Migrating teams from VIP to Adobe.com direct license

Applies to Creative Cloud for teams.

Learn about how to migrate users when switching from Value Incentive Plan (VIP) to Adobe.com direct license agreement.

This document is aimed at organizations with existing Creative Cloud for teams licenses through a Value Incentive Plan (VIP) subscription that are migrating to Adobe.com direct license agreement. Under this agreement, you can purchase a teams product directly from Adobe.com.


If the license type of your organization changes, to continue working your end users must sign out of any Adobe product or service and then sign back in with the same credentials.

For desktop products such as Photoshop, Acrobat, and Illustrator, use the Sign-out and Sign in options in the Help menu. On Adobe.com, use the icon in the upper-right corner to sign out and then sign back.

To ensure a hassle-free migration for the end user, you must assign licenses in the Adobe Admin Console before the existing VIP subscription term ends.

Why move from VIP subscription to Adobe.com direct license agreement

Migration enables existing teams VIP customers to migrate to Adobe.com direct license agreement during renewal window on their existing VIP contract. Adobe.com direct license is apt for organizations that prefer to pay for their subscription monthly using a corporate credit card.

Migrating users when switching from VIP to Adobe.com direct license agreement

If you currently have a VIP subscription and are migrating to Adobe.com direct license agreement, use the following instructions to migrate your users seamlessly:

  1. Log into the Admin Console and navigate to the organization to which your VIP users belong.

  2. Navigate to Users > Users.

  3. Click  in the upper-right corner of the Users page, and choose Export users list to CSV.


    The file download procedure depends on the browser that you are using and the browser-specific settings. You receive a visual cue when the download is complete.

  4. The CSV file that you download contains the list of products in your organization:

    • Nickname: Of the Product Profile
    • Product: Of the product to which a profile belongs
    • License Quota: Number of users assigned to a profile. See Manage quotas for a profile.
    • Assigned: Users assigned to a profile
    • Admins: Administrators for a profile
  5. At the time of renewal, contact your reseller or distributor to cancel your current subscription.

  6. Purchase a new Creative Cloud for Teams subscription.


    Ensure that you purchase the Adobe.com direct license agreement during the renewal window.

    Depending on the country where you live, you can purchase a subscription through a reseller or directly from Adobe.com or Adobe Telesales.

  7. Navigate to the organization to which you want to migrate your VIP users.

  8. Navigate to the Users tab, and click Add Users by CSV.

  9. In the window that opens, click Download CSV template.

    To the downloaded CSV file, add the VIP users from the CSV file that you downloaded in Step 3, above.


  10. Upload the updated CSV file.

    You will receive an email confirmation when your users are added to the migrated organization.

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