- Download Creative Cloud apps
- Open Creative Cloud apps
- Start workspace
- Update Creative Cloud apps
- Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
- Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
- Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
- Fix errors installing Adobe apps
- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
- Apps available for download
- Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
- Reset your Adobe password
- Change your Adobe plan
- Update credit card and billing address
- View, download, or email your Adobe invoice
- Fix a failed or missed payment
- Cancel Adobe trial or subscription
- Find support for free and discontinued products
- Sign in to your Adobe account
- Sign in to your company or school account
- Understand Creative Cloud subscription terms and refund policies
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Creative Cloud User Guide
- Introduction to Creative Cloud
Download, install, set up, and update
- Download Creative Cloud apps
- Open Creative Cloud apps
- Start workspace
- Update Creative Cloud apps
- Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
- Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
- Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
- Fix errors installing Adobe apps
- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
- Apps available for download
- Creative services
Collaboration and storage services
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Projects
- Organize libraries
- Creative Cloud mobile apps
- Enterprise and teams
- Adobe Content Authenticity
Applies to enterprise & teams.
This article helps you choose the correct accounts and profiles for your desired apps and assets. Your login options depend on how your organization has assigned apps and services.
"I can’t find my assets. What happened?"
"I can’t find my assigned apps, it says try/buy"
"I can’t sign in to my company or school account."
"I am stuck in my personal account and don’t see option to choose accounts or profiles"
Your organization can assign Adobe products on a managed or personal account. See the definitions for a clear understanding of these terms:
Adobe creates separate profiles for each account and gives each profile dedicated storage. Learn about how to manage Adobe profiles and how to choose the appropriate Adobe profile.
Login with appropriate account
You'll see an account chooser:
- If you've created a personal account using your managed email address, or
- If you've shared your managed email address with other businesses
If you see an account chooser right after entering your email, you must select:
- Company or school account if you need to use Adobe apps assigned by the owning organization that created and manages the email.
- Personal account if you need Adobe apps or assets assigned by any other organization or business plans you've purchased yourself.
Login with the appropriate profile
You'll see a profile chooser if multiple Adobe plans are assigned to you on your personal or managed email address.
Select the appropriate Adobe profile (profile) depending on which organization's apps and services that you want to use:
For example, John is an employee of a software company (owning organization) and does freelance work for a small business (Business 1). The following scenarios will help you choose the correct account and profile accordingly:
- The software company created John's managed email address and assigned him a Creative Cloud all apps plan. To use this plan, John must choose Company or school account > sign in.
- John bought an Adobe Photoshop Single app plan for personal use using the same email address. To use the personal plan, John must choose Personal account > password > Personal profile > sign in.
- John also shared this managed email with the small business called Business 1.
Business 1 assigned him an Adobe Document Cloud plan. To choose the Business 1 plan, John must choose Personal account > password or SSO > Business 1 profile > sign in.
Sign-in issues could be related to signing into the wrong Adobe account or profile. Sign out and consider the previous example to select the appropriate account and profile to sign-in and find your desired apps and assets. For more details, see Which profile should I choose, Business or Personal?
If one or more organizations or businesses have assigned you Adobe plans, follow the workflow based on your credentials and how many organizations are using it:
Process |
An organization assigned Adobe apps' licenses on your personal email address |
If your organization assigned you Adobe apps on your personal email address (example:
Enter your personal email address and select Continue to enter your password. Then, choose the appropriate profile based on which organization's apps plan you want to use. |
Your owning organization assigned Adobe apps' licenses on managed email address |
If only your owning organization assigned you Adobe apps on the managed email address (example:
Enter your email address and choose Company or school account. Then, use your password or SSO method to sign in.
If you haven't created a personal account on your managed email address, you'll be signed in after you enter your credentials. |
Multiple organizations have assigned you Adobe apps' licenses on your managed email address |
If your owning organization and other businesses have used your managed email address to assign Adobe app plans,
Enter your managed credentials and then choose:
Now, sign in to Adobe Creative Cloud or other Adobe apps with the appropriate account and profile to access your apps and services.
Common questions
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- Download Creative Cloud apps
- Open Creative Cloud apps
- Start workspace
- Update Creative Cloud apps
- Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
- Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
- Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
- Fix errors installing Adobe apps
- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
- Apps available for download
- Convert a Creative Cloud trial to a paid membership
- Reset your Adobe password
- Change your Adobe plan
- Update credit card and billing address
- View, download, or email your Adobe invoice
- Fix a failed or missed payment
- Cancel Adobe trial or subscription
- Find support for free and discontinued products
- Sign in to your Adobe account
- Sign in to your company or school account
- Understand Creative Cloud subscription terms and refund policies
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Creative Cloud User Guide
- Introduction to Creative Cloud
Download, install, set up, and update
- Download Creative Cloud apps
- Open Creative Cloud apps
- Start workspace
- Update Creative Cloud apps
- Change the language of your Creative Cloud apps
- Uninstall the Creative Cloud desktop app
- Uninstall or remove Creative Cloud apps
- Fix errors installing Adobe apps
- How and when to use the CC Cleaner tool
- Apps available for download
- Creative services
Collaboration and storage services
- What are cloud documents
- Cloud documents FAQ
- Create or convert files to cloud documents
- Set up cloud documents to use offline
- Revert to an earlier version of a cloud document
- Share your work for commenting
- Why can't I see my cloud documents offline?
- Creative Cloud Libraries
- Collaborate on Creative Cloud Libraries and folders
- Collaboration FAQ
- Sync your files using cloud storage
- Find how much cloud storage you have
- Set sync options
- Discontinuation of Creative Cloud Synced files
- Download Synced files and content
- Projects
- Organize libraries
- Creative Cloud mobile apps
- Enterprise and teams
- Adobe Content Authenticity