Download/Install: An error message appears when installing or launching Adobe Captivate, Adobe RoboHelp, or Adobe FrameMaker.
Common issues
Find workarounds/solutions for common issues and limitations across Adobe FrameMaker, Adobe RoboHelp, or Adobe Captivate.
Licensing/Activation: Activation issues after migration of business profiles.
Allowed URLs: The list of endpoints to allow for activation and/or deployment of Adobe Captivate, FrameMaker, and RoboHelp.
Crash: FrameMaker crashes on launch or getting internal error.
User interface: Welcome screen not showing up correctly.
Print and publish: Facing any PDF Distiller issue.
Structured authoring/Content management: Want to know how to add alt text to an image or table. Issues with SharePoint.
Download/install: A blank screen appears when installing or launching Adobe RoboHelp.
Import/link: Importing a Word TOC in RoboHelp or linking to a bookmark in a PDF.
Review: Delete a review in Adobe RoboHelp.
Publishing: Configure settings in various knowledge bases or publishing fails while generating a PDF output.
Launch/crash: What to do when Adobe RoboHelp crashes on launch or behaves unexpectedly.
Projects: Best practices to upgrade a project in Adobe RoboHelp.
Launch/crash: Captivate behaves unexpectedly on macOS Big Sur, theme copying error, or Captivate crashes when launched.
Open/upgrade projects: Recover a corrupt Captivate project or Captivate cannot open a cptx file.
eLearning assets: Find steps to resolve issues with the asset panel in Adobe Captivate.
LMS/quiz: Report quiz results to an internal server or upload a project to an LMS.
Simulation/video demo: Resolve issues related to incorrect DPI setting or when recording a video demo.
Publish: See the best practices of converting Flash-based projects to HTML5 or publishing issues in EXE.