Adobe Connect 12.0 Release Notes

This document contains details about the Adobe Connect 12.0 release, including release dates, technical requirements, upgrades, improvements, and known issues.


Adobe Connect enables you to create rich digital training, webinars, and collaboration experiences. For an overview of Adobe Connect, see

Adobe Connect 12.0 is a major release introducing an entirely new audio/video delivery experience powered by a modern, cloud-native streaming architecture. 

Release dates

Adobe Connect 12.0 is a hosted only release and as such will not be available for on-premise and managed services deployments.

Adobe Connect 12.0 will roll out in the following phases:

Hosted services:

Upgrades will begin on Jul 12, 2022. See Adobe Connect Downloads and Updates to determine the upgrade date for your account.

On-premise deployments:

Not applicable

Managed services:

Not applicable

What's new in Adobe Connect 12.0

Enhanced Audio/Video Experience

Adobe Connect 12.0 introduces an entirely new audio/video delivery experience powered by a modern, cloud-native streaming architecture. 

Enhanced Video:

  • Full HD support: Multiple high-definition video cameras with greater clarity and resolution up to 1080p.  
  • Up to 50 video cameras: Improved support for multiple video cameras allowing more people to turn on their cameras and be seen.
  • Single speaker view: Focus attention by displaying only the active or a chosen camera in full HD.
  • Spotlight speaker: Enabling dynamic speaker tracking with auto-focus on the active speaker.
  • Simplified camera menu: More visible and easier to access preview, actions, and host options.
Enhanced Audio:
  • Significant improvements in audio clarity, speed, and reliability with reduced latency.
  • Simplified speaker menu: Clear and easy setup, testing, and in-room preferences.
  • Simplified microphone menu: Improved setup, testing, host options, and in-room preferences.

Improved Experience:

  • Setup screen on entry: Attendees can now setup and test their audio & video preferences before entering the room. The preferences stay sticky across sessions on the given device/browser.
  • Browser enhancements: Easily access meetings with a feature rich HTML client enabling almost everything from any modern browser, including the ability to screen share.
  • Instant MP4 recordings: Access recordings in MP4 format - download, view, and share on any device, instantly.
  • Sticky login: Registered users can choose ‘Remember me’ in the native application to save time joining in future.
  • Improved exit workflow for hosts with an option to exit without disturbing the ongoing session or end the session for everyone. 

Interactive recordings features are not yet available when the Enhanced Audio/Video Experience is enabled in a room. For more information see Capabilities and Limitations.

For more information on the new features and enhancements in Adobe Connect 12.0, see What's New in Adobe Connect.

System requirements

For the latest system requirements, see the Adobe Connect Technical Specifications page.

Adobe Connect application

This update does not require a new version of the Adobe Connect application. However, it is recommended to upgrade to the latest version (2022.5.109 released on May 12th, 2022) for accessing some of the improved experience features. 

You will be prompted to install or update the new Adobe Connect application in the following situations:

  • You attempt to login to a meeting using a previous version of the Adobe Connect meeting application.
  • You select “Switch to desktop application” from the meeting context menu.

If you are an IT administrator you can ensure that all users have the latest Adobe Connect application with our installer. Download the latest stand-alone or MSI installers for the Adobe Connect application from this page, or install directly from the following URLs:

Issues resolved

Issue Tracking Number

Issue Description

4088212 Fixed an issue where recordings were not recovered when the meeting failed
4113588 Fixed an issue where 'By Question' report was not available in 1000 seat seminar license
4116132 Fixed an issue where for certain PPTX files with images were showing 'No image' message in place of the actual content in the slide
4125165 Fixed an issue where 'Raised Hand' notification in Standard View was not working as expected
4125436 Fixed an issue where the seminar session notification in Standard View did not show the next scheduled session
4126635 Fixed an issue where multiple files could not be cleared from the share history in Share pod
4127037 Fixed an accessibility issue where Question and Answer form fields lacked explicit labels in Poll pod for host
4127373 Fixed an issue where 'Raised Hand' icon was not showing in Breakout view
4128345 Fixed an issue where sometimes, when in a room the chat is filling up, the scroll bar stopped working
4128973 Fixed an issue where for certain accounts the meeting rooms were not loading via browser
4129468 Fixed an issue where title of Poll pod reverted after changing if the poll was re-opened
4130262 Fixed an issue where using PGi DTMF codes for muting users, disconnected their mics and the users were unable to use those again until the meeting room was re-launched.
4130565 Fixed an issue where ready made shapes in the original pptx did not appear in when slides were  added in the meeting room
4131308 Fixed an issue where one of the attendees was missing from the event attendance report while the associated seminar report for the attendee was correct
4131361 Fixed an issue where Cambria Math and Calibri fonts used in a PPTX did not convert 
4131362 Fixed an issue where the axis of graph used in a PPTX did not convert
4131380 Fixed an issue where the display order of uploaded content was Incorrect after sorting
4131552 Fixed an issue where Curriculum completion requirements link was malformed
4131597 Fixed an issue where for an account the report for an event could not be downloaded
4131656 Fixed an accessibility issue where actions icons (information, edit, and launch) were inaccessible to JAWS Users
4131659 Fixed an accessibility issue where group list in 'Edit Participants' could not be opened using only keyboard
4131664 Fixed an accessibility issue where upon zooming upto 300% the text was pixilated icons/images became blurry 
4131665 Fixed an accessibility issue where excessive tabbing was needed to navigate meeting home page menus
4131667 Fixed an issue where calendar events were not associated with the Month, Day, and Year
4131669 Fixed an accessibility issue where Adobe Connect login username and password labels were mismatached with form
4131670 Fixed an accessibility issue where in new meeting room creation screen the required form field was not identified
4131671 Fixed an accessibility issue where JAWS could not read the message generated for 'move and delete'
4131855 Fixed an issue where certain PPT slides were not converted
4131988 Fixed an issue where  users were not able to download files from file-share pod in the recording.
4132008 Fixed an issue where users were unable to download recording as a zip file
4132435 Fixed an issue where recording menu disappeared upon guest access request
4132567 Fixed an issue where slides content was not visible/missing from recordings for IPAD users OS 15.1 onwards
4132955 Fixed an issue where users were unable to copy template to a new meeting room
4133030 Fixed an issue where clicking on any seminar session link in Connect Central resulted in 'Request Not Processed' error
4133693 Fixed an issue where certain slides content was not visible in live session.
4133772 Fixed an issue where Curriculum information page was timing out
4133849 Fixed an issue where choppy audio (VoIP) was wexperienced over the  browser
4134252 Fixed an issue where share pod was getting stuck upon seeking the recording playback in Standard view
4134298 Fixed an issue where Seminar tab was not accessible. 
4134450 Fixed an issue where Closed Captioning did not continue in the next meeting session
4134455 Fixed an issue where users were unable to access Reports tab
4134565 Fixed an Accessibility issue where 'Exit Meeting' button had double labels for screen reader
4134566 Fixed an acessibility issue where 'Exit Room' menu had incorrect labels
4134567 Fixed an accessibility issue where 'Exit Room' dialog was not being read correctly
4134585 Fixed an issue where Seminar tab was not accessible.

Fixed an issue where for a particular user the camera feed was getting distorted at the edge when resolution was 480p

Fixed an issue where while using OBS virtual camera the user was getting a harware error

Known Issues

Impacted devices

Issue Description

Firefox, Safari browsers on macOS devices
The shared camera could appear zoomed-in if the camera resoltion does match/map to the room resolution
Safari browser The paused screen share from a user on Safari browser will appear black for other attendees
Firefox and Safari browsers Camera shared by attendees joining from Firefox or Safari browsers will freeze/pause when the browser is out of focus
Safari browser An attendee's audio is suppressed when using built-in mic and joined via Safari browser.
All Webcam connection error could be shown if the camera is being used by any other application.
Safari browser Attendees joining from Safari browser and using built-in microphone could hear their echo sometimes.

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