Quick share and publish your animations


Learn how to share your animation on social media and publish animations quickly.

Share animations on Social Media

You can share your animations on Social media such as Twitter and YouTube in a few clicks.

Click Share option located at the upper right corner to choose any of the below options:

  • Social Share 
  • Publish
Quick Share & Publish Panel
Quick Share & Publish Panel

Sharing your animation in Twitter

To share your animations on Twitter, click Share and select Social Share. 

Social Share Panel
Social Share Panel

Twitter Share Panel
Twitter Share Panel

Using Twitter share panel in Animate is simple. You add description and Twitter tags in the Description text box and click Share. If you have not signed in to Twitter (from Animate), Twitter login page displays. Log in with your Twitter credentials. 
Animate converts your animation to video using Adobe Media Encoder (AME). If AME is not launched, Animate launches it automatically. If the process brings AME to foreground, switch to Animate.

Once AME completes encoding the video, Animate creates a Twitter post with video and description you have entered.

Sharing your animation in YouTube

To share your animation video on YouTube, click the Share on the upper-right corner and select Social Share > YouTube.

YouTube Share Panel
YouTube Share Panel

Edit Title of the video (default is document name), enter description and click Share. If you are not logged in to YouTube (from Animate), YouTube login page displays. Log in with your Google credentials. Animate delegates task of encoding the video to Adobe Media Encoder.

If AME is not launched, Animate launches it automatically. If the process brings AME to foreground, switch to Animate.

Once AME completes encoding the video, Animate automatically uploads the video to YouTube.

Publish your animations as video, Animated GIF

Animate provides you many options to export or publish your animation to different formats. However if you want to quickly publish your animation to Video/GIF/HTML5 Canvas, use Quick Publish option. Click the same Share option at upper-right corner, and select Publish.

Quick Publish Panel
Quick Publish Panel

Select a publish format and click Publish. HTML Canvas option is available only if your document is HTML5 Canvas type. In the Publish option, Animate selects default or last used publish/export options. To change the options, use the publish or export options.

For example, to change export settings of video format, click  File > Export > Export Media/Video. Modify the settings and export, accordingly. Next time you use Quick Publish option for Video, Animate uses the modified settings. Similarly, to change options for HTML Canvas publishing, click File > Publish Settings

What's next?

We've got you covered on how to share and publish animations quickly. To learn more about how to work on the publish settings of Animate, see Publish settings.

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