Feature summary | Photoshop desktop (February 2021 release)

Learn about new features and enhancements in the February 2021 release of Photoshop on desktop (version 22.2).

Invite others to edit your cloud documents

Collaborate seamlessly by inviting others to edit your cloud documents. Easily find the cloud documents you have been invited to under the Shared with you tab in-app on the home screen, or access them from the Creative Cloud web or the Creative Cloud Desktop app.

  1. Open a Photoshop document and click the Invite to edit icon () in the top right corner of the app.
  2. In the Invite to edit dialog that opens, type in the email addresses of intended recipients to collaborate.
    Note: When working with a non-cloud document on your computer, you need to save it as a Photoshop cloud document before you can invite someone to access and edit it. To do so, click the Continue button under Save as a cloud document to invite people prompt in the Invite to edit dialog.
  3. Type to add an additional note under Message before sending the invitation if required.
  4. Click the Invite to edit button to send the invitation.

Once you have sent the invitation, you can see the names of the recipients listed under the Members section in the Invite to edit dialog. To leave the share when you no longer need access to a file, hover the cursor over your own name and tap Leave. To remove another collaborator, hover the cursor over the name and tap Remove.

Sync your presets

With this release, you can easily sync your Photoshop presets like — Brushes, Gradients, Swatches, Styles, Shapes, and Patterns to Creative Cloud. You can further work with these synced presets in Photoshop on any other desktop device you log into using the same Adobe ID.

Preset Syncing is disabled by default. To enable Preset Syncing, check Preset Syncing in Preferences > General.

Sync your Photoshop presets
Easily sync your presets in Photoshop to the Creative Cloud and access them on your other devices.

To learn more, check out Sync presets on multiple devices.

Other enhancements

Enhanced Custom Shapes properties panel

With this release, you can control options including Width, Height, Angle, Flip, Reset, and Appearance of custom shapes from the Shape Properties panel while working with the Custom Shape Tool. Also, you can now use on-canvas transform controls to transform a custom shape while keeping intact its shape properties. 

You can find the Shape Properties panel next to Masks in the Properties Panel for Custom Shape Tool, like other live shapes.

Enhanced properties panel for Custom Shape Tool
Enhanced properties panel for Custom Shape Tool

Click the reset () icon in the Properties panel to reset all modifications at any time.

For more information, check out Draw and edit shapes

Support for new cameras and lenses

Find newly added cameras and lenses in the full list of supported profiles below:

Fixed customer-reported issues

For detailed information, see Fixed issues in Photoshop.

Known Issues

For detailed information, see Known issues in Photoshop.

