Frequency Band Splitter

The Frequency Band Splitter lets you take a selected audio clip (or a highlighted section thereof) and make up to eight copies of it, with each copy assuming a different frequency range of the original. The specified crossover frequencies determine the split points. Each copy of the waveform is placed in its own track in the session window. You can then edit or apply effects to each band separately.

For example, using the default setting of three bands with crossover values of 800 and 3200 creates three copies of the selected waveform: one with the frequencies of the selected wave from 0 Hz to 800 Hz, one from 800 Hz to 3200 Hz, and one from 3200 Hz to 22050 Hz (or whatever the maximum frequency present is, based on the sample rate).

  1. Open an audio clip. To process a selection, using a selection tool, select a range you want to process.

  2. Choose Edit > Frequency Band Splitter.

    Frequency Band Splitter

  3. Set the desired options and click OK.

Frequency Splitter options


Sets the number of split points. The original waveform is copied the number of times you specify, with each copy having a different frequency range, as determined by the number of crossovers.


Specifies the maximum frequency for each band. The Minimum and Bandwidth display calculated values based on the maximum frequency values for the current and adjacent bands.


Specifies the scale displayed to indicate the bands graphically. You can choose either Linear or Logarithmic.

Max FIR Filter Size

Sets the maximum size of the FIR (Finite Impulse Response) filter, which maintains phase errors over the response curve. FIR filters are unlike IIR filters, which can have phase error (often audible as a ringing quality). Higher values create higher accuracy in the frequency filtering. The default value, 320, works most of the time, but you should increase it if distortion or ringing occurs in the filtered waves.

From an expert:

Jason Levine walks you through the basic process to leverage this unique filter for reversioning and remixing mono and stereo material.

Jason Levine

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