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Manage Packages

Using the Admin Console, you can view, track, and delete packages.


Purge of old packages:

We will periodically purge Named User Licensing packages from the Adobe servers that were created 2 years ago or prior. The purge will take place on the 7th day of every calendar quarter. That is: 7th of January7th of April, 7th of July, and 7th of October.

This implies that in the Packages tab on the Admin Console, the list of packages created does not display the details of the packages that you created more than 2 years ago. 

You can view, track, and delete the packages created by you and your peer administrators for the same organization. You can also track version upgrades to the apps in a particular package, and plan to deploy those upgrades accordingly.

The Packages page in the Admin Console displays the list of the various packages relevant to your organization. It includes Adobe Templates that have been customized and user-created packages.

View package details

  1. Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to the Packages > Packages.

    If you have not created any package in the Admin Console, you are prompted to create a package or browse Adobe Templates.

    If you have created packages in the Admin Console, the list of available packages is displayed.

    List of packages

  2. Use the Search text box to filter the packages by the Package name or the Create by fields.

  3. By default, the list of packages is paginated with ten packages on a page.

    You can change the number of packages displayed on a page, by choosing from the drop-down list on the lower-right corner of the list of packages.

  4. Package summary

    To view the summary for a package, click anywhere on the row for a package.

    The package summary is displayed in the details drawer.

    For information on how to check if specific client machines have a package installed, see Querying client machines.

Manage packages not up to date

If upgrades for any applications included in the package are made available by Adobe, the package is no longer up to date.

  1. To view the details of the out-of-date applications in a package, click anywhere on the row for a package in the list of packages.

  2. To view more information about each out-of-date application in the package, hover the pointer over the Warning symbol to the right of the application name.

    Outdated package

    For the list of included application, a visual indicator is provided for applications for which newer versions are available.


    The indicator, however, does not indicate if updates have been deployed to customers using other mechanisms such as AUSST or RUM.

  3. Depending on the package configuration, do one of the following to update the applications that are not up to date on your machine:

    For more details, see Update planning.

Create Update package

If one or more applications in your package is outdated (a newer version exists), you can choose to create an Update package that includes:

  • Only the updated applications.
  • Updated applications and non-updated applications.
Creating update package

  1. Sign in to the Admin Console and navigate to the Packages > Packages.

  2. To view the details of the out-of-date applications in a package, click anywhere on the row for a package in the list of packages.

  3. In the details pane, click Update Package.

    The Create Update Package dialog is displayed.

  4. Select a Package type and click Build Update Package.

Delete packages

You can delete packages that have expired or packages that you do not want admins to download.

  1. In the list of packages, click the check box to the left of package names for the packages that you want to delete.

  2. Click Remove and click Yes to confirm.


If the package is in the process of being built, only the Admin who initiated the build can cancel the package.

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