Customizing and saving application settings

Customize preferences

The Preferences dialog box lets you customize Adobe Audition’s display, editing behavior, use of hard disk space, and other settings.

  1. Choose Edit > Preferences (Windows) or Audition > Preferences (Mac OS). Then choose the area you want to customize.

    For information about a particular option, hover the mouse over it until a tooltip appears.


In the Media & Disk Cache preferences, choose your fastest drive for the Primary Temp folder, and a separate drive for the Secondary Temp folder. Select Save Peak Files to store information about how to display WAV files. (Without peak files, larger WAV files reopen more slowly.)

Restore preferences to default settings

Unexpected behavior may indicate damaged preferences files. To re-create preferences files, do the following.

  1. Hold down the Shift key, and start Adobe Audition.

Export and import customized application settings

Application settings files store all current preferences, effect settings, and workspaces. Export and import these files to store groups of customized settings for specific workflows, or transfer favorite settings to another machine.

  1. Choose File > Export > Application Settings. Then specify a filename and location.

  2. To reapply the settings at a later time, choose File > Import > Application Settings.


To import preferences from Audition 2.0 or 3.0, search your system for the audition_settings.xml file. You can import that file into both the Mac and Windows versions of Audition CS.

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