Press the Ctrl (Windows) and Command (macOS) keys and select each clip you want to select. Alternatively, you can click and drag to create a selection box around multiple clips.
- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Effects reference
- Applying and removing effects
- Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
- Time remapping - Guided edit
- Effects basics
- Working with effect presets
- Finding and organizing effects
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Best practices to create a time-lapse video
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Adobe Premiere Elements User Guide
- Introduction to Adobe Premiere Elements
- Workspace and workflow
- Working with projects
- Importing and adding media
Editing clips
- Reduce noise
- Select object
- Candid Moments
- Color Match
- Smart Trim
- Change clip speed and duration
- Split clips
- Freeze and hold frames
- Adjusting Brightness, Contrast, and Color - Guided Edit
- Stabilize video footage with Shake Stabilizer
- Replace footage
- Working with source clips
- Trimming Unwanted Frames - Guided Edit
- Trim clips
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Artistic effects
- Color Correction and Grading
- Applying transitions
Special effects basics
- Effects reference
- Applying and removing effects
- Create a black and white video with a color pop - Guided Edit
- Time remapping - Guided edit
- Effects basics
- Working with effect presets
- Finding and organizing effects
- Editing frames with Auto Smart Tone
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Best practices to create a time-lapse video
Applying special effects
- Use pan and zoom to create video-like effect
- Transparency and superimposing
- Reposition, scale, or rotate clips with the Motion effect
- Apply an Effects Mask to your video
- Adjust temperature and tint
- Create a Glass Pane effect - Guided Edit
- Create a picture-in-picture overlay
- Applying effects using Adjustment layers
- Adding Title to your movie
- Removing haze
- Creating a Picture in Picture - Guided Edit
- Create a Vignetting effect
- Add a Split Tone Effect
- Add FilmLooks effects
- Add an HSL Tuner effect
- Fill Frame - Guided edit
- Create a time-lapse - Guided edit
- Animated Sky - Guided edit
- Select object
- Animated Mattes - Guided Edit
- Double exposure- Guided Edit
- Special audio effects
Movie titles
- Creating titles
- Adding shapes and images to titles
- Adding color and shadows to titles
- Apply Gradients
- Create Titles and MOGRTs
- Add responsive design
- Editing and formatting text
- Align and transform objects
- Motion Titles
- Appearance of text and shapes
- Exporting and importing titles
- Arranging objects in titles
- Designing titles for TV
- Applying styles to text and graphics
- Adding a video in the title
- Disc menus
- Sharing and exporting your movies
Learn to select and edit multiple clips simultaneously along with grouping, linking and disabling clips in Premiere Elements.
Premiere Elements allows you to select multiple video clips simultaneously and apply edits. It also allows you to group, link, and disable clips. You can gather clips for collective actions like moving, disabling, copying, or deleting. When you group a linked clip with others, both its audio and video components are encompassed within the group, whether you're using the Quick or Expert view timelines.
Select and Edit multiple clips simultaneously
You can select multiple video clips simultaneously and apply edits to them in a few simple steps:
You can apply edits such as cuts, transitions, effects, or adjustments with your clips selected. For example:
- Cuts: Use the razor tool (shortcut: C) to make cuts in multiple clips simultaneously.
- Transitions: To apply a transition from the "Transitions" panel, drag and drop it between two selected clips, one clip, or even no selected clip.
- Effects: Apply effects from the "Effects" panel to selected clips. You can adjust the effect settings in the "Applied Effects" panel.
- Adjustments: You can adjust the properties of the clips by using the "Adjustments" panel, such as brightness, contrast, and saturation.
Бележка:Premiere Elements 2024 does not allow multiple video clip selections.
Group and ungroup clips
In the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, you can group clips so that you can move, disable, copy, or delete them together. When you group a linked clip with other clips, both the audio and video portions of the linked clip are included in the group.
- To group clips, select multiple clips, and choose Clip > Group.
- To ungroup clips, click any clip in the group to select the group, and choose Clip > Ungroup.
- To select one or more clips in a group of clips, Alt‑click a single clip in a group. Shift+Alt‑click to select additional clips in a group.
Link video and audio clips
Most video includes a soundtrack. In the Project Assets panel, clips that contain both video and audio appear as a single item. When you add the clip to a movie in the Expert view timeline, the video and audio appear on separate tracks with the video directly above the audio.
The video and audio remain linked. When you drag the video portion in the Expert view timeline, the linked audio moves with it, and vice versa. For this reason, audio/video pairs are called linked clips. In the Expert view timeline, the names of linked clips are underlined and identified with a [V] for video or [A] for audio.
All editing tasks (such as moving, trimming, or changing the clip speed) act on both parts of a linked clip. You can temporarily override the link by pressing the Alt key when you initiate editing tasks. You can also place the video or audio portion separately.
Link and unlink video and audio clips
You can link a video clip and an audio clip so that they act as a unit. When you select, trim, split, delete, move, or change the speed of one, you affect the other clip as well. You can temporarily override the link as needed. In the Expert view timeline, the names of linked clips are underlined and identified with a [V] for video or [A] for audio.
- To link video and audio clips, Shift-click a video and audio clip to select them both, and then choose Clip > Link Audio And Video.
- To unlink video and audio clips, select a linked clip and choose Clip > Unlink Audio And Video. (Though the audio and video are unlinked, they are both still selected. Reselect either clip to use it separately.)
- To select linked clips individually, Alt‑click the desired clip. After selecting it, you can move or trim the clip independently of its linked clip.
To quickly delete an audio or video clip without unlinking it, right‑click/ctrl-click the clip and choose either Delete Audio or Delete Video from the menu.
Delete only the audio or video portion of a linked clip
In the Expert view timeline, do one of the following:
Right‑click/Ctrl-click the linked clip and choose Delete Audio or Delete Video.
Alt‑click the audio or video portion to select it alone, and press the Delete or Backspace key.
Select a linked click and choose Clip > Unlink Audio And Video. Reselect either clip and choose Edit > Clear or Edit > Delete And Close Gap.
The clips shift over to fill the gap left by the deleted clip.
Synchronize linked clips
Adobe Premiere Elements automatically places video and its audio on separate tracks in the Expert view timeline. However, it links the clips so that they remain in sync as you trim or move them.
If you Alt‑drag one of the clips out of sync, Adobe Premiere Elements displays the number of offset frames next to the clip name in the Expert view timeline.
Even if you unlink the clips, Adobe Premiere Elements keeps track of the offset, and displays it again if you relink them. You can have Adobe Premiere Elements automatically resynchronize the clips. Depending on the clips, you can choose between two methods of synchronizing.
In the Expert view timeline, right‑click/ctrl-click the offset number of the clip you want to move.
The clip you right‑click/ctrl-click moves or adjusts to align with the other clip, which remains in place.
Enable and disable clips
Occasionally, you might want to disable a clip while you try a different editing idea or to shorten the processing time. Disabling a clip hides it when you view the movie in the Monitor panel or when you export the movie. You can still move or change a disabled clip.
Select one or more clips in the Quick view timeline or the Expert view timeline, and choose Clip > Enable.
The check mark next to the command disappears when you disable a clip, and the clip appears dimmed in the Quick view timeline and the Expert view timeline.