Export settings for Images and GIFs


Use this article to learn about the various settings for web outputs.

Set output options

Output settings control how HTML files are formatted, how files are named, and how background images are handled when you save an optimized image. You set these options in the Output Settings dialog box.

You can save your output settings and apply them to other files.

  1. To display the Output Settings dialog box, do one of the following:

    • When you save an optimized image, choose Other from the Settings pop‑up menu in the Save Optimized or Save Optimized As dialog box.

    • Choose Edit Output Settings from the Optimize pop‑up menu (to the right of the Preset menu).

  2. (Optional) To display predefined output options, choose an option from the Settings pop‑up menu.

  3. Edit each set of options as needed. To switch to a different set of options, choose an options set from the pop‑up menu below the Settings menu. Alternatively, click Next to display the next set in the menu list; click Prev to display the previous set.

  4. (Optional) To save output settings, set the options as desired, and click Save. Type a file name, choose a location for the saved file, and click Save.

    You can save the output settings anywhere. However, if you place the file in theOptimized Output Settings folder inside the Animate folder the file will appear in the Settings pop-up menu.

  5. (Optional) To load output settings, click Load, select a file, and click Open.

Saving File output settings

You set the following options in the Saving Files set of the Output Settings dialog box:

File Naming

Choose elements from the pop‑up menus or enter text into the boxes to be combined into the default names for all files. Elements include document name, slice name, rollover state, trigger slice, file creation date, and file extension. 

The text boxes let you change the order and formatting of the filename parts (for example, letting you indicate rollover state by an abbreviation instead of the full word).

Filename Compatibility

Select one or multiple options to make the filename compatible with Windows (permits longer filenames) and Mac OS.

Put Images In Folder

Specifies a folder name where optimized images are saved (available only with documents containing multiple slices).

Copy Background Image When Saving

Preserves a background image that has been specified in the Background preferences set.

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