Hold down Cmd + Option + Shift while launching Dreamweaver. To launch Dreamweaver, click Open in the Creative Cloud desktop app or click the Dreamweaver icon in the Dock or desktop.
Restore preferences files to fix issues, such as crashes, errors, and other unexpected behavior.
Damaged preferences files can cause crashes, errors, and other unexpected behavior in Dreamweaver. Follow the instructions below to restore preferences to the default settings.
Dreamweaver 2014.1 and later - Reset preferences
Choose your operating system:
To reset (or restore) preferences, follow the steps below.
Note: All the installed extensions are removed when you reset preferences. When you view the extensions on the Add-ons page, the page could continue to show the extensions as installed. To reinstall these extensions, manually remove them and install them again from the Add-ons page after Dreamweaver is launched.
Reset preferences for Mac OS
Some of the procedures below require accessing your user library folder. In Mac OS 10.7 and later, this folder is hidden. For instructions on accessing your user library, see Access hidden user library files.
In the Reset Preferences dialog box, click Yes.
The following file and folder are deleted from your system:
- /[user]/Library/Application Support/Adobe/Dreamweaver [version number] (folder)
- /[user]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver [version number] Prefs (file)
- /[user]/Library/Preferences/Adobe Dreamweaver [version number] Prefs.plist (file)
When Dreamweaver launches, it creates a new preferences file and folder.
Reset preferences for Windows
In the installation folder (C:/Program Files/Adobe/Adobe Dreamweaver [version]), click the file Dreamweaver.exe.
Hold down the Windows key + Ctrl + Shift and double-click Dreamweaver.exe.
(Windows Vista) Continue holding down the keyboard shortcut (Windows key + Ctrl + Shift) even when the User Account Control (UAC) dialog box appears.
In the Reset Preferences dialog box, click Yes.
The following file and folder are deleted from your system:
- Users\[user]\AppData\Roaming\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC [version number] (folder)
- \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Adobe\Dreamweaver CC [version number] (registry entry)
When Dreamweaver launches, it creates a new preferences file and folder.
Dreamweaver 2014 and earlier - Reset preferences
Choose your operating system:
To reset (or restore) preferences, follow the steps below.
Reset preferences on Mac OS
Some of the procedures below require accessing your user library folder. In Mac OS 10.7 and later, this folder is hidden. For instructions on accessing your user library, see Access hidden user library files.
Quit Dreamweaver.
In the Finder, navigate to /[user]/Library/Application Support/Adobe.
Rename the Dreamweaver preferences folder, for example, Dreamweaver 2014 folder to Old_Dreamweaver 2014.
Navigate to /[user]/Library/Preferences.
Rename the Dreamweaver preferences file, for example, Adobe Dreamweaver 2014 Prefs file to Old_Adobe Dreamweaver 2014 Prefs.
Reset preferences on Windows 8, 7, Vista, or XP
Some of the procedures below require accessing hidden folders. For instructions, see Show hidden files, folders, and filename extensions in Windows.
Exit Dreamweaver.
In Windows Explorer, navigate to C:/Users/[user]/AppData/Roaming/Adobe.
หมายเหตุ:On Windows XP, navigate to C:/Documents and Settings/[user]/Application Data/Adobe.
Rename the Dreamweaver preferences folder, for example, Dreamweaver 2015 folder to Old_Dreamweaver 2015.
หมายเหตุ:The following steps involve editing the Windows registry. Adobe doesn't provide support for editing the registry, which contains critical system and application information. Make sure to back up the registry before editing it. For more information about the registry, see Windows documentation or contact Microsoft.
(Windows 8) Right-click the Start button. In the taskbar, choose Search, type regedit, and then press Enter.
(Windows 7 and earlier) Click the Start button, type regedit in the Start Search, and then press Enter.
In the left pane of the Registry Editor, navigate to the following path:
Remove the Dreamweaver preferences registry entries.
- Select the Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver 2014, or Dreamweaver CS6 key, then choose File > Export. In the Export Registry File dialog, enter a filename and location, and then click Save.
- Ensure that the key is still selected, and then choose Edit > Delete. In the Confirm Key Delete dialog, click Yes.
- Select the Dreamweaver, Dreamweaver 2014, or Dreamweaver CS6 key, then choose File > Export. In the Export Registry File dialog, enter a filename and location, and then click Save.
Exit the Registry Editor.
Try to re-create the problem
After you have removed your existing preferences, restart Dreamweaver. (The application creates new preferences files, folders, and registry entries, as applicable, using the default settings.) Try to re-create the problem you had before.
If the problem is resolved, then damaged preferences was the cause.
If the problem persists, then the preferences are not the cause and you can restore the original preferences.
To restore the original preferences, follow these steps:
Quit Dreamweaver.
Delete the new preferences folder and restore the original name of the previous folder.
Do one of the following:
- Mac OS: Delete the new preferences file and restore the original name of the previous preferences file.
- Windows: Double-click the registry backup file you created.
To know more on restoring preferences for Dreamweaver Creative Suite versions, see Restore preferences in Dreamweaver CS4, CS5, CS5.5
Even after you perform this procedure, if your preferences are corrupted, or if you encounter crash errors, visit the Dreamweaver uservoice page and file a bug.
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