Posledná aktualizácia dňa 3. 12. 2024

Learn how to edit photos by adjusting Color. 

Adobe Lightroom deeplink

Try it in the app
Follow along with any project to learn how to apply effects.

  1. On the Lightroom on the web homepage, select All Photos.

  2. Select an image to open it in detail view, and then select Edit .

  3. In the Color panel, adjust the sliders for Temp, Tint, Vibrance, and Saturation

  4. Select Color Mixer to control over targeted colors in your photo.


    With the Color Mixer, adjust specific colors sampled from the desired area where you drag the pointer. You can also adjust the HueSaturation, or Luminance by moving the slider.

    Color Mixer panel is highlighted with hue, saturation and luminance slider in the Edit panel.
    Move the Slider left and right to control the colors.

  5. In Point Color, Select   to select a color in your photo for precise color refinements.


    Adjust Hue ShiftSaturation Shift, Luminance Shift, or Range slider as needed and enable Visualise Range to highlight affected areas.

  6. Select Color Grading to add a color tint to an image shadows, mid-tones, and highlights. Explore this option to stylize your images by adding a color from the opposite color wheel to make shadows and highlights appear more prominent.


    You can also work with Blending and Balance sliders to create a transition between MidtonesShadows, and Highlights.

    Two children are shown in an image where the Color Grading panel is highlighted in the Edit panel. Three sliders for Midtones, Shadows, and Highlights are set.
    Select the circle in between and drag it to change the color grading.

  7. Select Share .