Organizational address book

Overview of the organizational address book

When configured, the organizational address book imports the LDAP or Active Directory for your organization, populating the predictive email list on the Send page with matching email strings.

The filtered list of recipient email addresses populates the suggested email list with the organizational contacts at the bottom of the list, under the user's personal contacts.


Before the organizational address book can be enabled in Acrobat Sign, the Adobe Admin Console administrator must provide the Admin Console to their identity system with their users:

How it's used

When configured, the organizational address book will populate the user's address book with the complete list of users in your company's LDAP or Active Directory listing, which in turn populates the dropdown list of email addresses on the Send tab when users enter an email address.

Enabling the organizational address book allows senders to select the email from a company-validated list and ultimately reduces errors when sending agreements.

The Send page highlighting the dropdown containing the predictive email addresses



The organizational address book is available for enterprise license plans only.

Configuration scope:

The feature can be enabled at the account level only.

The controls for this feature can be assessed by navigating to SecuritySettings > Organizational address book

The Security Settings page with the Organizational address book controls highlighted

The configurable options are:

  •  Enable the organizational address book -  Allows the organizational address book to populate with the LDAP or AD connected to your Adobe Admin Console.
    • Enabling this feature will allow every sender in your account to perform autocomplete searches across all contacts in your organization.
  •  Use the global admin console (GAC) parent organization for fetching contacts - This option only has an effect if your account's organization has a parent organization set up using Global Admin Console (GAC). When enabled, the list of potential recipients is imported from the global account, which includes all organizational contacts from all Adobe Admin Console organizations.
    • Enabling this option when the account has no Global Admin Console has no effect.

