layouts


Fixed issue where users were not able to change text properties -font/size/colour if the size of share pod is small


Fixed issue where IE10, Report Suite ID was always displayed as "undefined" under "Event Management -> Event Administration -> Analytics Administration".


Fixed issue where event error message did not wrap properly on the registration page


Fixed issue where campaign attribution was not carried forward to more than one event in a user session


Fixed issue where "Add-in stopped working .." message was shown to a few users on closing the add-in


Fixed issue where the seminar dashboard's number of views were incorrect


Fixed issue where users could not order the Seminar Room names


Fixed issue where Whiteboard Text objects got locked and could not be unlocked for someone else to edit


Fixed issue where on pasting a lot of text in the text tool in whiteboard, the text went out of the share pod's boundaries


Fixed issue where event dash board took a long time to load


Fixed issue where main meeting options did not work after user navigated to them by keyboard shortcut from the attendees pod


Fixed issue where time zone displayed in Upcoming Events and Event info was incorrect for locale South Africa and time zone Harare, Pretoria


Fixed issue where on duplicating an event with Social enabled only the state of the top level checkbox was duplicated


Fixed issue where no display warning notification was given when recording is started by Promoted Host


Fixed issue where the registration page with Login and Password fields are not denoted as required which resulted in no JAWS announcement when tapping into the field


Fixed issue where on event registration page, JAWS does not inform the users  that they have already registered


Fixed issue where few users found that Presenter Content in Share Pod was not Synchronized for all Participants


Fixed issue where Accessing a MP4 content that is set to public on a mobile device still prompted users to authenticate


Fixed issue where there was an extra < in the email sender


Fixed issue where users had permission issues with recordings used as content under the shared content library


Fixed issue where two users could own same ‘my meeting’ folder at the same time


Fixed issue where seminar participants could not be removed from hold


Fixed issue where Meeting invite was missing the Audio Conference details of the meeting room


Fixed issue where sent message was not shown in the Q & A pod


Fixed issue where denied user were not shown proper messages while accessing event pages


Fixed issue where recurring Course Reminder Emails feature was not working for users who have Failed/Not Taken the course


Fixed issue where sorting in Reports flex component created strange order


Fixed issue where participants on Hold saw message in Italian while the language of Meeting, My Profile and Accountwas set to French


Fixed issue where a participant, which logged in to meeting through Event login page, could not upload file to Share/File pod when promoted to Presenter or Host


Fixed issue where despite user having completed all the courses in the curriculum, the curriculum status was stuck on in-progress


Fixed issue where responses to meeting invitations sent with iCal attachment had as a recipient


Fixed issue where ghost participant was seen while recording using Intercall audio


Fixed issue where lowering the video quality in the meeting room also affected the audio quality adversely


Fixed issue where Event catalog was not shown properly on iOS mobile devices


Fixed issue where for iCal, body of invitation came incomplete when seen in Lotus Notes 9.0.1 client


Fixed issue where an Invalid Selection Error is thrown while adding prerequisites to a training present under a folder


Fixed issue where session were allowed to be extended despite a conflicting scheduled session on the same Seminar rooms / Seminar License


Fixed issue where for existing users link asked password from the users despite events set to password not required for registration


Fixed issue where there was no option to hide drawing toolbar for whiteboards


Fixed issue where was no export whiteboard option for participants


Fixed issue where cursor didn’t automatically show up in the passcode entry box at the meeting passcode page


Fixed issue where presenter only area was visible in break out room


Fixed issue where meeting fail-over in Cluster did not work when Windows firewall was turned on, even if ports 8506 and 8507 were open


Fixed issue where users were able to delete an event user group without first deleting the associated event which threw Not Found error when user tried to manage the participants for such an event


Fixed issue where poll reports data did not get displayed for more than 100 users in a seminar session


Fixed issue where Named Webinar manager could not create audio provider


Fixed issue where on clicking on chat pod in the mini control panel, note pod is opened instead


Fixed issue where discrepancy was observed in the seminar session reports


Fixed issue where invitation email was not getting generated for Public Meeting


Fixed issue where recording did not pause/seek until the browser is restored


Fixed issue where on Mac, switching desktop views while screen sharing restarted the machine


Fixed issue where slides were not changing in the recording


Fixed issue where Token Merge was not working once Arkadin Audio Conference is established


Fixed issue where Participants could not draw in a meeting room if you disable and then enable the draw feature


Fixed issue where duplicate audio was observed for an edited recording playback


Fixed issue where for a registered user who has changed his name in the attendee pod, old name is still visible in chat transcripts


Fixed issue where audio goes missing for first few minutes from recording playback


Fixed issue where there was no paging option for Seminar Room List


Fixed issue where latency and camera freezing was observed while drawing in the meeting room


Fixed issue where event catalog displayed blank page if Event tags contained any special characters


Fixed issue where login-Url runtime field included user login even though event was set to register without password


Fixed issue where privacy policy link returned error page


Fixed issue where Add-in asked for enabling accessibility option even though  it was already enabled

Known Issues

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description


For a multi-slide presentation, on disabling and enabling the draw option after moving through some slides, the objects drawn on previous slides appear on the new slide fleetingly


Users get an error when they try to approve a group that contains several thousand users in an event


While sharing swf content in a virtual classroom, "show sidebar to participants" option does not work as expected for users on MAC machine


Attachments inside the Presentation are not available on the playbar


Intermittently, for animated presentations, clicking the playbar button once shows two animation objects for every click


On Mac, scrollbar is not visible while changing the slides from sidebar


The "change view" shortcut is not available while sharing Presenter HTML content


Report Filters criteria once set is applied on every course, meeting or seminar under the account


When an administrator changes the default language/default time zone from Administration->Account, the changes do not get reflected


For a few reports, on downloading them, fields that are added into report have a different default name as compared to the displayed names


Un-sync mode should get triggered when scenario interaction is playing in shared content


Campaign IDs which contain space or “+” are reported inconsistently in the Campaign Report and User Information Report aggregate CSV


Sorting filter for TYPE is not working in the content page


Incorrect representation on the graph for “by questions” report if the quiz has captivate negative score questions


Audio starts playing even, though the playbar is in stopped state, if the user shares a presenter file from the recently shared items after having stopped sharing on the same audio slide


Hot spot type question does not show it's "type" under reports for Virtual Classrooms


MP4 conversion on server fails for certain recordings


When HTML content is shared in the share pod, "pillar boxing" view nor "letter boxing" view is not available


The tooltips on the playbar buttons for captivate content are not visible


Offline MP4 conversion window is output resolution on macbook pro with retina display is not the same as selected in the settings dialog

More Information

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