Common Questions for Animate

Use this article to read official frequently asked questions (FAQ) about Animate and get answers to common product questions.


For nearly two decades, Flash Professional has been the standard for producing rich animations on the web. Because of the emergence of HTML5 and demand for animations that leverage web standards, we completely rewrote the tool over the past few years to incorporate native HTML5 Canvas and WebGL support in tandem with Flash format and Adobe AIR applications. To more accurately represent its position as the premier animation tool for the web and beyond, Flash Professional is renamed Adobe Animate CC, starting with the February 2016 release.

To more about the renaming and the features that Animate CC offers, read the blog post at Welcome Adobe Animate CC, a new era for Flash Professional.

Adobe Animate CC lets you create vector animations, advertisements, multimedia content, immersive experiences, applications, games, and more, in a timeline-based authoring environment. Animate offers native support for multiple outputs such as HTML5 Canvas and WebGL, and is extensible to support custom formats such as Snap.SVG. Animate also supports creation and publishing of Flash formats, and packaging Adobe AIR applications. Animate’s flexibility with output formats ensure that your content can be viewed anywhere, without the need for plug-ins. Animate also offers best in class drawing and illustration tools, as well as powerful integration with Adobe CreativeSync.

And because Animate CC is part of Adobe Creative Cloud, you get access to all the latest updates and future releases the moment they’re available. Learn more about Creative Cloud.

See the What’s New page for details.

Check out the Animate CC version comparison.

Animate CC is tightly integrated with the Adobe design applications you already know, so you can get up to speed quickly while preserving the fidelity and integrity of the designs you import from those apps. You can also create and share your assets via CC library, and work in tandem with Photoshop, Illustrator, Muse, and Indesign.

Animate CC delivers benchmark authoring tools that let you create and deliver animated, interactive content across desktops and mobile devices, TVs, and more. Take advantage of modern web standards thanks to native HTML5 Canvas support and the ability to convert existing Animate files to HTML. Develop content once and then deploy it to virtually any device or operating system, including Android and iOS. Create or revitalize content for any form factor or device, including the latest ultra high-resolution monitors and displays. And easily generate HTML5 Canvas advertisements that meet the latest Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) standards.

Technical questions

See the system requirements for information.

See the system requirements for information.

See the system requirements for information.

See the system requirements for information.

See the system requirements for information.

Backward compatibility

Yes – files and projects saved in earlier versions of Flash Professional are compatible with Adobe Animate CC. Please note that ActionScript 2 support was dropped with the introduction of Flash Professional CC in 2013.

Yes – existing formats such as .FLA and .SWF, AIR, and ActionScript3 will continue to be supported in Adobe Animate CC.

Animations created with Adobe Animate CC can be published to the following formats, in addition to Flash (SWF) and AIR: HTML5 Canvas, WebGL, video, and custom platforms (such as SVG) with an extensible architecture.

Adobe Animate CC can produce a wide variety of HTML5-based content such as studio quality cartoons, interactive animations, banner ads and educational tutorials. You can create new HTML5 Canvas or WebGL documents from scratch, or convert existing Flash content to HTML5 for compatibility with any modern browser, without the need for plug-ins.

Adobe Animate CC uses the CreateJS suite of JavaScript libraries, based on open web technologies. The resulting code is lightweight, human readable and performant. Learn more about CreateJS at

Free trials

With a free Creative Cloud membership, you can download a trial version of Animate CC — and other applications in Creative Cloud. When you upgrade to an All Apps membership, you’ll be able to download the full version of every Creative Cloud application.

Yes. You can convert your trial to a Creative Cloud All Apps or Single App membership by purchasing on the Creative Cloud website. After you purchase your membership, your desktop product trial will automatically be licensed upon relaunch.

Purchasing options

Learn more about purchasing options on the Creative Cloud plans page.

Learning Animate CC

Check out Animate CC Learn & Support for all you need to get started, with video and step-by-step-tutorials as well as comprehensive product support from Adobe and our knowledgeable community.

You can find the Animate CC manual on the Animate Help page.

Check out Adobe Customer Care channel and Animate Tutorials to learn more about Adobe Animate.

Yes, you can create banners using Adobe Animate. Watch the video on How to create a HTML5 expandable banner in Animate to know more.

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