Configure a video telephony device to work with Adobe Connect

Learn how to enable a video telephony device on an Adobe Media Gateway (AMG) so that it integrates with Adobe Connect.

You can enable a video telephony device on an Adobe Media Gateway (AMG) installation, so that it is integrated with Adobe Connect. This configuration is possible only in the on-premise version and not in the hosted version of Adobe Connect.

Adobe Connect officially supports the Tandberg 990MXP and Edge 95 video conferencing devices; other Tandberg H.264 devices work similarly. For more information, see the Tandberg website.

To enable a Video Telephony device on an AMG installation, do the following.

  1. Enable the Video Telephony Pod under Adobe Connect Central > Administration > Compliance and Control.

  2. Ensure that your Video Telephony Device has been added to Administration > Video Telephony Devices.

  3. Configure sip.xml, workflow.xml, and videoqualitylevels.xml files.

  4. Ensure that the port requirements are met by your network. Also, ensure Adobe Media Gateway ports and protocols requirements are met.

Configure AMG for Video Telephony Conferencing (VTC)

The steps required to configure a Video Telephony Device for Adobe Connect is the same as configuring an Audio Provider. However, with these devices you also add a H.264 Codec for the video.

  1. Install the supported Adobe Media Gateway (AMG).

  2. Add a profile node for your Video Conference Device in the sip.xml file of AMG, under the /conf/ folder. AMG uses this profile to make the SIP INVITE request for the VTC device. An example of such a node is listed below, in the <Profile> tags. If your VTC device does not require a user name or password, leave these entries as blank. If one is required, set the value for "<doRegister>" as 1 instead of its default setting of 0.

    The video codec is set to H.264 in sip.xml as this codec is the supported video codec in AMG. The quality parameters to use with this H.264 codec are specified in a separate file, videoqualitylevels.xml. The value for deviceID is user-defined. Add the same value to the Video Telephony Devices tab in the Adobe Connect Administration tab.

    Below is a sample of a sip.xml file that is configured for two Tandberg devices.

    <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID>
    <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID>
    <Profiles> <Profile> <profileID>TANDBERG990</profileID> <userName>555</userName> <password>555</password> <displayName>777</displayName> <defaulthost></defaulthost> <context>sipPhoneContext</context> <supportedCodecs> <codecID>G711u</codecID> <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID> </supportedCodecs> <doRegister>0</doRegister> </Profile> <Profile> <profileID>TANDBERGMXP</profileID> <username>555</username> <password>555</password> <displayName>777</displayName> <defaulthost></defaulthost> <context>sipPhoneContext</context> <supportedCodecs> <codecID>G711u</codecID> <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID> </supportedCodecs> <doRegister>0</doRegister> </Profile> </Profiles>
    <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID>
    <codecID deviceId="Tandberg990MXP" qualityLevelId="high">H264</codecID>
  3. Add a condition in the RTMP context within workflow.xml. When you enter ConferenceRoom1 in the Video Telephony Pod Open Stream dialog with Adobe Connect, AMG connects to the TANDBERGMXP device, as defined in sip.xml.

    <Context name="rtmp">
    <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom1$">
    <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERGMXP"/>
    <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/>
    <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom2$">
    <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERG990"/>
    <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/>
    <Context name="rtmp"> <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom1$"> <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERGMXP"/> <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/> </Condition> <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom2$"> <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERG990"/> <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/> </Condition> </Context>
    <Context name="rtmp">
        <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom1$">
            <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERGMXP"/>
            <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/>
        <Condition variable="destNum" value="^ConferenceRoom2$">
            <AppNode sequence="1" app="bridge" args="sip|connect@TANDBERG990"/>
            <AppNode sequence="2" app="hangup" args="null"/>
  4. The file videoqualitylevels.xml, allows you to specify specific parameters within the H.264 codec, which AMG uses to make calls to Video Teleconference Devices. These parameters are used to set the FMTP values in the SIP INVITE request. They allow you to set bandwidth, max frame size, profile level for the codec, and other quality settings for the call.

    The following is an example of the settings.

    <device deviceid="Tandberg990MXP">
    <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="high" fmtp="profile-level-id=42801f;max-mbps=900000;max-br=1700"/>
    <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="medium" fmtp="profile-level-id=428016;max-mbps=900000;max-cpb=40000;max-dpb=40000;max-br=600"/>
    <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="low" fmtp="profile-level-id=428015;max-br=250"/>
    <device deviceid="Tandberg990MXP"> <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="high" fmtp="profile-level-id=42801f;max-mbps=900000;max-br=1700"/> <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="medium" fmtp="profile-level-id=428016;max-mbps=900000;max-cpb=40000;max-dpb=40000;max-br=600"/> <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="low" fmtp="profile-level-id=428015;max-br=250"/> </device>
    <device deviceid="Tandberg990MXP">
            <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="high" fmtp="profile-level-id=42801f;max-mbps=900000;max-br=1700"/>
            <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="medium" fmtp="profile-level-id=428016;max-mbps=900000;max-cpb=40000;max-dpb=40000;max-br=600"/>
            <qualityLevel qualityLevelId="low" fmtp="profile-level-id=428015;max-br=250"/>

If you use a VTC device named Tandberg990MXP with a qualityLevelID of medium (as set in sip.xml), then call is made with the following parameters.


Add a Video Telephony Device alias in Adobe Connect

Restart the AMG Service, and ensure that the service is running by checking its entry in the Adobe Connect Console. Once this step is complete, add an alias for your VTC device by completing the following steps:

  1. Restart the AMG Service and ensure that the service is running by checking its entry in the Adobe Connect Console. Access Adobe Connect Console at http://[server_name]:8510.

  2. Log in to Adobe Connect as an Administrator. Go to Administration link and then 'Video Telephony Devices' tab.

  3. Add the Device alias in device name field and the pattern defined in workflow.xml as the value for SIP Address field. Ensure that the value in device name matches the deviceid you specified in videoqualitylevels.xml and sip.xml.


If you have not enabled the Video Telephony Pod under Compliance and Control, it takes several minutes it to become active on existing meetings. New meetings show the Video Telephony features immediately. Shut down existing meetings for at least 8 minutes for these changes to take effect.

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