Author View turns gray on high-resolution monitors


If you are working on a structured document and you switch to Author View mode, the document window in FrameMaker turns gray and the document is not displayed.


This issue is resolved in FrameMaker (2019 release). For more information about the latest features in FrameMaker (2019 release), see


In Windows operating system, there is an option to increase the size of applications. If you increase this size to 125% or more, then you might notice gray screen in FrameMaker’s Author View.  

Customize display settings in Windows


Reduce the zoom level in FrameMaker to resolve this issue. Typically, reducing the zoom level to 80% works for most cases. However, if the issue persists, then you can reduce the zoom level further down until the issue resolves.  

Reduce zoom level in FrameMaker

In the above screenshot, clicking the minus (-) button reduces the zoom level. You can also choose Set from the zoom level drop-down list and manually enter the zoom level that works for you.

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