Uninstall Adobe Connect 9.2 Add-In


This article applies to Adobe Connect versions that supports Adobe Connect add-in. Starting Nov 2017, Adobe introduced the new Adobe Connect application for desktop that replaces the old Adobe Connect add-in for Adobe Connect version 9.x and later. If you are on Adobe Connect version 8 or earlier, you can continue to use Adobe Connect add-in.


When installing the latest version of the Adobe Connect Add-In, it is sometimes necessary to uninstall the previously installed version first. The following steps are provided where uninstalling the existing Adobe Connect Add-In is desired.


  1. Open the Windows Control Panel.

  2. Select Programs and Features.

  3. Select Adobe Connect Add-In, and click the Uninstall button.

Mac OS

Navigate to and delete (move to trash) the following entire directory:

Users/{user name}/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/www.macromedia.com/bin/adobeconnectaddin

You can also get to this directory by opening up Finder, then clicking Cmd+shift+G, typing ~/Library/Preferences/Macromedia/Flash Player/www.macromedia.com/bin/, and then clicking Go. You then see the adobeconnectaddin directory.  Move that to the entire folder to the trash.

Note: Sometimes the Library is hidden.  If you cannot find your Library folder, follow this article to make sure that your user Library folder is visible.

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