Installing JavaHelp and Oracle Help Components


Installing JavaHelp and Oracle Help Components


You will need to download and install the JavaHelp Components. Then create "Environment Variables" for your JavaHelp and Oracle Help Components before you can create JavaHelp or Oracle Help from within RoboHelp.

The JavaHelp components (SDK and viewer) are available from Sun at: These files are needed for BOTH JavaHelp AND OracleHelp

The OracleHelp viewer is available from Oracle at: This is only needed if you are creating OracleHelp.

Sun makes specific reference to adding "Environment Variables" on your computer in order to allow programs, such as RoboHelp, to generate JavaHelp or OracleHelp.

To generate JavaHelp output, you must have the following installed on your computer first:

  1. J2SDK 1.4.2_10

  2. JavaHelp 1.1 (JavaHelpTM 1.1.3)

Visit Sun Micro system website to download the installer.

J2SDK 1.4.2_102SDK 1.4.2_10

JavaHelp 1.1 (JavaHelpTM 1.1.3)

You can use RoboHelp to generate your JavaHelp output file that comes in a .hs extension.

Next, you need to open the .hs extensionin the JavaHelp viewer hsviewer.jar.

To run the viewer, browse to the following location:

C:\Program Files\Java\javahelp1.1\jh1.1.3\demos\bin\hsviewer.jar.

To create a new JavaHelp layout:

  1. Right-click on the Single Source folder from the RoboHelp explorer window, select New Layout, choose JavaHelp, and then click Ok.

  2. Verify that the location of the output folder is correct, click Next until you reach JavaHelpOptions, click the checkbox for Full-text search, and then click Save.

For more information, visit the JavaHelp section of the Robohelp Help documentation.

The below instructions assume that you have installed the latest SDK, and JavaHelp/Oracle viewer from Sun or Oracle and describe how to create the "Environment Variables" to enable JavaHelp or Oracle Help generation:

  1. Right-click on the My Computer icon located on your desktop and select Properties.

  2. Select the Advanced tab

  3. Click Environment Variables

  4. Under System Variables click on the New button

  5. In the new dialog and type the following:

    Variable name: JHHOME (for JavaHelp)or OHHOME (for OracleHelp)

    Variable value: <path where JavaHelp or OracleHelp viewer components were installed (ex: c:\jh1.1.3)

  6. In this same list, find the Path variable, and click Edit.

  7. Go to the end of the current path string and add the following (notice the semicolon separator)
  8. <current path>;<path to SDK bin directory (ex: c:\j2sdk1.4.1_02\bin)>

You can now generate JavaHelp or OracleHelp.

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