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Learn about the event analytics dashboard for Adobe Connect webinars.
The event analytics dashboard helps marketers track webinar performance and target high-intent prospects to improve conversion rates. It offers detailed reports on participant interactions and session performance and provides insights on which content and layouts drove higher engagement, helping you improve future webinars.
The following topics are covered in this article:
Use the following steps to view the event analytics dashboard.
Select the Events tab from the top menu bar.
Select either Shared Events, User Events, or My Events tab from the menu bar.
From the Event list, select the event for which you want to view the dashboard.
Note:The Event analytics dashboard is accessible 45 to 120 minutes after the scheduled event ends.
Select the Reports tab from the menu bar.
Select Go to dashboard.
Access event analytics dashboard Access event analytics dashboard
Event summary is only available for Interactive webinars.
The event summary report includes the overall performance of both live and on-demand events and the recording of the event. The summary outlines the number of registrations, attendees, duration of the event, number of views of the recording, and much more.
From the left panel, select Event summary to view live and on-demand event summary. Select Event summary (PDF) to download the summary. The overview is classified into different sections.
Engagement provides an overview of the live webinar's performance. It includes key metrics, engagement over time, and participant interactions. This information helps organizers evaluate the event's success and identify areas for improvement.
From the left panel, select Engagement to view the live session’s performance. Select Engagement summary (PDF) to download the summary of the live session.
This report displays how attendees interact and engage during a session. Hosts can also download interaction reports for these pods. Hosts can download interaction reports for these pods, providing a detailed analysis of participants' engagement with various pods used in the live webinar.
Additionally, you can download a summary (PDF or ZIP) of the interactions within the pods.
Select Interactions from the left side panel to access the Interactions report.
The Interactions section consists of the following tabs:
The polls tab displays questions in a poll pod along with the distribution of participant responses. The analysis for each poll question displays the following information:
- Type of poll question
- Multiple choice, multiple answer, or short answer type question
- The poll question
- Number of responses
- Duration for which the poll was open and accepting responses
- The distribution of responses across various options
Select Poll report (CSV) to download the poll responses.
The quiz tab displays the analysis of quizzes conducted during the webinar. The analysis for every quiz displays the following information:
- Number of participants who participated in the quiz.
- A donut chart of the responses submitted in the quiz.
- The number of questions in the quiz. Select View list to view the questions.
- The average accuracy of responses received. Select View leaderboard to view the accuracy and results.
- Average time taken to attempt the quiz
Select Quiz report (.ZIP) to download the quiz report that includes questions, leaderboard, and total time taken. Select View detailed report to view the same report without downloading.
Other interactions
The tab allows you to view metrics of Q&A, file downloads, and reactions during a live session. The tab contains the following sections:
Select Download interaction reports from the top-right dropdown to download the following interaction reports: of different pods:
- QnA report (PDF)
- QnA report (CSV)
- Links & files report (CSV)
- Reactions report (CSV)
Participant activity
This report lets you view consolidated information about each participant's engagement.
The report consists of the following:
- Each participant's engagement level. You can sort the list by engagement level. Learn about engagement level classification from Participant engagement level.
- Duration of the session attended by the participant.
- Number of polls answered in the Polls pod.
- Number of links clicked in the Web Links pod.
- Number of questions asked in Q&A pod.
Select Attendee activity report (CSV) to download the participant activity report.
The Participant Profile report offers a thorough overview of a webinar participant's engagement. It includes details such as recent webinars attended, questions asked, polls answered, and resources downloaded.
Review participant insights from multiple webinars
Teams, such as sales and marketing, can review participant insights from multiple webinars. The engagement summary for all webinars enables them to assess participant interactions, gauge interest levels, and tailor targeted follow-ups, lead-generation efforts, and marketing campaigns.
Select any participant in the Attendee activity panel to view the following details:
- The total number of webinars registered for
- The number of live and on-demand webinars attended
- The total duration of attendance
- The days since the last engagement
- The average engagement score
Additionally, a list of events attended by the participant will be provided, and the option to explore detailed activity information for each webinar in the Individual Event tab will be available.
Participants' Q&A and poll activities will be categorized by webinar across all events.
Download webinar engagement report in PDF
Generate and download a report of webinar engagement history in PDF format, including details such as the number of webinars registered, attended (live or on-demand), and the total time spent on webinars.
Select Download report (PDF) in the All webinars tab.
The following is a sample report as PDF:
View Individual webinar engagement metrics
View a snapshot of a participant’s activities in a webinar, including the event name and date, registration date, duration of attendance, and engagement score.
- Select any webinar from the list of attended webinars to view the metrics of an individual webinar a participant has attended to view the following details:
The panel contains the following participant-level metrics:
- Summary metrics: Includes webinar name, date, registration date, and live/on-demand attendance duration.
- Engagement metrics: Includes the number of questions asked in the Q&A pod, polls answered, files downloaded, links clicked, chat messages posted, and reactions expressed.
- Activity Monitor: Provides details of the number of questions asked in the Q&A pod (along with answers if provided by the webinar team), the number of polls answered or responses in the Poll pod, the number of files or other resources downloaded in the Files pod, the number of links clicked in the Web links pod, the number of chat messages posted in the Chat pod, and the number of reactions expressed in the webinar.
Switch between webinar engagement summaries
Review participant insights from another webinar to assess their involvement.
Select Switch webinar on the Summary section of an individual webinar.
The webinar selection dialog appears. Choose another webinar and select Apply.
The engagement metrics panel of the selected webinar appears.
From the left panel, select Download reports.
Select Download all (.zip) to download all the available reports.
All reports will be downloaded as a ZIP file.Download reports for different activities Download reports for different activities Select
icon next to each report to download them individually.
The Event Analytics dashboard classifies participant engagement in Adobe Connect as high, medium, or low. This provides users with a unified metric for scoring leads and identifying top prospects.
The table lists the classification threshold for each engagement level:
Engagement level |
Classification criterion |
High |
Participants who meet all the below criteria:
Medium |
Participants who meet all the below criteria:
Low |
All participants who are not classified as either high or medium. |