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Adobe Acrobat Sign Guide

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Viewing PDF Passord header

Viewing PDF Passord text: What it does and why it's good



This feature is available to the Acrobat Sign Solutions tier of service.


This feature can only be configured by an Acrobat Sign administrator.
The configurable options for this feature can be found here >

A view of the Request Signature page highlighting the password control.

When enabled, senders can set a password on the compose page, requiring it for every PDF view. This added security helps protect sensitive content.

Senders must define the PDF viewing password in Agreement Settings before sending the agreement. It cannot be added or changed later.

This feature must be allowed (or required) by the sender’s group. If the option isn’t available, it hasn’t been enabled for your group.


This feature is available to the Acrobat Sign Solutions tier of service.


Only an Acrobat Sign administrator can configure this feature.

The configurable options for this feature can be found here >


The expiration date can be manually set for up to 180 days in the future.

Agreements that don't have an expiration date set automatically expire after 365 days.

A view of the Request Signature page highlighting the password control.

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