- Multichannel audio workflow
- Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition
- Importing with the Files panel
- Extracting audio from CDs
- Supported import formats
- Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition
- Recording audio
- Monitoring recording and playback levels
- Remove silences from your audio recordings
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Session Markers and Clip Marker for Multitrack
- Generating text-to-speech
- Matching loudness across multiple audio files
- Displaying audio in the Waveform Editor
- Selecting audio
- How to copy, cut, paste, and delete audio in Audition
- Visually fading and changing amplitude
- Working with markers
- Inverting, reversing, and silencing audio
- How to automate common tasks in Audition
- Analyze phase, frequency, and amplitude with Audition
- Frequency Band Splitter
- Undo, redo, and history
- Converting sample types
- Creating podcasts using Audition
- Enabling CEP extensions
- Effects controls
- Applying effects in the Waveform Editor
- Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
- Adding third party plugins
- Notch Filter effect
- Fade and Gain Envelope effects (Waveform Editor only)
- Manual Pitch Correction effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Graphic Phase Shifter effect
- Doppler Shifter effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Apply amplitude and compression effects to audio
- Delay and echo effects
- Diagnostics effects (Waveform Editor only) for Audition
- Filter and equalizer effects
- Modulation effects
- Reduce noise and restore audio
- Reverb effects
- How to use special effects with Audition
- Stereo imagery effects
- Time and pitch manipulation effects
- Generate tones and noise
- Audition User Guide
- Introduction
- Workspace and setup
- Digital audio fundamentals
Importing, recording, and playing
- Multichannel audio workflow
- Create, open, or import files in Adobe Audition
- Importing with the Files panel
- Extracting audio from CDs
- Supported import formats
- Navigate time and playing audio in Adobe Audition
- Recording audio
- Monitoring recording and playback levels
- Remove silences from your audio recordings
Editing audio files
- Edit, repair, and improve audio using Essential Sound panel
- Session Markers and Clip Marker for Multitrack
- Generating text-to-speech
- Matching loudness across multiple audio files
- Displaying audio in the Waveform Editor
- Selecting audio
- How to copy, cut, paste, and delete audio in Audition
- Visually fading and changing amplitude
- Working with markers
- Inverting, reversing, and silencing audio
- How to automate common tasks in Audition
- Analyze phase, frequency, and amplitude with Audition
- Frequency Band Splitter
- Undo, redo, and history
- Converting sample types
- Creating podcasts using Audition
Applying effects
- Enabling CEP extensions
- Effects controls
- Applying effects in the Waveform Editor
- Applying effects in the Multitrack Editor
- Adding third party plugins
- Notch Filter effect
- Fade and Gain Envelope effects (Waveform Editor only)
- Manual Pitch Correction effect (Waveform Editor only)
- Graphic Phase Shifter effect
- Doppler Shifter effect (Waveform Editor only)
Effects reference
- Apply amplitude and compression effects to audio
- Delay and echo effects
- Diagnostics effects (Waveform Editor only) for Audition
- Filter and equalizer effects
- Modulation effects
- Reduce noise and restore audio
- Reverb effects
- How to use special effects with Audition
- Stereo imagery effects
- Time and pitch manipulation effects
- Generate tones and noise
- Video and surround sound
- Keyboard shortcuts
- Saving and exporting
About multitrack sessions
In the Multitrack Editor, you can mix together multiple audio tracks to create layered soundtracks and elaborate musical compositions. You can record and mix unlimited tracks, and each track can contain as many clips as you need—the only limits are hard disk space and processing power. When you’re happy with a mix, you can export a mixdown file for use on CD, the web, and more.
The Multitrack Editor is an extremely flexible, real‑time editing environment, so you can change settings during playback and immediately hear the results. While listening to a session, for example, you can adjust track volume to properly blend tracks together. Any changes you make are impermanent, or nondestructive. If a mix doesn’t sound good next week, or even next year, you can simply remix the original source files, freely applying and removing effects to create different sonic textures.
Adobe Audition saves information about source files and mix settings in session (.sesx) files. Session files are relatively small because they contain only pathnames to source files and references to mix parameters (such as volume, pan, and effect settings). To more easily manage session files, save them in a unique folder with the source files they reference. If you later need to move the session to another computer, you can simply move the unique session folder.
Editing multitrack sessions in the Editor panel and Mixer
In the Multitrack Editor, the Editor panel provides several elements that help you mix and edit sessions. In the track controls on the left, you adjust track‑specific settings, such as volume and pan. In the timeline on the right, you edit the clips and automation envelopes in each track.
A. Track controls B. Zoom navigator C. Vertical scroll bar D. Track
The Mixer (Window > Mixer) provides an alternative view of a session, revealing many more tracks and controls simultaneously, without showing clips. The Mixer is ideal for mixing large sessions with many tracks.
A. Inputs B. Effects C. Sends D. Equalization E. Volume F. Outputs
Select ranges in the Multitrack Editor
In the toolbar, select the Time Selection tool
In the Editor panel, do one of the following:
To select only a range, click an empty area of the track display, and drag left or right.
To select a range and clips, click the center of a clip, and drag a marquee.
Customize start offset and time display for multitrack sessions
In the Editor panel, click an empty area of the track display to ensure that no clips are selected.
Choose Window > Properties.
In the Properties panel, adjust the following options:
Start Time
Sets a start-time offset, helping you match audio in Adobe Audition to the time displayed in video applications.
Advanced settings
To customize Time Display settings for the active session, set the Time Format and Custom Frame Rate settings. For details, see Change the time display format.