Upgrade from classic to new Adobe Connect mobile application

Adobe Connect classic mobile applications (‘Adobe Connect Classic’ on Android and ‘Adobe Connect’ on iOS) are retiring, and only the new and enhanced versions of the mobile applications (‘Adobe Connect’ on Android and ‘Adobe Connect New’ on iOS) will be supported. Users can no longer enter sessions from the classic mobile applications from the upcoming Adobe Connect 12.6 version.

Key milestones

  • March 23, 2024: From the upcoming Adobe Connect 12.6 version, users can only enter rooms using the new mobile applications. Any user accessing Adobe Connect 12.6 rooms from classic mobile applications will be prompted to install the new application.
  • May 31, 2024: Adobe Connect classic mobile applications will be removed from the Google Play and Apple App Store. While current users can still access the application on their phones, new users won't have the option to download and install it any longer.

Installing the new Adobe Connect mobile application is strongly recommended for customers still using the classic versions of Adobe Connect mobile application. The applications can be installed using the following links from your device.

Google play store link

Apple Store link


For Licensed or Managed Service Deployments, rooms on Adobe Connect 11.4.6 or later will be accessible through the new mobile applications. For Adobe Connect versions older than 11.4.6, participants may not be able to experience all the features of the new mobile apps. We recommend upgrading to Version 11.4.6 or later for the best mobile app experience.

The latest version of the app is packed with a host of new features and enhancements that will elevate your experience. As we reimagined certain aspects of the apps to give you a much more streamlined and modern experience, some of the following old features will no longer be required.

  • Draw on whiteboards and annotate on content (in breakouts or if given rights)
  • Edit notes (in breakouts or if given rights)
  • Upload documents in share pod from library
  • Switch layouts (tablet only)
  • Invite others to a meeting (tablet only)
  • Initiate and end a session recording (tablet only)
  • Allow all participants to start webcam (tablet only)
  • Display room background graphics

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