In the first drop down list in the Script View select (Declare)
In the second drop down list in the Script View select Global External Functions
Copy and Paste (or type in) in the following functions into the script area:
function boolean HTML Help( ulong hwnd, string pszFile, uint uCommand, ulong dwData ) library
"Hhctrl.ocx" alias for HTML Help A function boolean HTML Help( ulong hwnd, string pszFile, uint uCommand, string dwData ) library
"Hhctrl.ocx" alias for HtmlHelpA
To Display a HTML Help Topic via its topic file name use the following script:
HTML Help( handle(parent), "PBHTMLHelp.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, "Welcome.htm" )
The above script calls the HTML Help file PBHTMLHelp.chm and displays the topic file
To Display a HTML Help Topic via its map number use the following script:
HTML Help( handle(parent), "PBHTMLHelp.chm", HH_DISPLAY_TOPIC, 1 )
The above script calls the HTML Help file PBHTMLHelp.chm and display the topic whose map number is 1.